1. The freeing of political prisoner when the 1987 Constitution took effect is an exercise of the right against:
Answer: Detention by reason of Political beliefs

2. Respect for parents is shown in various ways by different groups of people in different places.
Ans: Cultural Relativism

3. The earliest mode of economic life in human history according to Karl Marx.
Answer: Primitive Communism

4. The Philippines was ruled by Spain through ______ until 1814.
Anwers: Viceroy of Mexico

5. This is a guarantee given by the Constitution to certain units of government where their approved annual appropriations shall be automatically an regularly released.
Answer: Fiscal Autonomy

6. The basic principle of taxation where the sources of funds revenues should be sufficient to meet the needs of public expenditures.
Answer: Basic adequacy

7. Legislation granting special privileges to senior citizen help to neutralize prejudice and discrimination toward a social category based on.
Answer: Age

8. Giving “abuloy” to bereaved family, an act of hospitality and the “bayanihan spirit” prove which Filipino traits.
Answer: Pakikipag kapwa tao

9. The process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group
Answer: Assimilation

10. The adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture:”the socialization of children to the norms of their culture”.
Answer: Acculturation

11. This can be identified with public purpose, public interest and public convenience
Answer: Public use

12. The legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of _____ except to the extent reserved to the people the provision on initiative and referendum.
Answer: Senate & House Representative

13. The state recognizes the Filipino ______ as the foundation of the nation accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total development.
Answer: Family

14. The people in this country shows courtesy by living their footwear on the stairs.
Answer: Japanese

15. Violators of RA 9165 are positive with the use and trafficking of ____ and sentenced to lethal injection before the lifting of death penalty for the heinous crimes.
Answer: Shabu

16. What values is being promoted by the Philippine Government when it launched the “Juan Time project in 2011”.
Answer: Punctuality

17. Bahala na is a daring attitude out of concern for others. What is/was strong demonstration of this trait in our history?
Answer: The Filipino submission to Spain colonial rule for four centuries

18. In the Philippines, it seems that the best candidates to a position or a job do not always get hired. Which practice prevents the “best and the brightest” from being hired for position?
Answer: Nepotism

19. Which contributes to the worsening solid waste system?
Answer: Clogged drainage

20. President Magsaysay once said: “We must give more in law to those who have less in life.” Those referred to as those who have less in life are:
Ans: The economically poor, The weak such as the aged, The defenseless such as children
21. Which type of Biome are the cities of Moscow and Toronto situated?
Answer: Tundra

22. Cunieform writing is for Sumerians as _____ is for the Egyptians.
Answer: Hieroglyphics

23. For which reason was the Southeast Treaty Organization (SEATO) as a regional organization conceived?
Answer: To fight communist aggression in the region

24. Which issue caused for estrangement of the relations between the Philippines and Malaysia in the past?
Answer: The Philippine claim of Sabah

25. What does the statement “today the peso is worth twenty-five centavos” described?
Answer: Inflation

26. From which do archeologists reconstruct pre-history?
Answer: Excavated tools

27. Which of the following was known to man before the Neolithic period?
Answer: Using of fire

28. Which is proof that the Philippines was inhabited as early as 21,000 years ago?
Answer: Skull cap discovered in Tabon Cave, Palawan

29. When I conclude that my students are cheaters because I caught one of them cheating, I commit the fallacy of:
Answer: Hasty generalization

30. Which fallacy is committed by the following argument: “Love is blind; God is love; ergo, God is blind.”
Answer: Equivocation

31. Who was the ever present in the history of Cambodia from the time Cambodia broke away from French rule in 1953 up to the establishment of Democratic Kampuchea?
Answer: Pol pot

32. As a form of Government, the barangay during the Spanish period was a/an:
Answer: Aristocracy

33. Which once/s is/are in line with the 1987 Constitution philosophy of “less government” and more private enterprise?

Answer: Strengthening of Cooperatives, Limiting the powers of the president to incur foreign loans

34. Which new development philosophy can be discerned from the 1987 Constitutions?
Answer: is seen merely in terms of economic growth

35. The following are our constitutional rights EXCEPT to:
Answer: be presumed guilty until proven otherwise

36. What is meant by the workers right to security of tenure?
Answer: To continue in their jobs, not to be contractual after six months, may not be dismissed unless there is just valid cause provided by law

37. In which place in the Philippines is the DOLE pineapple plantation found?
Answer: Bukidnon

38. Agno river delta, Cagayan River delta, Pampanga river delta are good sources of:
Answer: Nipa Palm Products

39. A UNESCO World heritage Site in Ilocos Norte.
Answer: Paoay Church

40. The author of “Flora de Filipinas” circa 1837, the botanical Illustrations of plant specimen that grew into the Philippines herbarium.
Answer: Fr. Manuel Blanco

41. The municipal mayor is for today while _____ as during the Spanish period.
Answer: Gobernadorcillo

42. After the Second World War, which emerged as new powers?
Answer: United States of America and Soviet Union

43. What is the power of the state to take property for public use with “just compensation?”
Answer: Eminent Domain

44. _____ Anthropology, focuses on the study of human population using an evolutionary framework.
Answer: Biological & Physical Anthropology

45. He coined the term “survival of the fittest”
Ans: Herbert Spencer

46. The Philippines National Bank has used an icon for its advertisement. It is ____.
Answer: Eagle

47. No country will experience economic progress unless it is part of a world organization. What international organization this saying is true?
Answer: GATT

48. It refers to the rightness and wrongness of our decisions
Answer: Morality

49. Section 3. Article XIV states that “ALL education institutions shall include the study of ____ as part of the curriculum.”
Answer: History

50. Who has the power to declare the existence of the state of war?
Answer: Congress

51. How long can an elected President of the Philippines serve under the 1987 Constitution?
Answer: One term for 6 years

52. It is a branch of Economics which analyzes issues and process on the development international trade, globalization and national income.
Answer: Macroeconomics

53. Which of the following may be considered as measures of the Philippine Economic Performance?
Answer: Gross Domestic Product, Philippine Stock Market & Foreign Exchange Rates

54. It is an economic system characterized by free enterprise and private ownership of the means of production.
Answer: Market Economy

55. In 1997, some countries in Asia were hit by the so called Asian Financial Crisis. The Philippine Peso fell from US$1:P25 to US$1:P47 by the end of 1998. As of March 2005, it was US$1:54. This is a manifestation of an economic concept called
Answer: Exchange Rate

56. Based from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Report 2004, how many people around the world are living on an income of US$1/day or less than US$1/day?
Answer: approximately 1.3 Billion

57. The following are concerns of microeconomics EXCEPT
Answer: Gross National Product

58. Supply: Microeconomics while _______:Macroeconomics
Answer: Gross National Product

59. It refers to the removal of power from the government over the control and/or authority of an industry
Answer: Deregulation

60. Which of the following is still fully regulated by the Philippine Government?
Answer: System of Taxation

61. Among the 8 Millennium Development Goals, which one addresses the issues of water and air pollution?
Answer: Goal 7 – ensure environmental sustainability

62. Which of the following Millennium Development Goals of the Philippines has emerged as a top priority of our government from the late 1980s according to its progress report in 2003.
Answer: Poverty Eradication

63. Sustainable development has a number of dimensions in the Philippines contest, which dimension plays a very important role affecting other areas of Philippine Development?
Answer: Cultural and Spiritual Dimension

64. Goal 8 of the Millennium Development Goals aims to develop a global partnership of development, which of the following is relevant to this goal?
Answer: Developing further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminating trading and financial
system. A commitment to good governance, nationally and internationally. Dealing comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures.

65. Among the health problems in the Philippines, which remains to have the highest incidence in the world according to the Philippines Progress Report on MDG 2003?
Answer: Tuberculosis

66. For the Philippines MDG Goal #3 – promote gender equality. What is the specific goal relevant to this area
Answer: to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education by 2005

67. What is relatively dominant type of economic system in the Philippines
Answer: Mixed Economy

68. What form of investment takes place in the Stock Exchange?
Ans: Portfolio Investment

69. When we divide the GNP with the total number of population in a particular country, we can derive the ___.
Answer: GNP Per Capita Income

70. Which of the following is a true statement relevant to employment in the Philippines?
Answer: There are more people who are underemployed that unemployed

71. Which of the following is considered to be positive effects of globalization?
Answer: access to information

72. The following are considered to be negative effects of globalization EXCEPT ____
Answer: Travel opportunities

73. According to the Human Development Report 2004, the Philippines belongs to what category in terms of the Human Development Index (HDI)?
Answer: Middle Human Development

74. It is the restructuring or setting a new global economic order
Answer: Globalization

75. It is concerned with issues and problems concerning the overall economy of a nation or the world economy
Answer: Macroeconomics

76. It is concerned with issues and problems facing the individual or the firm or specific goods and services.
Answer: Microeconomics

77. Arrange the following in the chronological order of events relative to sustainable development?
Ans: UN conference on The Human Development, Report of the World Commission on Environment, UN Conference on Environment and Development & World Summit in Sustainable Development
78. It refers to the Filipino translation of sustainable development
Answer: Likas-kayang pag-unlad

79. The following are included in the environmental dimensions of sustainable development EXCEPT
Answer: Education

80. According to a report of UNESCO in 2002, what is the state of water resources in the world?
Answer: only 3% of the world’s water is fresh and the rest are salty

81. What is considered as the main source of energy in the world based from the report of UNESCO in 2004?
Answer: Crude oil and coal

82. In the measurement of the HDI, what data is being used to measure the educational attainment of a particular country?
Answer: Basic Literacy Level/Rate

83. Which of the following measures relevant to the Philippine goals of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger as one of its targets in the 8 Millennium development goals?
Answer: Halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty between 1990-2015. Halve the proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption and halve the proportion of underweight children. Halve the proportion of people with no access to safe drinking water of those who cannot afford it by 2015.

84. The United Nations has declared the Year 2005 as
Answer: International Year of Microcredit

85. According to the Philippines Progress Report on the Millennium Development Goals, which of the following statements is correct?
Answer: Poverty in the Philippines is still largely in rural phenomenon

86. Specifically, what is the aim of the MDG Goal number 2 of achieving universal primary education?
Answer: To achieve universal access to elementary education by 2015

87. Which of the following is the short-term development plan of the Philippine Government?
Answer: The Philippine Medium Term Development Plan

88. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) otherwise known as the “Earth Summit” in 1992 was held in
Answer: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

89. The following EXCEPT one are all included in the Millennium Development Goals
Answer: Achieve universal primary and secondary education

90. The 8 Millennium Development Goals cover the following years
Answer: 2000-2015

91. As the result of the UNCED in 1992, a program of action for a sustainable development was adopted and it is known as ___
Answer: AGENDA 21

92. Which of the following best describes sustainable development?
Answer: Military Dimension

93. It was the most significant initiative of the Philippine government in line with our commitment for sustainable development in 1997.
Answer: Philippine AGENDA 21

94. The World Summit for Sustainable Development in 2002, was held in ___
Answer: Johannesburg, South Africa

95. Republic Act 8749 otherwise known as _____ is a measure addressing air pollution in the Philippines.
Answer: The Clean Air Act of 1999

96. What is important world celebration is being held every June 5?
Answer: World Environment Day

97. In sustainable development the concept of 1 generation is equivalent to how many years?
Answer: 25 years

98. Globalization was formally used to popularize the neoliberal thought which flourished during the Reagan-Thatcher administration in the United States and Great Britain. It has 3 elements such as:
Answer: Liberalization, Privatization, Efficiency

99. It is the sale of government owned and controlled institution to private sector
Answer: One Privatization

100. The study of economics focuses on which of the following?
Answer: How to get most out of scarce resources

101. Which of the following is the primary objective of economics?
Answer: To satisfy human wants and needs

102. Which of the following is TRUE for all factors of production?
Answer: They are scarce

103. One reason that air pollution exist is that
Answer: Air is not scarce

104. What is meant by the statement, “Resources are scarce”?
Answer: Resources must be produced

105. If resources were NOT scarce, which of the following would be TRUE?
Answer: Resources would be free

106. Which of the following is TRUE for all factors of production?
Answer: Their production requires land, labor capital

107. Which of the following is rare but not scarce?
Answer: Radioactive waist

108. Which of the following resources is/are scarce?
Answer: Land, Labor and Capital

109. Economists consider technology to be what kind of resource?
Answer: Energy

110. The supply of which the following factors of production (resources) can be most easily controlled by society?
Answer: Capital

111. Which factor of production is both produced by an economy and used to produce other economic goods?
Answer: Capital

112. Petroleum is included in which classification of the factor of production?
Answer: Land

113. What is entrepreneur?
Answer: Any person who combines resources to make economic goods

114. Choosing to use our limited amount of steel for cars rather than tanks is an example of what?
Answer: A trade-off

115. Which of the following is an example of economic trade-off?
Answer: Producing an auto instead of a tank with a ton of steel

116. Why are trade-offs necessary in all-economic society?
Anwers: Resources are scarce

117. Which of the following makes trade-offs?
Answer: Consumers, Producers & Government

118. Which of the following makes a true statement?
Answer: Opportunity cost are always associated with trade-offs

119. The choice between different uses for a resource is called
Ans: A trade-off

120. What is the opportunity cost of Pepsi-Cola that you buy to go with your pizza?
Answer: The seven-up you could have had instead



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