1. Both the BEC and SEC aim for functional literacy. The K to 12 Curriculum aims for holistic development and acquisition of 21st century skills.

a. Statement 1 is true
b. Statement 2 is true
c. Both statements are false
d. Both statements are true correct answer

2. The Kto12 curriculum will enable students to acquire ____________________________ and _____________________________ issued by the Technical Skills Development Authority (TESDA). These signify that K to 12 graduates have acquired middle level skills and will have better opportunities for gainful employment.
a. Certificates of Entrepreneurship (COEs) and National Employments (NEs)
b. National Employments (NEs) and National Certifications (NCs)
c. Certificates of Entrepreneurship (COEs) and Certificates of Competency (COCs)
d. Certificates of Competency (COCs) and National Certifications (NCs) correct answer

3. Before implementing the Kto12, the Philippines is the _______________in Southeast Asia and ______________ in the world with a ten-year program prior to entry to the university.
a. only country – only country
b. one of the only three countries – one of the five countries
c. one of the five countries – only country
d. only country – one of the only three countries correct answer

4. The following are some features of the Kto12 curriculum:
a. (1) decongested, (2) flawed, (3) relevant and responsive as it centers on the Filipino learner, (4)disintegrated, and (5) learner-centered
b. (1)fragmented, (2)seamless, (3) relevant and responsive as it centers on the Filipino learner, (4)disintegrated, and (5) topic-centered
c. (1)fragmented, (2)flawed, (3) relevant and responsive as it centers on the Filipino learner, (4)enriched, and (5) learner-centered
d. (1)decongested, (2)seamless, (3) relevant and responsive as it centers on the Filipino learner, (4)enriched, and (5) learner-centered correct answer

5. In Kto12 Curriculum ¬¬¬¬_______________________ refers to PRIMARY schooling that involves six years of education.
a. Elementary Education correct answer
b. Nursery 1& 2, Prep 1&2, Kindergarten 1 & 2
c. Tertiary Education
d. Secondary Education

6. Who said this: “We need to add two years to our basic education. Those who can afford pay up to 14 years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting into the best universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance of succeeding.” ?
a. Dr. Ramon C. Bacani - Center Director of SEAMEO INNOTECH
b. Bro. Armin A. Luistro, FSC Secretary Department of Education
c. Joey Villanueva TESDAman
d. Former President Benigno Aquino III correct answer
7. The K to 12 Curriculum is focused on the learner’s acquisition of the ____________________ as follows: (1) Learning and Innovation skills (2) Information, media, and technology skills (3) Effective Communication Skills, and (4) Life and Career Skills
a. Upgraded Skills
b. Multimedia Skills
c. New World Skills
d. 21st century skills correct answer

8. The K to 12 basic education curriculum framework shows that the K to 12 basic education curriculum has the following salient features EXCEPT...
a. It focuses on the holistic development of the learner.
b. It is outcome-based as it prepares learners for: 1) higher education, 2) middle level skills, 3) employment, and 4) entrepreneurship
c. It is anchored on the principles of 1) inclusive education, 2) learners’ growth and development, 3) teaching and learning, and 4) assessment.
d. It aims for (1) functional literacy and focuses on the (2) development of reading skills and (3) values of self-reliance and patriotism. correct answer

9. The desired outcomes of the K to 12 program are defined in expectancies which are in the form of _________________________________________.
a. Standardized Test
b. Norm-Referenced Test
c. Holistic Evaluation
d. content and performance standards correct answer
10. In implementing kto12 Curriculum, universal kindergarten was offered starting
a. SY 2010 – 2011
b. SY 2012 – 2013
c. SY 2009 – 2010
d. SY 2011 – 2012 correct answer

11. By ________________________, the Kto12 curriculum was offered to incoming Grade 1 as well as to incoming junior high school students (Grade 7).
a. SY 2009 – 2010
b. SY 2010 – 2011
c. SY 2011 – 2012
d. SY 2012 – 2013 correct answer

12. In implementing the Kto12 Curriculum, the target of DepEd is to put in place the necessary infrastructure and other necessary arrangements needed to provide Senior High School (SHS) education by___________________.
a. SY 2013 – 2014
b. SY 2014 – 2015
c. SY 2015 – 2016
d. SY 2016 – 2017 correct answer


1. Despotic is a form of Government. What do "DESPOTIC" means?
A. Democratic
B. Dictatorial correct answer
C. Federal
D. Constitutional Monarchy

2. There are 3 Requisites of a good written constitution as to form Brief, Broad & Definite. What do you mean by the word "Definite”?
A. Clear
B. Summary
C. Exact correct answer
D. Neutral or Fair

3. It is also known as the "People Power Constitution"
A. Malolos Constitution
B. 1973 Constitution
C. Freedom Constitution correct answer
D. 1987 Constitution

4. Three are 3 classification of a Constitution. The #1 is "As to origin" & it is composing of 2, the Conventional & Cumulative. What do "Cumulative" mean:
A. Enacted ( "may nagsulat" ex. Phil. Constitution )
B. Rigid ( hard to change, strict)
C. Evolved ( "may nakagisnang kultura" ) correct answer
D. Written

5. It is a wealth includes artifacts, history, music, natural resources, etc.
A. Patrimony correct answer
B. Prosperity ( next generation )
C. Real Estate
D. Both B & C

6. They are the one who wrote the Fundamental Law or the Philppine Constituition.
A. Constituent Assembley
B. Legislative Members
C. Judiciary Members
D. Constitutional Convention correct answer

7. There are 3 Ways of Changing our Constituition. Which of the ff. Is not belong:
A. Constituent Assembley
B. Peoples Initiative
C. Judiciary Form of Gov't. correct answer
D. Constitutional Convention

8. Actually exercises power or control but without legal title.
A. De jure
B. De Facto correct answer
C. Doctrine of Parens Patriae
D. De facto proper

9. The power of the state to raise revenue to defray the necessary expenses of the government.
A. Police Power
B. Power of Eminent Domain
C. Power of Taxation correct answer
D. The Doctrine of State Immunity

10. "STATUTORY" means:
A. Right to a maximum wage
B. Right to a minimum wage correct answer
C. Right to a lesser wage
D. Right to a higher wage

11. Where is the seat of the archdiocese of nueva Sevogia and was called " Ciudad Fernando " in honor of king Ferdinand during the Spanish regime?
A. Candon
B. Sta. Lucia
C. Lallo
D. Vigan correct answer

12. Geographically, kalinga and apayao was separated under what Republic Act Number?
A. 7878 correct answer
B. 8787
C. 1717
D. 7171

13. Who was the revolutionary priest whose first crusade was in Abra, fought for the rights of the tribes thus, cordillera Administrative Region was created?
A. Fr. Polucarpio Balweg
B. Fr. Diosdado Balweg
C. Fr. Conrado Balweg correct answer
D. Fr. Ostioco Balweg

14. Who was known as the "Tiger of Malaya" during WW II decided his last stand against the Filipino-American Forces in ifugao?
A. Gen. Homa
B. Gen. Tojo
C. Gen. Yamashita correct answer
D. Gen. Suzuki

15. Which local position/s was/were open to Filipinos during Spanish colonial administration?
A.alcalde mayor and gobernadorcillo
B. Gobernadorcillo
C. Gobernadorcillo and cabeza de barangay
D. Cabeza de barangay correct answer

16. The religious schism which occurred in our country during 1889- 1898 revolution resulted in the formation a religious sect popularly known today as:
A. Iglesia Ni Kristo
B. Aglipay Church correct answer
C. Anglican Church
D. Church of Christ

17. Which statement about the WW II is true?
A. It broke out during the revolutionary government of Aguinaldo
B. US started the war
C. the Philippines was part of this war being a colony of Japan
D. the Philippines was drawn to this war being a colony of US. correct answer

18. In what order did the following colonizers occupy the Philippines?
A. British, Spaniards, Americans, Japanese
B. Spaniards, Americans, British, Japanese
C. Spaniards, British, Americans, Japanese correct answer
D. Spanish, American, Japanese, British

19. The Americans promised of granting independence to the Filipinos after a transition period was contained in the ff. Legislations EXCEPT
A. Jones law
B. Hare-Hawes Cutting law
C. Phillipine bill of 1902 correct answer
D. Tydings Mc Duffie law
20. The greatest legacy of the Americans to the Filipinos is education while to that Spaniards is
A. Christianity correct answer
B. Protestantism
C. Democracy
D. Culture

21. The foremost objective of the Propaganda Movement was the assimilation of the Philippines as a regular province of Spain bec. They believe that
A. Filipinos enjoy staying in Spain
B. Equally between Spaniards and Filipinos would surely be obtained correct answer
C. Economic life will be improved
D. Social and economic development be attained

22. Rizal organized the LA Liga Filipina so as to effectively pursue new approaches to achieve reform. His main objective is...
A. Politicize a greater number of Filipinos
B. Influence political development during twilight of Spanish rules
C. Unification of the whole archipelago correct answer
D. Prepare Filipinos for revolution

23. In writing the LA Solidaridad , the official organ of propaganda movement , the Filipino reformists used pen names for obvious reasons. Rizal used dimasalang and laong -laang while Antonio LUNA hid the name
A. Plaridel
B. Taga-ilog correct answer
C. Kalipulako
D. Jomapa

24. What us the foremost objective of the katipunan?
A. Political, economic and civic
B. Political, civic, and moral correct answer
C. Social, political, and civic
D. Political, social and economic

25. What made the easy Pacification of Spain to the Filipinos?
A. Loyalty to the spaniards
B. Lack of coordinations correct answer
C. Separation of Phillipines from Spain
D. Inferior arms and ammunitions

26. The form of government established by Aguinaldo was changed from dictatorial to
A. Democratic
B. Republic
C. Socialist
D. Revolutionary correct answer

27. The malolos constitution was ratified at barasoin church which created a Democratic republic government. Who wrote this constitution?
A. Pedro Paterno
B. Gregorio Araneta
C. Felipe Calderon correct answer
D. B. Legarda

28. The fall of the first Republic was due to the capture of General Emilio Aguinaldo in
A. Palawan
B. Isabela correct answer
C. Cabagan
D. Bulacan

29. When was the Philippines Independence proclaimed by E. Aguinaldo bat Kawit , Cavite between four & five in the afternoon.?
A. June 12, 1898 correct answer
B. June 12, 1889
C. June 4, 1898
D. June 21, 1898

30. Who was the brain of the Philippine revolution, a sublime paralytic acted as adviser of Aguinaldo?
A. Jacinto
B. Calderon
C. Bonifacio
D. Mabini correct answer
31. What was the first important document ever produced by people's representatives?
A. Biak-na-bato consti.
B. Malolos constitution correct answer
C. 1971 consti.
D. 1935 consti.

32. Who was the great military general who covered the retreat of Aguinaldo to isabela?
A. Miguel Malvar
B. Antonio Luna
C. Gregorio Del Pilar correct answer
D. Martin Delgado

33. Who composed the lyrics of Phillipine National Anthem?
A. Julian Felipe
B. Felipe Calderon
C. Jose Palma correct answer
D. Felipe Agoncillo

34. The proclamation of Philippine independence was the most significant achievement of Aguinaldo’s dictatorial government. It was also the formal unfurling of the Filipino flag. Who wrote and solemnly read the "Act of Declaration of Independence"?
A. Aguinaldo
B. Rafael Palma
C. Ambrosio R.Bautista correct answer
D. Felipe Calderon

35. The law provided for 10 years transition period at the end of which the US grants and recognizes independence to the Filipinos?
A. Tydings McDuffie Law correct answer
B. Phil. Bill of 1902
C. Jones law
D. Hare-hawes Cutting Law

36. who promised to make the country "Great again"" ruled for 20 years?
A. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Carlos Garcia
C. Elpidio Quirino
D. Ferdinand Marcos correct answer

37. Who among the ff. Presidents that Tagalog shall be the official language of the Filipinos?
A. Manuel Quezon correct answer
B. Carlos Garcia
C. Elpidio Quirino
D. Ferdinand Marcos

38. Who popularized the use of barong Tagalog in official and social functions?
A. Magsaysay correct answer
B. Ramos
C. Quirino
D. Macapagal

39. Who was the last President of the Commonwealth government and 1st president of the third republic?
A. Roxas correct answer
B. Osmeña
C. Quezon
D. Quirino

40. Who was first president of the Commonwealth government who was exiled in US during the war?
A. Manuel Roxas
B. Sergio Osmeña
C. Manuel Quezon correct answer
D. Elpidio Quirino

41. What event marked the Peoples' Power in 1986?
A. Death of Marcos
B. RAM movement
C. EDSA Revolution correct answer
D. NPA activities

42. Who was the Filipino Chief Justice of the supreme court?
A. Cayetano Arellano correct answer
B. Felipe Buencamino
C. Jose Agad Santos
D. Trinidad Pardi de Tavera

43. Who was the commander in chief of the Japanese during the imperial forces in the Phillipines at the Battle of Bataan?
A. Admiral Nakamura
B. Gen. Tojo
C. Masahara Homma correct answer
D. Admiral Nichimura

44. By virtue of P.D. 1596 signed on July 11, 1978, the Phillipines claims the _____ as part of the Phillipines territory on the basis of historic rights and legal titles
A. Turtle islands
B. Scarborough shoal
C. Sabah correct answer
D. Spratly island

45. What ship was the term of surrender by Japan on boar the battleship to he allied forces signed?
A. Missouri correct answer
B. President
C. Mississippi
D. Swordfish

46. The country's largest coral reefs are found near Palawan particularly in ___
A. Tubataha reef correct answer
B. Tuhabbata reef
C. Tutahaba reef
D. Hatuhabba reef

47. Who was the Athenian aristocrat who drew up the first written code of laws for Athens in 621 BC?
a. Minos
b. Solon
c. Pisistratus
d. Draco correct answer

48. How was the sole ruler who ruled harshly in a polis called in Ancient Greece?
a. tyrant correct answer
b. despot
c. autocrat
d. dictator

49. What is the agreement between two or more states for their mutual benefits?
a. alliances correct answer
b. treaty
c. pact
d. league

50. Who was the great Athenian statesman who ruled from 470 BC and made the Athens the political and cultural center of East Mediterranean?
a. Cleisthenes
b. Pericles correct answer
c. Pisistratus
d. Draco

51. At what age could a Spartan boy enter into military barracks to train and to become a full-pledged citizen until he reached the age of thirty years old?
a. seven correct answer
b. ten
c. sixteen
d. twenty-one


1. First Filipino Chief Justice of the Supreme Court:
A. Claro M. Recto
B. Cayetano Arellano correct answer
C. Vicente V. Mendoza
D. José Abad Santos
E. Victorino Mapa

2. It is an inherent power of the State that enables it to forcibly acquire private property, which is intended for public use, upon the payment of just compensation?
A. Police Power
B. Taxation
C. Eminent Domain correct answer
D. Judicial Review
E. Referent Power

3. Which of the following is not true of the La Solidaridad?
A. It was a forum for discussion of the issues concerning the Philippines.
B. It was the official organ of the reform movement.
C. It featured articles about the good deeds of the friars. correct answer
D. It was a vehicle for the expression of the political views of the reformers.

4. Who may exercise the power of taxation?
A. The President
B. Bureau of Internal Revenue
C. Congress correct answer
D. Senators
E. Secretary of Department of Local Government

5 The most powerful branch of government under the Malolos Constitution was the
A. Legislature correct answer
B. Executive
C. Judiciary
D. Congress

6. This is the full and fair equivalent of the property taken from the private owner by the expropriator.
A. Eminent Domain
B. Just Compensation correct answer
C. Assets and Liabilities
D. Uniformity
E. Inheritance
7. Founder of the Union Obrera Democratica:
A. Isabelo de los Reyes correct answer
B. Dominador Gomez
C. Errico Malatesta
D. José Basco
E. Pedro de Sarri

8. Who may NOT exercise the Power of Eminent domain?
A. The Congress
B. The President
C. the Local Legislative bodies
D. Public Corporations
E. The Judiciary correct answer

9. First Speaker of the Philippine Assembly
A. Carlos P. Romulo
B. Diosdado Macapagal
C. Sergio Osmeña Sr. correct answer
D. Felipe Buencamino

10. The following are the requisites in exercising the power of eminent domain, EXCEPT one:
A. The property taken must be public property correct answer
B. The taking must be within constitutional sense
C. The taking must be for public use
D. Just compensation must be paid.
E. There must be due process of law

11. The first editor of La Solidaridad (The Sol).
A. Graciano Lopez Jaena correct answer
B. Jose Rizal
C. Marcelo H del Pilar
D. Juan Luna
E. Antonio Luna

12. The following are essential requisites an LGU must concur before it can exercise the power of eminent domain, EXCEPT:
A. An ordinance is enacted by the local legislative council authorizing the local chief executive to exercise the power of eminent domain;
B. It is exercised for the public use, purpose and welfare
C. There must be a partial payment of just compensation correct answer
D. A valid and definite offer has been previously made to the owner of the property south to be expropriate

13. Founder of the Philippine Independent Church (Aglipayan Church) :
A. Joaquin Villalonga
B. Gregorio Aglipay
C. Isabelo de los Reyes correct answer
D. Bernardino Nozaleda
E. Francisco Foradada

14. An Act to facilitate the acquisition of Right-of-Way, Site or Location for National Government Infrastracture Projects and for other purposes.
A. Republic Act No. 8974 correct answer
B. Republic Act No. 7277
C. Republic Act No. 9262
D. Republic Act No. 9163
E. Republic Act No. 835

15. Which of the following was not a reform sought from the Spanish government by the propagandists?
A. Basic human rights for the Filipinos
B. Change of government from absolute to limited monarch correct answer
C. Equality of the Filipinos and Spaniards before the law
D. Restoration of Filipino representation in the Corte

16. One of the inherent power of the State is Police Power. What do you mean by the principle "salus populi est suprema lex"?
A. the welfare of the people is the supreme law correct answer
B. maintain and safeguard public order
C. the supreme order is to protect public morals
D. promote and preserve public health is the highest order
E. supreme tolerance and equity for the people

17. The abolition of the military government and the establishment of the civil government in the country was recommended by:
A. Schurman Commission correct answer
B. Wood-Forbes Mission
C. Taft Commission
D. McKinley Commission

18. The right to minimum wage is an example of:
A. Imperfect Right
B. Statutory Right correct answer
C. Natural Right
D. Constitutional Right

19. Rizal was not in favor of the revolution planned by the Katipunan because of the:
A. Unpreparedness of the Katipuneros for an armed struggle. correct answer
B. Willingness to the wealthy Filipinos to support the struggle.
C. Absence of a military tactician who will direct the military operations of the KKK.
D. Rizal only wants the Philippines to be a colony and not be independent.
20. Jones Law of 1916 became popularly known in the Philippines as:
A. Philippine Independence Law
B. Organic Act for the Philippines
C. Philippine Autonomy Act correct answer
D. Filipino Americanization Act

21. The password used by a KATIPON in the Katipunan:
A. Gom-Bur-Za
B. Kapatiran
C. Kalayaan
D. Anak ng Bayan correct answer
E. Rizal

22. Under the military government established by the Americans right after the surrender of Manila, the country was governed directly by the US President:
A. True correct answer
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Not enough evidence to say

23. “All persons subject to legislation should be treated alike under like circumstance and conditions both in the privileges conferred and liabilities imposed.” How is this termed?
A. Class Legislation
B. Substantive due process
C. Procedural due process
D. Equal protection of the laws correct answer

24. The first Masonic lodge (for Filipinos ) in the Philippines was Lodge:
A. Nilad Lodge correct answer
B. Lodge 53
C. Pilar Lodge No. 3
D. Bagong Buhay Lodge No. 4
E. Cavite Lodge No. 2

25. The Supreme Court is to the present as ________ is to the Spanish period.
A. Territorial Audiencia
B. Real Audiencia correct answer
C. Tribunal Supremo
D. Ministerio de Ultramar
E. Tribunal Constitucional de España

26. The pen name Taga-Ilog was associated with:
A. Antonio Luna correct answer
B. Mariano Ponce
C. Jose Ma. Panganiban
D. Juan Luna
E. Jose Rizal

27. Based on the classifications of government which applies to the present Philippine government?
A. Consolidated
B. Hereditary
C. De facto government
D. De jure government correct answer
E. Communal
28. The first masonic lodge in the Philippines that was established in 1856 by Jose Malcampo Monje that only admitted Spaniards:
A. Primera Luz Filipina correct answer
B. Las Tres Flores de Lys
C. Gran Oriente Española
D. Español De Uno Primera
E. La Mason de Español Socioda

29. Which of the following is unconstitutional?
A. A regulation requiring the use of personal ID before entering school.
B. A law prohibiting professional from seeking employment abroad. correct answer
C. A traffic rule preventing some cars to travel on a certain day.
D. A person’s choice of abode limited by the order of the court.
30. The Malolos Congress was conceived by Mabini as:
A. An Advisory body correct answer
B. A Legislative body
C. A Judicial body
D. An Executive body

31. Which body ratifies or rejects appointments made by the President?
A. Civil Service Commission
B. Sandiganbayan
C. Commission on Appointments
D. Congress correct answer
E. Department of Justice

32. The leader of the Magdiwang faction of the KKK in Cavite was:
A. Mariano Alvarez correct answer
B. Deodato Arellano
C. Roman Basa
D. Teodoro Plata
E. Baldomero Aguinaldo
33. The power of a president to reject or disapprove a bill proposed by a legislature by refusing to sign it into law:
A. Veto correct answer
B. Ordinance
C. Appointment
D. Pardon
E. Diplomatic

34. What was the alleged cause of the discovery of the Katipunan?
A. Discovery of Katipunan paraphernalia at the Diario de Manila.
B. Discovery of the list of Katipunan members.
C. Teodoro Patiño's disclosure of the secrets of the society correct answer
D. A quarrel between Patiño and De La Cruz.
E. Teodoro Patiño was captured and tortured by Spaniards

35. A Spanish colony in the West Indies which revolted against the Spanish authorities:
A. Mexico
B. Cuba correct answer
C. Argentina
D. Libya
E. El Salvador

36. A vetoed bill repassed in Congress becomes a law with a:
A. A majority vote of all the members of both Houses.
B. Two-thirds vote for all the members present constituting a quorum.
C. Two-thirds vote of all the members of both Houses. correct answer
D. Majority vote of all the members present constituting a quorum.
E. One-fourth all the members present constituting a quorum

37. Under the Naic Military Agreement, Bonifacio made it clear that he was organizing an army in support of Aguinaldo's revolutionary forces
A. True
B. False correct answer
C. Maybe
D. Not enough evidence to say

38. Which of the following is the primary reason behind the constitutional policy on the prohibition of political dynasties?
A. To give the electorate many alternative candidates to choose from. correct answer
B. To democratize election and appointment to positions in the government.
C. To put an end to the political career of traditional politicians.
D. To pave the way for young leaders to lead the country.
E. To be fair both from other candidates and the common people.

39. Author of the Philippine Declaration of Independence:
A. Mariano Noriel
B. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista correct answer
C. Venacio Concepción
D. Tomás Mascardo
E. Licerio Gerónimo

40. The Philippine benefits from the international recognition of the archipelagic doctrine by way of:
A. Elimination of pockets of international waters between some of our islands.
B. Decrease in the waters under the Philippine jurisdiction and area of responsibility.
C. Unlimited exercise of Philippine sovereignty over our exclusive economic zone. * correct answer
D. Automatic validation and recognition of our ownership of Sabah and Spratleys.
E. Being bullied by more powerful countries like China

41. The First Philippine Republic came to be called as:
A. Biak-na-Bato Republic
B. Sakay Republic
C. Malolos Republic correct answer
D. Magdalo Republic
E. Magdiwang Republi

42. Which is an executive check on hasty and ill-considered legislation?
A. Partial Veto
B. Pocket Veto
C. Veto message
D. Veto Power correct answer
E. Stable Vet

43. The president of the Council of War which tried Bonifacio for the charge of sedition was:
A. Mariano Noriel correct answer
B. Emilio Aguinaldo
C. Lazaro Makapagal
D. Felipe Buencamino
E. Pedro Patern

44. Under which type of right does the right to life fall?
A. Legal Right
B. Natural Right correct answer
C. Claim Right
D. Liberty Right
E. Positive Right

45. Which of following was part of the First Eight Provinces that rose up in arms against Spain:
A. Cavite correct answer
B. Nueva Ecija
C. Zambales
D. Quezon
E. Laguna

46. First Filipino to head an executive department under the American colonial government:
A. Salvador Zaragoza
B. Cayetano Arellano
C. Gregorio S. Araneta correct answer
D. Rafael Palma
E. Emilio Aguinaldo
47. McKinley's proclamation in which the US made clear its intention of imposing its sovereignty over the Philippines and also made clear the American intention of colonizing the Philippines is known as:
A. Emancipation Proclamation
B. Benevolent Assimilation correct answer
C. Proclamation of Neutrality
D. Colonization Policy
E. Filipino-American Mutual Policy

48. Under which type of right does the right to vote of citizens?
A. Liberty Right
B. Claim Right
C. Legal Right correct answer
D. Natural Right
E. Positive Right

49. Who was the president of the Asociacion Filipina Solidaridad?
A. Jose Ma. Panganiban
B. Mariano Ponce
C. Manuel Sta. Maria
D. Galicano Apacible correct answer
E. Graciano Lopez Jaena

50. Good working relationship between the executive and legislative branches of the American colonial government was fostered with Harrison's creation of:
A. Council of the State correct answer
B. Council of Advisers to the Governor
C. Council of Senior Government Officials
D. Council for the Welfare of the People

51. A freedom or permission for the right-holder to do something, and there are no obligations on other parties to do or not do anything. Under which type of right does this fall?
A. Positive Right
B. Liberty Right
C. Claim Right
D. Natural Right
E. Legal Right
B. Liberty Right

52. Which of the following legislations made treasonable the advocacy of independence during the Filipino-American War?
A. Sedition Law
B. Reconcentration Law
C. Brigandage Act
D. Tydings–McDuffie Ac
A. Sedition Law

53. Which order of governments existed during the Japanese occupation?
I. Military Administration
II. The Philippine Executive Commission
III. The Japanese – sponsored Republic of the Philippines
A. I, II, III (1-2-3)
B. II, III, I (2-3-1)
C. II, I, III (2-1-3)
D. I, III, II (1-3-2)
D. I, III, II (1-3-2)

54. The only prominent mountain in the Central plain Luzon:
A. Mt. Pulag
B. Mt. Banahaw
C. Mt. Apo
D. Mt. Arayat
E. Mt. Pinatubo
D. Mt. Arayat

55. Senate President of Spain who headed the Spanish delegation in the drafting of the peace treaty ending the Spanish-American War:
A. Cecilio Valverde Mazuelas
B. Eugenio Montero Rios
C. Juan José Lucas Giménez
D. Pío García-Escudero Márquez
E. Antonio Fontán Pérez
B. Eugenio Montero Rios

56. Which major region is called “The Land of Promise” because of its rich agricultural lands?
A. Mindanao
B. Visayas
C. Central plain Luzon
D. Luzon
E. Bicol
A. Mindanao

57. This event reflected the decision of the Katipunan to stage a revolution against Spain.
A. Cry of Montalban
B. The exile of Rizal in Dapitan
C. The execution of Father Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora
D. The execution of Rizal in Bagumbayan
E. Higher taxes
A. Cry of Montalban

58. Which order of governments correctly applies during the American regime?
A. Civil –Military - Commonwealth
B. Military – Civil – Commonwealth
C. Civil – Commonwealth – Military
D. Military – Commonwealth – Civil
E. Commonwealth – Military - Civil
B. Military – Civil – Commonwealth

59. The password used by a KAWAL in the Katipunan:
A. Kapatiran
B. Gom-Bur-Za
C. Rizal
D. Anak ng Bayan
E. Kalayaan
B. Gom-Bur-Za
60. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is adopted in the Constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency?
A. Balanced and healthful ecology
B. Rural development and agrarian reform
C. Full public disclosure *
D. Private enterprise and incentives to needed investments
C. Full public disclosure

61. Gregorio del Pilar sacrificed his life in defense of Aguinaldo in the Battle of
A. Tirad Pass
B. Bagbag River
C. Macabebe
D. Montalban
E. Kakarong de Sili
A. Tirad Pass

62. In which order did the previous Philippine Republics come?
I. The Philippine Republic under the Malolos Constitution.
II. The Philippine Republic under the Japanese – sponsored Constitution.
III. Philippine Republic under the 1935 Constitution.
A. I, II, III (1-2-3)
B. II, III, I (2-3-1)
C. I, III, II (1-3-2)
D. III, II, I (3-2-1)
E. II, I, III (2-1-3)
C. I, III, II (1-3-2)

63. First Senate President of the Philippines:
A. Manuel L. Quezon
B. Manuel Roxas
C. Gil Puyat
D. Sergio Osmena
E. Diosdado Macapaga
A. Manuel L. Quezon

64. Because of its Natural Resources the Philippines is basically a/an _______ country.
A. Industrial
B. Commercial
C. Mining
D. Agricultural
E. Economica
D. Agricultural

65. The political section of the Asociacion Hispano-Filipino was under the charge of:
A. Jose Rizal
B. Marcelo H del Pilar
C. Dominador Gomez
D. Tomas Arejola
B. Marcelo H del Pilar
66. Which province in the western coast of Luzon is virtually surrounded by sea waters and has become a center for big business and development processing zone?
A. Mindoro
B. Bataan
C. Zambales
D. Pampanga
E. Kalinga
B. Bataan

67. The last Spanish governor-general of the Philippines:
A. Eulogio Despujol
B. Narciso Clavería
C. Diego de los Ríos
D. Camilo de Polavieja
E. Rafael de Izquierdo y Gutíerrez
C. Diego de los Ríos

68. When compared with the other countries in size, the Philippines is bigger than:
A. Malaysia
B. South Korea
C. Thailand
D. Japan
E. Taiwan
B. South Korea

69. The rightist wing of La Liga came to be called
A. Cuerpos de Propagandistas
B. Cuerpos de Compromisarios
C. Cuerpos de Militantes
D. Cuerpos de la Revolucionarios
B. Cuerpos de Compromisarios

70. The largest river system is found in:
A. Mindanao
B. VIsayas and Mindanao
C. Luzon
D. Visayas
E. Luzon and Visayas
C. Luzon

71. Which word or phrase DOES NOT apply to the Philippines?
A. Archipelago
B. Landlocked
C. Irregular Coastline
D. Rugged land mass
E. Prone to earthquakes and typhoons
B. Landlocked

72. The leftist wing of La Liga came to be called:
A. Cuerpos de la Revolucionarios
B. Katipunan
C. Cuerpos de Militantes
D. Cuerpos de Compromisarios
E. Insurectos de Militantes
B. Katipunan
73. The east border of the Philippines is:
A. China Sea
B. Philippine Sea
C. Celebes Sea
D. South China Sea
E. Caspian Sea
B. Philippine Sea

74. The American military officer whose life was sacrificed in the Battle of San Mateo (Paye) was:
A. Joseph Wheeler
B. Henry Ware Lawton
C. John J. Pershing
D. Dwight D. Eisenhower
E. George S. Patton
B. Henry Ware Lawton

75. The naval battle that led to the transformation of US into a world power:
A. Battle of Asomante
B. Battle of Manila Bay
C. Battle of Guayama
D. Battle of Santiago de Cuba
B. Battle of Manila Bay

76. The south border of the Philippines is:
A. Philippine Sea
B. China Sea
C. Celebes Sea
D. South China Sea
E. Mediteranian Sea
C. Celebes Sea

77. The capture of Aguinaldo was successfully undertaken by
A. Arthur MacArthur
B. Elwell Otis
C. Frederick Funston
D. James Francis Smith
E. Luke Edward Wright
C. Frederick Funston

78. The last Filipino general to surrender to the Americans was:
A. Macario Sakay
B. Simeon Ola
C. Miguel Malvar
D. Artemio Ricarte
B. Simeon Ola

79. The term "daluyong" means:
A. Low Pressure Area
B. Cold Front
C. Storm Surge
D. Tsunami
E. Intertropical Convergence Zone
C. Storm Surge
80. The highest grade of membership in the Katipunan was called:
A. Bayani
B. Katipon
C. Kasangga
D. Kawal
E. Kakosa
A. Bayani

81. Which province is now linked to the island of Samar because of the construction of San Juanico Bridge?
A. Leyte
B. Southern Leyte
C. Capiz
D. Negros
E. Aklan
A. Leyte

82. Young Filipinos who were sent to US as scholars of the government to pursue higher education were called:
A. Aficionados
B. Comisionados
C. Pensionados
D. Ilustrados
E. Disconfiados
C. Pensionados

83. The commander of the battleship Olympia who defeated the Spanish fleet of Admiral Patricio Montojo:
A. Chester W. Nimitz
B. George Dewey
C. Luke Edward Wright
D. William Cameron Forbes
E. William McKinley
B. George Dewey

84. Where in the Philippines are huge marble deposits found?
A. Guimaras
B. Romblon
C. Masbate
D. Benguet
E. Davao
B. Romblon

85. The first political party in the Philippines was the Federal Party:
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Not enough evidence to say
B. False

86. The place where Philippine independence was proclaimed:
A. Cavite El Viejo
B. Bakood
C. Cavite La Punta
D. La Tierra Alta
E. San Francisco de Malabon
A. Cavite El Viejo
87. Which river drains Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, and Bulacan?
A. Rio Grande de Bulacan and its tributaries.
B. Rio Grande de Nueva Ecija and its tributaries.
C. Rio Grande de Pampanga and its tributaries.
D. Agno Grande and its tributaries.
C. Rio Grande de Pampanga and its tributaries.

88. The Malolos Constitution was drafted based on the plan proposed by:
A. Paterno
B. Mabini
C. Calderon
D. Aguinaldo
E. Buencamino
C. Calderon

89. Who was the Filipino native who wanted to be a priest but was rejected because he was a native and so formed a religious brotherhood?
A. Andres Malong
B. Juan Sumoroy
C. Apolinario dela Cruz
D. Pedro Almazan
E. Pepito Casiguran
C. Apolinario dela Cruz

90. Bonifacio's formal declaration of the nullity of decisions reached at the Tejeros Convention was known as The Acta deImus.
A. Yes
B. No. It’s “The Acta de Tejeros”
C. No. It’s “The Acta de Naic”
D. No. It’s “The Acta de Cavite El Viejo”
E. None of the above
A. Yes

91. Who were the vinta-sailing Filipinos who succeeded in their resistance and revolts, and were never really conquered by the Spaniards?
A. The Ilocanos led by Silang
B. The Igorots of the Cordilleras
C. The Boholanos led by Dagohoy
D. The Muslims of Southern Philippines E. The Mangyans of Mindoro
D. The Muslims of Southern Philippines

92. Who were the vinta-sailing Filipinos who succeeded in their resistance and revolts, and were never really conquered by the Spaniards?
A. The Ilocanos led by Silang
B. The Igorots of the Cordilleras
C. The Boholanos led by Dagohoy
D. The Muslims of Southern Philippines E. The Mangyans of Mindoro
A. Intramuros

93. After 1898 the natives of the Philippines were called Filipinos. Before 1898 what were they called?
A. Pintados
B. Insulares
C. Indios
D. Principalia
E. Peninsulares
C. Indios
94. Who negotiated the Pact of Biak-na-Bato with Aguinaldo and his men?
A. Primo de Rivera
B. Isabelo Artacho
C. Pedro Paterno
D. Macario Sakay
E. Felipe Buencamino
C. Pedro Paterno

95. Which order of Presidents correctly applies to Philippine History?
I. Elpidio Quirino
II. Manuel Roxas
III. Ramon Magsaysay
IV. Carlos P. Garcia

96. The newspaper of the Malolos Republic came to be known as
A. El Heraldo de la Revolucion
B. La Independencia
C. Del Superior Gobierno
D. Remate de Tempo Filipinas
A. El Heraldo de la Revolucion

97. Which statement holds true to the Katipunan?
A. Its political objective was the assimilation of the Philippines by Spain.
B. It was founded by Bonifacio upon receiving the news that Rizal would be deported to Dapitan. *
C. Its aim was merely to introduce reforms in the country.
D. Its members belonged to the middle class only
B. It was founded by Bonifacio upon receiving the news that Rizal would be deported to Dapitan.

98. Choose the answer that DOES NOT belong. Universities established during the American Era:
A. Centro Escolar University
B. Siliman University
C. Far Eastern University
D. Philippine Women's University
C. Far Eastern University

99. Who was one of the great reformists known for his Fray Botod which exposed the ignorance, abuses, and immorality of a certain friar?
A. Marcelo H del Pilar
B. Antonio Luna
C. Graciano Lopez Jaena
D. Apolinario Mabini
E. Juan Luna
C. Graciano Lopez Jaena

100. The last American military governor of the Philippines was:
A. Elwell Otis
B. Arthur MacArthur, Jr.
C. Wesley Merritt
D. Adna Chaffee
E. Paul V. McNutt
D. Adna Chaffee

101. Which one (s) served as check to the powers of the Governor-General?
A. Alcalde Mayor
B. Royal Audiencia
C. Cabildo and Governadorcillo
D. Residencia and Visitador
D. Residencia and Visitador

102. Founder of the newspaper, The Tribune:
A. Alejandro Roces Sr.
B. Tomas Pinpin
C. Eugenia
D. Apostol
E.Allen A. Macasaet
A. Alejandro Roces Sr.

103. Which was a result of the doctrine of mercantilism, the basis of economics policies during the Spanish colonial period?
A. Sequestration of the Philippines for its raw materials that should flow only to Spain.
B. Purchase of raw materials from British, the Dutch and the Portuguese governments.
C. Sale of the Philippine raw materials to the British, the Dutch and the Portuguese governments.
D. Flow of manufactured products form countries other than Spain into the Philippines
A. Sequestration of the Philippines for its raw materials that should flow only to Spain.

104. Rizal's anatomy of a revolution that failed was the:
A. El Filibusterismo
B. La Indolencia de los Filipinos
C. Noli Me Tángere
D. El Consejo de los Dioses E. La Liga Filipina
A. El Filibusterismo

105. Katipunan was anchored on the political platform of separating the country from Spain
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Not enough evidence to say
A. True

106. Government established by Aguinaldo immediately after his return from Hong Kong to prosecute the war against Spain effectively:
A. Dictatorial
B. Militarism
C. Autocracy
D. Oligarchy
E. Communism
A. Dictatorial

107. The defender of La Loma who sacrificed his life during the war against the Americans was
A. Tomas Mascardo
B. Jose Torres Bugallon
C. Justin Estrada
D. Tomas Pinpin E. Pedro Paterno
B. Jose Torres Bugallon
108. Which island province in the Visayas offered to cooperate with the Americans during the FilipinoAmerican War?
A. Cebu
B. Iloilo
C. Negros
D. Aklan
E. Samar
C. Negros

109. The fundamental teachings of the Katipunan were embodied in the document written by Emilio Jacinto known as:
A. Kalayaan
B. Kartilya
C. Kalasag
D. Katipon
E. Kawal
B. Kartilya

110. Rizal’s greatest resentment during his student days that motivated him to work harder was:
A. The unequal treatment of students by the Jesuits.
B. The passivity of Filipino students.
C. The prevailing racial discrimination. D. The use of Spanish as medium of instruction.
E. The mandatory use of uniforms.
C. The prevailing racial discrimination

111. Composer of the Marcha Filipino Magdalo:
A. Jose Palma
B. Julián Cruz Balmaceda
C. Julian Felipe
D. Ildefonso Santos
E. Francisco Caballo
C. Julian Felipe

112. Inspired by historical events, Rizal wrote two poems while he was a student in Ateneo. These poems were:
A. “Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria” and “Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena Educacion”
B. “Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria” and “Himmo al Trabaho”.
C. “Himmo al Trabajo” and “A la Educacion”.
D. “A la Educacion” and “Himno Al Trabajo”
A. “Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria” and “Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena Educacion”

113. The central leadership of the KKK was the:
A. Sangguniang Hukuman
B. Sangguniang Bayan
C. Sangguniang Barangay
D. Kataastaasang Sanggunian
D. Kataastaasang Sanggunian

114. Who was called the Lakambini of the Katipunan?
A. Trinidad Tecson
B. Melchora Aquino
C. Gregoria de Jesus
D. Gabriela Silang
E. Delfine Herbosa
C. Gregoria de Jesus

115. Founder of the Partido Federal:
A. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera
B. Basilio Augustín
C. Fernando Primo de Rivera
D. Daniel Tirona E. Camilo de Polavieja
A. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera

116. All of the following are reasons behind the failure of the reform movement, except one. Which is the exception?
A. Petty quarrels among reformists.
B. Spain's preoccupation with her own internal problems.
C. Lack of finances to support propaganda activities.
D. Failure of the friars to counter attacks on the clergy.
D. Failure of the friars to counter attacks on the clergy

117. The American consul who convinced Aguinaldo to collaborate with the Americans in expelling the Spaniards from the Philippines:
A. E. Spencer-Pratt
B. F. Cooper Grant
C. F.A. Blake
D. Jacob Gould Schurman E. John Hay
A. E. Spencer-Pratt

118. Kilala bilang "Ina ng Biak-na-Bato" : A. Delfine Herbosa
B. Melchora Aquino
C. Gregoria de Jesus
D. Trinidad Tecson
E. Gabriela Silang
D. Trinidad Tecson

119. The American general responsible for establishing military government in the country right after the mock battle of Manila is:
A. F.A. Blake
B. Wesley Merritt
C. Ulysses S. Grant
D. Tasker H. Bliss
B. Wesley Merritt

120. Who was the fearless lawyer and writer in exposing Spanish abuses and corruption and is considered the greatest journalist of the propaganda movement:
A. Jose Ma. Panganiban
B. Marcelo H del Pilar
C. Graciano Lopez-Jaena
D. Mariano Ponce
B. Marcelo H del Pilar

121. Belgian consul who acted as mediator for the surrender of the Spaniards to the Americans:
A. Yves Leterme
B. Édouard C. André
C. Charles Michel
D. Herman Van Rompuy
E. Elio Di Rupo
B. Édouard C. André

122. Revolutionary General, known as Viborra:
A. Artemio Ricarte
B. Agueda Esteban
C. Antonio Luna
D. Gregorio del Pilar
E. Emilio Jacinto
A. Artemio Ricarte

123. Which of the following was the immediate cause of the outbreak of the War of Philippine Independence?
A. San Juan Bridge Incident
B. San Nicolas Bridge Incident
C. Pasig River Incident
D. Cabanatuan Bridge Incident
E. San Carlos Bridge Incident
A. San Juan Bridge Incident

124. The formal inauguration of the Philippine Assembly was held at the
A. Malacanang Palace
B. Manila Grand Opera House
C. Session hall of the Philippine Commission
D. Manila Hotel
E. Club Filipino
B. Manila Grand Opera House

125. Francisco Dagohoy of Bohol is famous for:
A. The members of his society all have long hairs.
B. The longest revolt in Philippine history.
C. The only Filipino who was able to removed Spaniards in one province.
D. The last Revolutionary General who surrendered.
E. The best friend of General Emilio Aguinaldo
B. The longest revolt in Philippine history.

126. Their death signalled the beginning of the Propaganda Movement.
A. The execution of Andres and Procopio Bonifacio.
B. The execution of Burgoz, Zamora, Gomez.
C. The execution of Thirteen Martyrs of Cavite.
D. The execution of Rizal.
B. The execution of Burgoz, Zamora, Gomez.

127. The Spooner Amendment to the Army Appropriation Act became the basis for the establishment of:
A. Autonomous government.
B. Civil government in the Philippines.
C. Military rule.
D. Centralized government.
E. Removal of military forces
B. Civil government in the Philippines.

128. Taft became popular among Filipinos during his tenure of office because of his policy known as
A. Filipino First
B. Liberalism and Democracy
C. Philippines for the Filipinos
D. Education For All
E. Equality Rights for Men and Women
C. Philippines for the Filipinos

129. On October 25, 1898, the Academia Militar, the first Philippine military school, was established in _________ by General Emilio Aguinaldo, upon the recommendation of General Antonio Luna.
A. Naic, Cavite
B. Kawit, Cavite
C. Malolos, Bulacan
D. Morong Rizal
E. Tondo Manila
C. Malolos, Bulacan

130. Higher education under the First Philippine Republic was promoted through
A. Burgos Institute
B. University of Santo Tomas
C. Literary University of the Philippines
D. Ateneo de Manila E. Sta. Catalina
C. Literary University of the Philippines

131. The first real battle fought by the Filipinos against the Spaniards was the Battle of:
A. Majayjay
B. Pugad Lawin
C. Montalban
D. Pinaglabanan
E. Biak-na-Bato
D. Pinaglabanan

132. US battleship sank at the Havana Bay which led to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War:
USS Nevada
USS Utah
USS Maine
USS Oklahoma
USS Arizona
U.S.S Maine

133. The First Pontifex Maximus of the Philippine Independent Church:
A. Daniel Tirona
B. Isabelo delos Reyes
C. Gregorio Aglipay
D. Cayetano Arellano
E. Pedro Paterno
C. Gregorio Aglipay

134. The Cry of Pugad Lawin marked the end of:
A. Bonifacio's leadership in the KKK.
B. Filipino vassalage to Spain.
C. KKK as a secret society.
D. Taxation of the Tagalog
B. Filipino vassalage to Spain

135. The agreement that ended the Spanish-American War of 1898
A. Treaty of Paris
B. Treaty of Mantes
C. Treaty of Sablé
D. Treaty of Barcelona
E. Treaty of Malmö
A. Treaty of Paris

136. Who was the “Boy General” who tried to delay the American advances by making a last stand at Pasong Tirad?
A. Emilio Jacinto
B. Gregorio del Pilar
C. Antonio Luna
D. Mariano Noriel
E. Pio del Pilar
B. Gregorio del Pilar

137. The Bates Treaty ______ Muslim resistance against the Americans during the Filipino-American War
A. Heightened
B. Neutralized
C. Sustained
D. Started
E. Provided
B. Neutralized

138. Aguinaldo's decree that called for reorganization of local government in areas under their control:
A. Decree of June 23
B. Decree of June 12
C. Decree of July 4
D. Decree of June 31 E. Decree of October 13
A. Decree of June 23

139. The original title of the Filipino National Anthem:
A. Marcha Filipina Magdalo
B. Marcha Filipina Nacional
C. Filipina Marcha Y Libertad
D. Indepentes Marchas Filipinas
E. Viva Nacional Libertad
A. Marcha Filipina Magdalo

140. The newspaper of the Katipunan was known as:
A. Kartilya
B. Kalayaan
C. Kagitingan
D. Katapatan
E. Kadiwa
B. Kalayaan

141. The first American organic law for the Philippines was:
A. Jones Law
B. Cooper Act / Philippine Deal of 1902
C. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law
D. Tydings–McDuffie Act
B. Cooper Act / Philippine Deal of 1902

142. Bonifacio's Katipunan was revived by
A. Luciano San Miguel
B. Faustino Guillermo
C. Julian Montalan
D. Mariano Alvarez
E. Gregorio Sanciano
A. Luciano San Miguel

143. Who led the Filipinos in attacking the Americans in Balanggiga, Samar?
A. Felipe Buencamino
B. Pedro Sanchez
C. Lazaro Segovia
D. Francisco Dagohoy
E. Simeon Ola
B. Pedro Sanchez

144. Dyariong Tagalog was founded by:
A. Marcelo del Pilar
B. Juan Luna
C. Pedro Laktaw
D. Gregorio Sanciano
E. Graciano Lopez Jaena
A. Marcelo del Pilar

145. The Sublime Paralytic who later became Aguinaldo's adviser:
A. Apolinario Mabini
B. Julian Felipe
C. Isidoro Torres
D. Danilo Gatmaitan
E. Isagani de Jesus
Apolinario Mabini

146. The Cabinet Crisis of 1923 took place during the tenure of Governor-General
A. W. Cameron Forbes
B. Leonard Wood
C. James Smith
D. John J. Pershing
B. Leonard Wood

147. Luna's assassination was a big blow to the Filipino cause as it:
A. Led to a series of reverses on the part of the Filipino soldiers.
B. Made Aguinaldo decides to wage guerilla warfare against American soldiers.
C. Deprived the nation of an able military tactician in its great hour of need.
D. Made the people to lose faith in Revolution.
C. Deprived the nation of an able military tactician in its great hour of need

148. The first American civil governor of the country was:
A. Henry Clay Ide
B. Joseph Smith
C. William H. Taft
D. William Cameron Forbes
E. Luke Edward Wright
C. William H. Taft

149. Bonifacio divided the members of the Katipunan in how many grades (rank)?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 3
D. 8
E. 2
C. 3

150. The untiming loss of Antonio Luna showed the existence of :
A. Lack of discipline among the regular Filipino soldiers.
B. Lack of leadership qualities among leaders.
C. Lack encouragement and support from the leaders.
D. Lack of faith and allegiance to our own country.
A. Lack of discipline among the regular Filipino soldiers

151. Which of the following members of the Katipunan is the lowest rank?
A. Kawal
B. Katipon
C. Kasangga
D. Kasama
E. Kakosa
B. Katipon

152. In which essay did Rizal advocate the government posts should be filled through competitive examinations?
A. The Philippines Within A Century
B. The Love of Country
C. To Young Women of Malolos
D. The Indolence of the Filipino
A. The Philippines Within A Century

153. They were the ones who wore a black hood with a triangle of white ribbon having the letters "Z. Ll. B.", corresponding to the roman A. N. B. meaning Anak ng Bayan)
A. Bayani
B. Katipon
C. Kawal
D. Kasangga
E. Kalasag
B. Katipon

154. Which refers to the schedule of fees imposed on imported goods?
A. Franchise
B. Dumping duties
C. Cash loan
D. Tariff
E. Custom Duties
D. Tariff

155. They were the ones who wore a green hood with a triangle having white lines and the letters "Z. LL. B." at the three angles of the triangle, and also wore a green ribbon with a medal with the letter "Ka" in Baybayin script above a depiction of a crossed sword and flag.
A. Kalasag
B. Kawal
C. Kakosa
D. Bayani
E. Katipon
B. Kawal

156. Which of the following is the minimum number of persons who can organize and register a cooperative?
A. 15
B. 50
C. 25
D. 35
E. 10
A. 15

157. They were the ones who wore a red mask and a sash with green borders, symbolizing courage and hope. The front of the mask had white borders that formed a triangle with three Ks arranged as if occupying the angles of a triangle within a triangle, and with the letters "Z. Ll. B." below: A. Katipon
B. Bayani
C. Kawal
D. Kasangga
E. Kalasag
B. Bayani

158. You have organized yourself into a cooperative for each member to be able to secure loans for productive and provident purposes. Which type of cooperative have you organized?
A. Service Cooperative
B. Consumers Cooperative
C. Credit Cooperative
D. Producers Cooperative
C. Credit Cooperative

159. How can a "Kawal" become a "Bayani"?
A. by bringing several new members in Katipunan.
B. by being promoted to an officer in Katipunan.
C. by killing atleast 50 Spaniards.
D. by being a spy in the Spanish government.
E. by being good at all weapons.
B. by being promoted to an officer in Katipunan

160. The teachers of a school want to associate, pool their savings, and use the fund as soon as possible to grant loans to members and capitalize and operate the school canteen. What type of cooperative will they organize and register?
A. Credit Cooperative
B. Multipurpose Cooperative
C. Consumers Cooperative
D. Service Cooperative
B. Multipurpose Cooperative

161. How can a "Katipon" become a "Kawal"?
A. by being good at all weapons.
B. by being promoted to an officer in Katipunan.
C. by killing atleast 50 Spaniards.
D. by recruiting several new members in Katipunan.
E. by being a spy in the Spanish government.
D. by recruiting several new members in Katipunan

162. All of the following were Senate Presidents EXCEPT:
A. Ferdinand E. Marcos
B. Manuel A. Roxas
C. Manuel L. Quezon
D. Carlos P. Garcia
D. Carlos P. Garcia

163. Who was the Governor General during the time of GOMBURZA?
A. Narciso Clavería
B. Rafael de Izquierdo y Gutíerrez
C. Riego de Dios
D. Camilo de Polavieja
E. Eulogio Despujol
B. Rafael de Izquierdo y Gutíerrez

164. What are the allowed to be deducted from the goal gross compensation income to arrive at the taxable compensation income?
A. Charitable contributions
B. Assets and Liabilities
C. Personal and additional exemptions D. Bad debt
E. Losses
A. Charitable contributions

165. Who was the Governor General during the exile of Rizal in Dapitan?
A. Eulogio Despujol
B. Camilo de Polavieja
C. Narciso Clavería
D. Rafael de Izquierdo y Gutíerrez
E. Riego de Dios
A. Eulogio Despujol

166. You came to the examination room by riding a taxi which, according to the driver, is managed by a transport cooperative. Under which type of cooperative does this transport cooperative fall?
A. Consumers cooperative
B. Multipurpose cooperative
C. Transport cooperative
D. Service cooperative
D. Service cooperative

167. Dapitan, the place where Rizal was exiled for 4 years is located in:
A. Davao del Norte
B. Zamboanga del Sur
C. Davao del Sur
D. Zamboanga del Norte
E. Davao Orriental
D. Zamboanga del Norte

168. What is the maximum percentage of the share capital of a cooperative member can own or hold?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 5%
D. 25%
C. 5%

169. Who was the Governor General who permitted Rizal to leave Dapitan to volunteered his services as a doctor in Cuba:
A. Diego de los Ríos
B. Ramón Blanco
C. Narciso Clavería
D. Eulogio Despujol
E. Miguel López de Legazpi
B. Ramón Blanco

170. Which norm dictates that one should marry within one’s clan or ethnic group? A. Exogamy
B. Endogamy
C. Polyandry
D. Polygamy
E. Monogamy
B. Endogamy

171. Who was the last American Governor-General of the Philippines:
A. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.
B. Dwight F. Davis
C. Frank Murphy
D. Henry L. Stimson
E. Leonard Wood
C. Frank Murphy

172. Which was a very important accomplishment of Aguinaldo’s dictatorial government?
A. Union of Church and State.
B. Separation of Church and State.
C. Abolition of slavery
D. Proclamation of the Philippine independence.
E. Made friends with the Spaniards and Americans.
D. Proclamation of the Philippine independence 173

173. Who was the Governor General who issued a decree for the Filipinos to change their surnames:
A. Miguel López de Legazpi
B. Pedro Bravo de Acuña
C. Narciso Clavería
D. Juan Cerezo de Salamanca
E. Eulogio Despujol
C. Narciso Clavería

174. If you keep seeing your ways of doing things as the right way and everybody else’s as the wrong way, you tend to have the attitude called:
A. Cultural Pluralism
B. Cultural Relativism
C. Ethnocentrism
D. Multiculturalism
C. Ethnocentrism

175. Who was the President of the 1987 Constitutional Commission?
A. Ambrosio B. Padilla
B. Ahmad Domocao Alonto
C. Napoleon G. Rama
D. Cecilia Munoz Palma
D. Cecilia Munoz Palma

176. The Earth’s surface is covered by water by about:
A. 7%
B. 30%
C. 50%
D. 70%
E. 80%
D. 70%

177. The Philippines is largely a Catholic nation. Is the separation of Church and State enshrined in the 1987 Constitution?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. Not enough evidence to say.
A. Yes

178. The Society of Jesus was founded by:
A. Francis of Assisi
B. Francis Xavier
C. Ignatius of Loyola
D. Michael Servetus
E. Thaddeus of Edessa
C. Ignatius of Loyola

179. What is regarded by the State as a "primary social economic force?"
A. Trade
B. Labor
C. Commerce
D. Education
E. Wealth
B. Labor
180. According to Article III, Section 15 of the Constitution, the writ of habeas corpus may be suspended in times of rebellion or what?
A. invasion
B. terrorism
C. martial law
D. war
A. invasion

181. After the Second World War, which emerged as new powers?
A. United States and France
B. United States and Soviet Union
C. United States and Great Britain
D. Soviet Union and Germany
E. France and Germany
B. United States and Soviet Union

182. The Lower Chamber of the Congress of the Philippines is known by what name?
A. House of Representatives
B. National Assembly
C. Senate
D. Congressional Lower Chamber
E. Legislative
A. House of Representatives

183. A Member of either house of Congress may be expelled by their fellow Members. For a Member to be expelled, how much of the total number of Members of a house must concur with the expulsion?
A. three-fourths
B. two-thirds
C. majority
D. nine-tenths
E. complete or total number of Congressmen
B. two-thirds

184. If a President wishes to veto a bill, he/she must communicate it within a certain span of time; otherwise the bill will become a law. How long is this span of time?
A. 3 weeks
B. 30 days
C. 60 days
D. 48 days
E. 90 days
B. 30 days

185. In the event that both the President and Vice President are removed from office, who will act as President in the Philippines?
A. Speaker of the House of Representatives
B. President of the Senate
C. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court D. Executive Secretary of the Cabinet E. Ombudsman
B. President of the Senate

186. One of the functions of the government is to enter into treaties and agreements with the governments of other states. However, such agreements will only be valid and effective when the concurrence of a specific government entity has been given. Name this government entity.
A. Senate
B. Supreme Court
C. Department of Foreign Affairs
D. Cabinet
E. Congress
A. Senate

187. How many Associate Justices comprise the Supreme Court?
A. 14
B. 12
C. 15
D. 19
A. 14

188. Which Spanish Governor General had the program on Tabaco Monopoly in 1782?
A. Jose Basco
B. Narciso Claveria
C. Gaspar dela Torre
D. Eulogio Despujol
A. Jose Basco

189. Who advocated the process of Filipinization in the Philippines during the American colonial period?
A. William Howard Taft
B. Francis Burton Harrison
C. Frank Murphy
D. Dwight Davis
B. Francis Burton Harrison

190. He is the only former American Governor-General of the Philippines to be awarded Philippine citizenship.
A. Henry Clay Ide
B. James Francis Smith
C. Francis Burton Harrison
D. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.
E. Dwight F. Davis
C. Francis Burton Harrison

191. It is considered to be the place where the first civilization flourished:
A. Africa
B. Europe
C. Middle East
D. Latin America
C. Middle East

192. Social Studies are a component of which subject in high school?
A. English
B. Science
C. Filipino

193. What was the pseudonym of Andres Bonifacio?
A. Laong Laan
B. Agapito Bagumbayan
C. Dimasalang
D. Plaridel
E. Taga Ilog
B. Agapito Bagumbayan

194. It is considered to be the most famous social networking site
A. Google
B. Yahoo
C. Facebook
D. Multiply
C. Facebook
195. SONA stands for
A. State of the Nation Address
B. State of the National Assembly
C. Speech of Noynoy Aquino
D. Status of the Nation Address
A. State of the Nation Address

196. In 2005, this hurricane caused a huge devastation in New Orleans in the United States of America. Which hurricane was this?
A. Sandy
B. Irene
C. Katrina
D. Rita
C. Katrina

197. Which is not a cause of World War I?
A. The secret military alliances among the nations of Europe.
B. Japan’s imperialistic ambition
C. The desire of nations to gain independence
D. Competition for colonial and economic power among European nations.
B. Japan’s imperialistic ambition

198. Which organization came as aftermath of World War II?
A. Operation Brotherhood
B. World Health Organization
C. United Nations
D. International Monetary Fund
C. United Nations

199. Which process can explain the presence of the Spanish elements in Filipino culture?
A. Evolution
B. Inheritance
C. Interbreeding
D. Cultural Diffusion
E. Fusion Magnet
D. Cultural Diffusion

200. Which type of family is most likely to develop in the children the values of independence, initiative, and self reliance?
A. Conjugal
B. Nuclear
C. Consanguinial
D. Extended
E. Adams
B. Nuclear



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