1. As the population grows and there will be no regulations, we will end up having _______ of water
a. surplus
b. scarcity
c. excess
d. shortage

Answer: d

2. Students can choose their preferred college course. Where does this right fall into?
a. freely participate in the cultural life of a community
b. work and free choice of employment
c. freedom of opinion and expression
d. adequate standards of living

Answer: b

3. Which should not be a target for universal access to maternal and reproductive health?
a. For girls in some regions, education remains elusive
b. There is a wide rural-urban gap, in skilled care during birth.
c. Poverty and lack of education perpetuate high adolescent birth rates.
d. Use of contraception is lowest among the poorest women, and those with no education.

Answer: a

4. Which could not possibly be an important concept in the knowledge of peace?
a. globalization
b. conflict and war
c. responsible leadership
d. non-violence

Answer: b

5. How can a teacher make her homeroom more gender-sensitive?
a. Structure the room that would cater to specific needs of boys and girls.
b. Make all students, whether boys or girls, participate in all activities.
c. Plan the seating arrangement in a girl-boy-girl pattern.
d. All of the above.

Answer: d

6. What could not be an example of derogatory and discriminatory portrayal of women in media?
a. Female characters are portrayed as sex objects.
b. Female characters are physically and verbally abused.
c. Female characters area given the lead roles with male characters.
d. Female characters are given stereotypical roles like the “dumb blonde.”

Answer: c

7. What is an indicator of the patronage system in Philippine society that contributes to poverty?
a. Most people patronize imported goods.
b. Parents have many kumpares in the baptism of their child.
c. The pilosopo type of worker does not get promoted to his job.
d. A less deserving applicant gets appointed because he has a padrino

Answer: d

8. Why must every government employee require to submit an annual statement of assets and liabilities?
a. to determine who is fit for the job
b. to be objective in performance evaluation
c. to determine who deserves the promotion
d. to safeguard the people against corruption

Answer: d

9. Violation of human rights is a violation of the _______ of the person.
a. freedom
b. dignity
c. intelligence
d. emotions

Answer: b

10. With the promotion of social justice, which does not belong to the group?
a. profit sharing
b. diffusion of wealth
c. equitable access to education
d. absolute right over property

Answer: d

11. The landed class enjoyed huge incomes from share tenancy and rents from inherited estates, while the tenants remained poor. As a result, the wealthy landowners _______.
a. expelled tenants and actually worked on the farmlands themselves
b. disposed their landholdings voluntarily in response to social obligations
c. acquired tremendous economic, social and political advantages
d. abolished shared tenancy and reverted the land to the peasants

Answer: c

12. What is the kind of mentality that makes Filipinos think that imported products are superior to Filipino products?
a. spendthrift habits
b. colonial mentality
c. passivity attitude
d. luxurious living

Answer: b

13. What do we call those people who are for the “revival of the classics” in social trends?
a. reformists
b. humanists
c. existentialists
d. rationalists

Answer: b

14. Which demonstrates interconnectedness between social and environmental injustices?
a. desertification of verdant regions
b. highly industrialized countries’ toxic wastes disposed to poorer countries
c. temperature warming and rise of sea level
d. extinction of rare animal species

Answer: b

15. What is an environmental law which requires industries to install anti-pollution devices and bans the use of incinerators?
a. Greenpeace Act
b. Anti-Pollution Act
c. Environmental Security Act
d. Clean Air Act

Answer: d

16. The world population is growing larger every day, while the fertile soil of the earth is getting smaller, caused by human practices which do not include _______.
a. overuse of soil during planting
b. overgrazing
c. cutting of trees
d. sustainable agriculture

Answer: c

17. Which is the major cause of the death of women in childbirth, which was estimated at 500,000 each year as reported by the World Health Organization?
a. lack of good obstetrician
b. poor nursing education
c. poor reproductive health system
d. lack of facilities

Answer: c

18. What kind of prejudice has been overcome in the Philippines in the inclusion of the Muslim holidays that have gained national respect, aside from the Catholic holidays like Christmas, Lenten Season, etc.?
a. heterosexualism
b. religious intolerance
c. sexism
d. looksism

Answer: b

19. The most basic right to form a family is _______.
a. civil right
b. human right
c. religious right
d. legal right

Answer: b

20. What is the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act?
a. RA 1013
b. RA 3019
c. RA 2015
d. RA 2143

Answer: b

21. Which social program departs from the traditional belief of “go and multiply”?
a. gay rights
b. same-gender marriage
c. planned parenthood
d. law against female circumcision

Answer: c

22. What is the approximate percentage of global electricity output from renewable sources?
a. 1 percent
b. 8 percent
c. 20 percent
d. 23 percent

Answer: d

23. To help global climate change, and live a more eco-friendly life, which is the best practice that uses less water in washing plates?
a. recycling water
b. washing by hand
c. using a dishwasher
d. using a pail

Answer: c

24. What is the biggest reason why the Philippines’ political system is so flawed, with political power vested in the hands of a few families?
a. sibling rivalry
b. indigenous group
c. tribe
d. dynasty

Answer: d

25. What is one of the causes of poverty in the Philippines, which is rooted in the human emotion?
a. corruption
b. greed
c. lack of education
d. power politics

Answer: b

26. What program promised more food for every household through planting of vegetable in home gardens and pots?
a. Angat Filipino Movement
b. Go Negosyo
c. Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran
d. Green Revolution

Answer: d

27. How can Filipinos overcome weak points such as overspending?
a. use scientific reasoning
b. cultivate positive traits
c. copy economic models of other nations
d. observe business ethics

Answer: d

28. What correlates best with the right to human dignity?
a. position and prestige
b. family name
c. honor and reputation
d. celebrity status

Answer: c

29. The following are forms of structural violence except _______.
a. poverty
b. unemployment
c. rape
d. racism

Answer: c

30. Social inequality is evident in this situation.
a. Management is participatory.
b. Communication is free flowing.
c. The ruling class dominates culture.
d. Decision has been reached by consensus.

Answer: c

31. Which is the most disadvantaged among the categories?
a. indigenous girls
b. indigenous boys
c. girls in private schools
d. boys in public schools

Answer: a

32. In many societies, technological growth _______.
a. has created more problems than solutions
b. has advanced all types of cultures and peoples
c. has transformed gender roles in most societies
d. did not advance women and those belonging to indigenous groups

Answer: a

33. What describes a condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, power and prestige?
a. social mobility
b. social stratification
c. social inequality
d. social change

Answer: c

34. Inequality becomes stratification when three conditions exist. Which is not one of these conditions?
a. unequal success to scarce resources
b. inequality is institutionalized
c. individual characteristics is important for stratification
d. inequality is based on rights

Answer: d

35. What is a negative attitude towards a certain category of people such as a minority group?
a. stereotypes
b. racism
c. discrimination
d. segregation

Answer: c

36. What is a special form of discrimination that is especially problematic for women workers?
a. sexual harassment
b. denial of access for professional jobs
c. educational gap
d. higher level of unemployment

Answer: a

37. What is the main reason for the increasing number of couples who prefer a dual-career lifestyle?
a. Couples are less affluent.
b. declining birth rate
c. increase of women who have college education
d. impact of feminist movement

Answer: a

38. In advanced or developed societies, technological growth _______.
a. is steady and even
b. is exponential, where development is the basis for further development
c. is slowing down because of the limitations in the physical environment
d. is creating major society problems

Answer: b

39. Social inequality is more pronounced in _______.
a. hunter-gatherer bands
b. horticultural societies
c. agrarian states
d. industrial nations

Answer: d

40. Is it justified to suspect Muslims and people of Mediterranean descent of possible link to terrorist organizations?
a. Yes, because people of Mediterranean descent usually are members of terrorist organizations.
b. Yes, because most terrorists are Muslims.
c. No, because not all Muslims and people of Mediterranean descent are terrorists.
d. No, because religion and ethnicity are not bases to joining a terrorist organization.

Answer: d

41. Global citizenship makes people less nationalistic. Is this statement correct?
a. Yes, because to be a global citizen means loyalty to the world.
b. Yes, because global citizenship contradicts national citizenship.
c. No, because to be a global citizen requires understanding of global issues.
d. No, because global citizenship means knowledge of issues about the world.

Answer: c

42. Victim survivors of VAW should not be blamed for being in violent relationships. Is the statement correct?
a. Yes, because support and assistance should be extended to help them get out of abusive relationships.
b. Yes, because it will help them regain their self-esteem.
c. No, because they are responsible for their failures in life.
d. No, because it is a private matter.

Answer: a

43. The following is an example of structural violence except _______.
a. Suicide
b. poverty
c. ecocide
d. gender inequality

Answer: a

44. Global education is about the following except _______.
a. global action
b. political literacy
c. current events
d. global issues

Answer: c

45. The following is necessary for peace to be attained except _______.
a. Capitalism
b. democracy
c. human rights
d. human security

Answer: a

46. The over 860 million illiterate people in the world come from _______.
a. Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar
b. China, India, Pakistan, Brunei
c. Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan
d. Pakistan, China, Thailand, Vietnam

Answer: c

47. The global rate of ice melt has more than doubled since when?
a. 1988
b. 1989
c. 1990
d. 1991

Answer: a

48. Global income is more than $31 trillion a year, but 1.2 billion people of the world’s population earn less than _______.
a. $4 a day
b. $3 a day
c. $2 a day
d. $1 a day

Answer: d

49. All are specific rights of children, except _______.
a. right to go to school
b. right to play
c. right to health care
d. right to work

Answer: d

50. Who launched a campaign in support of children that had suffered as a result of war?
a. Margaret Thatcher
b. Hillary Clinton
c. Rosa King
d. Eglantyne Jebb

Answer: c

51. The following are priority concerns of developed countries except _______.
a. peace and order
b. racial diversity
c. migration
d. terrorism

Answer: a

52. The following are priority concerns of underdeveloped countries, except _______.
a. governance
b. terrorism
c. aging
d. democratization

Answer: c

53. Terrorism is an issue of _______.
a. US imperialism
b. peace and order
c. poverty
d. socio-economic-political underdevelopment

Answer: d

54. What is necessary to promote sustainable development?
a. avoid all forms of technology
b. promote social equity
c. practice an equitable and affordable use of natural resources
d. promote social equity and sustainable use of resources

Answer: c

55. Sacrificing the ancestral lands of indigenous people in the name of progress and modernization is:
a. correct, because the majority will benefit
b. correct, because to give indigenous people chance of a better life
c. wrong, because it violates their right to their ancestral land
d. wrong, because cultural diversity must be protected

Answer: c

56. The following are issues relevant to education except _______.
a. voluntarism
b. water
c. rural development
d. kidnapping

Answer: d

57. The following are global problems, except _______.
a. Globalization
b. poverty
c. diversity
d. territorial conflict

Answer: a

58. The following are skills required of a law-abiding citizen except _______.
a. conflict resolution
b. debating skills
c. political literacy
d. negotiation skills

Answer: b

59. The government is currently negotiating peace with the following groups, except _______.
b. NPA
c. Abu Sayyaf
d. Alex Boncayao Brigade

Answer: c

60. The following are rights enjoyed by children, except _______.
a. family reunification
b. speedy, fair and public trial
c. freedom of expression
d. right to information

Answer: d



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