General Education: MATHEMATICS

INSTRUCTION: Select and encircle the best answer for each item.

1. The thousandths digits of the number 1,234.5678.

a. 1                                          c. 8

b. 7                                          d. 5


2. Jhoe has 15,000 pesos in the bank. After a year, he expects it to earn 750 pesos.  What should be the interest rate?

a. 2%                                       c. 5%

b. 4%                                       d. 6%


3. Which is proportion?

a. 5:4 = 15:12                          c. 4:5 = 12:10

b. 8:3 = 16:9                            d. ½:7 = 5:2


4. What do you call the equity of two ratios?

a. quotient                               c. percentage

b. fraction                                d. proportion


5. If m<0 and n>0, which of the following is true?

a. m/n=0                                  c.1/m<1/n>0                                    d. 1/m>1/n


6. The least common multiple (LCM) of 18 and 24.

a. 6                                          c. 36

b. 24                                        d. 72


7. How many centimeters are there in 100 millimeters?

a. .1                                         c. 10

b. 1                                          d. 10.5


8. What is the volume of a cube with an edge of 2ft.?

a. 6 cubic ft.                            c. 10 cubic ft.

b. 8 cubic ft.                            d. 12 cubic ft.


9. Which of the following is divisible by 4 and seven?

a. 175                                      c.189

b. 182                                      d. 196


10. Which of the following is both divisible by 8 and 10?

a. 64                                        c. 120

b. 98                                        d. 300


11. Which of the following is divisible by 13?

a. 157                                      c. 207

b. 182                                      d.252


12. If 15 notebooks cost Php138.00, how much 15 notebook cost?

a. Php276.00                           c. Php552.00

b. Php414.00                           d. Php690.00


13. Evaluate 3x-2[x-(2x+1)].

a. 3x-2                                     c. 3x+2

b. 5x+2                                    d. 5x-2


14. What is the average of 1/2, 1/3, and 1/6?

a. 1                                          c. 1/3

b. 1/6                                       d. ¼


15. A meter stick was cut into 2 pieces at 36 cm in mark. What is the ratio of the smaller piece to the larger piece?

a. 16:25                                   c. 9:25

b. 13:50                                   d. 9:16


16. The perimeter of a rectangle is 10 ft. What is the width if the length is 4ft?

a. 1 ft.                                      c. 1.5ft.

b. 2ft.                                      d.2.5ft.


17. There are three dozens of eggs sold at Php2.28 per piece. If a Whole seller gets 5% discount how much will he pay for all?

a. Php78.22                             c. Php92.00

b. Php77.98                             d.Php82.08


18. Write in simple form (3ab)².

a. 3a²b²                        c. 3a²b

b. 9a²b2                        d. a²b


19. A mile is about 1.609 km. How many meters longer is a mile than a kilometer?

a. 600 m                                  c. 609 m

b. 1000 m                                d. 1609 m


20. How much is 20% of 60% of 200?

a. 120                                      c. 24

b. 78                                        d. 40


21. How many hectares are there in a rectangular field which is 750 m wide and 800 m long?

a.120 ha                                   c. 60 ha

c. 56 ha                                    d. 40 ha


22. The letter A, B, C, D have a numerical values of 1, 2, 3, 4…..and so on. What is the sum of the letters in DAVID?

a. 40                                        c. 39

b. 37                                        d. 41


23. What two numbers have the sum of 35 and a product of 306?

a. 18.2 and 17.3                       c. 16.5 and 8.5

b. 16 and 19                            d. 17 and 18


24. A merchant bought a pair of shoes at Php100. She tagged them at 10% more. Then she advertised a new cost, which is 10% less than the tagged price. Did she lose or did she gain?

a. she did not lose nor gain

b. she gained by one peso per pair

c. she lose by 2% of the cost price of each pair

d. she lost by one peso per pair


25. Which of these numbers is not divisible by 15?

a. 431640                                c. 461305

b. 321690                                d. 630565


26. How much  bigger is  28 than 9²?

A. 431                                     c. 47

b. 175                                      d. 73


27. The volume of a box is 480 cm³. If its height is 24 cm and height is 5 cm, what is its width?

a. 5 cm                                     c. 6 cm

b. 4 cm                        d. 8 cm


28. In math class of 14 students, 9 students had an average of 76, while the other 5 students have an average of 90. What is the average of the whole class?

a. 79                b. 88                c. 81                d. 85


29. a5+a5

a. a25                                         c. a10

b. 2a5                                        d. (2a)2


30. How many seconds are there in 24 hours a day?

a. 85,400                                 c. 86,400

b. 1440                                    d. 1540


31. How much longer is the supplement of 570 angle than the complement of 750 angle?

a. 1080                                                                           c.650

b. 180                                                                               d.1230


32. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 25ft. If one leg is 24 ft. What is the length of the other leg?

a. 6 ft.                                      c. 20ft.

d. 5ft.                                      d. 7ft.


33. Find the GCF of 18 and 36?

a.2                                           c. 18

b. 6                                          d. 9


34. Write the expression 3x2+x in factored form.

a. 3x2(1+1)                               c. x (3x+1)

b. 3x3(1+x)                               d. 3(x2+1)


35. If a car travels 96 miles on 8 liters of gas. How far can the car travel on a full tank of gas that holds 20 liters?

a. 235 miles                             c. 230 miles

b. 245 miles                             d. 240 miles

36. Which of the following is/are true?

I. x3-y3 = (x-y) (x2+y2)

II. (5x-2y) (5x-2y) = 25x2-20xy+4y2

III. x2+y2 = (x+y) (x+y)

a. I only                                   c. II only

c. I and III                               d. I and II


37. If a baseball player can hit 10 homerun in one game season. How many home run can he expect to hit during 162 game season?

a.1620                                     c. 1640

b. 1700                                    d. 1720


38. What is the volume of a cube whose surface area is 54?

a. 54                                        c. 729

b. 81                                        d. 27


39. If x-6 > 24 then

a. x<6                                      c. x<4

b. x>30                                    d. x<24


40. You buy a new refrigerator cost Php12, 800.00

And make and make a down payment of           Php2, 500.00. If you finance the remainder at 8% annual interest for three years, how much will you actually pay for the refrigerator?

a. Php12, 800                          c. Php12, 772

c. Php10, 300                          d. Php15, 272


41. When John sort his collection of computer card games into groups of 3, 4, 5, or 8 there is always one card left. What is the smallest number of cards John can have?

a. 80                                        c. 65

b. 120                                      d. 121


42. Mr. Reyes can dig a ditch in 6 days and Mr. Roxas in 8 days. In how many days can both men together dig the ditch?

a. 20/7 days                             c. 14 days

c. 24/7 days                             d. 7 days


43. Anne is 2/3 as old as her sister. Twenty years from now, she will be seven-eighths. How old is Anne?

a. 12                                        c. 9

b. 10                                        d. 8


44. which property of real numbers does the following mathematical statement a(b+c) = ab + ac illustrate?

a. Commutative Property        c. Reflexive Property

c. Associative Property          d. Distributive Property


45. Give the value of a, if the statement is 4ab-20, b=5.

a. 4                              c. 1

b. 2                              d. 3


46. What are the missing terms? 5, 10, 20, __, 80,__?

a. 50 and 150               c. 35 and 135

b. 40 and 160              d. 40 and 120


47. In a geometric progression, if the first-term is 1 and the common ratio is 4, what is the 6th term?

A. 256                         c. 1024

b. 1456                        d. 512


48. The Jollibee Corporation has 3,900 workers. Only 3% are non-union members. How many workers then are members?

a. 3750                        c. 3783

b. 3720                                    d.3748


49. The height of a right triangle with the base 5cm and the area of 30 cm?

a. 24 cm                       c. 8 cm

b. 12cm                       d. 4 cm


50. How many 75 gram packs of sugar can be made from a 30 kg sack? 

a. 40                            c. 400

b. 2500                        d. 250


51. The length and width of rectangle are (3x-1) and 2x+1, respectively. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

a. 6x²-x-2                     c. 10x-2

b. 10x+2                      d. 5x-1


52. In a math class of 14 students, 9 students had an average of 76, while the other students had an average of 90. What is the average of the whole class?

a. 79                            c. 81

b. 88                            d. 85


53. It is defined as ratio or quotient of two numbers?

A. fraction                   c. Combination

b. permutation d. percentage


54. A land owner who owns 25 ½ hectares of land sold 8 3/4, 4 1/3, and 6 hectares of land during the months of January, February and March respectively. How many hectares of land does he own now?

a. 7 5/12                      c. 6

b. 8 5/12                      d. 5


55. A square has an area of 400 cm². What is its perimeter?

a. 40 cm                       c. 20 cm

b. 80 cm                      d. 15 cm


56. Which property of real number does the following mathematical statement 20+8 – 8+20 illustrated?

a. commutative            c. distributive

b. associative               d. identity


57. The smallest whole number is?

a. -1                             c. 1

b. 0                              d. 2


58. Which of the following negative numbers has the largest value?

a. -9                             c. -34

b. -2                             d. -25


59. An airplane flying at 15,000 meters climbs 3,000 m to avoid a storm. Then drops 4,000 m and finally climbs 2,000 m. What is its final attitude?

a. 24,000 m                 c. 16,000 m

b. 6,000 m                   d. 14,000 m


60. It is the smallest prime number, and the only even prime number?

a. 1                              c. 4

b. 2                              d. 6


61. A branch of mathematics which deals with the study of point lines and planes in space and the many relationship that exist among them?

a. algebra                     c. trigonometry

b. calculus                   d. geometry


62. It is a positive angle that measures less than 90˚. In other words its measure is between 0˚-90˚?

a. right                         c. obtuse 

b. acute                        d. left


63. Find the perimeter of the regular hexagon below.


a. 48cm                                    c. 56 cm

b. 42 cm                                  d. 68 cm


64. If the sum of a certain number and 8 is divided by 5, the quotient is 5. What is the number?

a. 5                              c. 15

b. 6                              d. 17


65. Jeepney fares are computed as follows: 7.50 for the first four kilometers plus Php 0.50 for every additional kilometer thereafter. How much should Mikey pay for a ride that covers 11 km?

a. Php 10.00                c. Php 11.50

b. Php 11.00                d. Php 12.00


66. The distance from C to D is 24 km. The distance from B to C is 2/3 of the distance from C to D. The distance from A to B is 3/8 of the distance from B to C. What is the distance from A to B?

a. 4 km                        c. 6 km

b. 5 km                                    d. 8 km


67. Which of the following describes a proportion?

a. 8:10=4:20                c. 6:12=8:16

b. 15:2=45:4                81:9=3:1


68. In a school, the ratio of man to seniors is 5:2. If there are 450 freshman, how many seniors are there?

a. 150                          c. 200

b. 180                          d. 240


69. The following are undefined except_________?

a. point                        c. plane 

b. line                          d. triangle


70. A square garden has an area of 361 m². Each side measures________.

a. 18                            c. 20

b. 19                            d. 17


71. Find the area of trapezoid.

                         3 dm




                         5 dm

a. 16                b. 18                c.32                 d.36


72 .Find the area of a garden in the shape of a regular octagon if the length of a side is 7 feet apothem is 9 feet.

a. 500 ft2                                            c. 506 ft2

b. 580 ft²                     d. 504 ft2


73. If the circumference of a round plate is 25.1325 inches, how is its radius?

a. 4 inches                   c. 6 inches

b.5 inches                    d. 3 inches


74. A triangle has an altitude of 12 inches and a base of 16 inches. Its area in square inches is____?

a. 28                            c. 96

b. 36                            d.192


75. A farmland, trapezoid in shape is 45 meters on the lower base and 25 meters on the upper base. Its altitude is 15 meters. At 800 pesos per sq. meter, how much does the land cost?

a. Php 420,000            c. Php 525,000

b. Php 480,000            d. Php 675,000


76. What is the degree of the term of 5x2y?

a. 2                              c. 4

b. 3                              d. 5


77. What is the square of (x+4)2?

a. x2+8xy+16y2 c. x2-8xy+16y2

b. x2+8xy-16y2             d. x2-8xy-16y2


78. What digit can be inserted in the blank so that the number 59_172 would be divisible by 3?

a. 1      b. 2      c. 3      d. 7


79. Based on the graph, how much of the 25,000 monthly income of the Faria family goes to food?

                                                                                                                        a. Php7, 500

                                                            b. Php7, 250

                                                            c. Php11, 250

                                                            d. Php6, 250

80. If Justine can run 3km in an hour, how far can she run in 45 minutes?

a. 1.75 km                   c. 2.5 km

b. 2.15 km                   d. 2.25 km


81. There are four rooms for rent in a corner building. Each room is 114 m2 in area. How much will Mr. Sulit pay the rooms for one year if the cost per square meter is Php350/month?

a. Php1, 925, 200        c. Php19, 125, 200

b. Php1, 915.20           d. Php1, 915, 200


82. A Cessna plane flies 364 miles in 5 hours a day. Give the average speed in the flight in mph.

a. 14.5 mph                 c. 72.8 mph

b. 36.4 mph                 d. 80.00 mph


83. What is the floor area of a 4 storey apartment if each floor is made of 12 by 23 meters?

a. 1444 sqm                 c. 1004 sqm

b. 1111 sqm                 d. 1104 sqm

84. If X is located on line segment AB and point Y is located on line segment CD. If AB=CD and AX>CY, then:

a. XB<YD                              c. AX>XB

b. XB>YD                              d. AX<XB


85. How many 75-gram sacks of sugar can be made from a 30 kilogram sacks?

a. 40                            c. 400

b. 2500                        d. 250


86. One hectare is equivalent to 10, 000 sq. m. How many hectares are in the rectangular field which is 750 m wide and 800 m long?

a. 120 ha                      c. 60 ha

b. 56 ha                       d. 40 ha


87. There are 5 dozens of eggs sold at Php3.00 per piece. If a whole seller gets 10% discount, how much will he paid for all?

a. Php172.00               c. Php162.00

b. Php170.00               d. Php160.00


88. A dinner offer choices of 7 appetizers, 12 main dishes, and 6 desserts. How many ways can you choose one of each course?

a. 72                            c. 25

b. 504                          d. 84


89. What two numbers have the sum of 35 and a product of 306?

a. 18.2 and 17.3           c. 16.5 and 8.5

b. 16 and 19                d. 17 and 18


90. How much is 20% of 60% of 200?

a. 120                          c. 24

b. 48                            d. 40


91. How much bigger is 29 than 92?

a. 431                          c. 47

b. 175                          d. 73


92. For what sides of the square are the perimeter and the area numerically equal?

a. 2                              c. 4

b. 8                              d. 12


93. (a5) (a5)

a. a25                             c. a10

b. 2a5                            d. (2a)5


94. If a faucet drips at the rate of 3 drops every 5 seconds, how many drops will fall in one minute?

a. 36                            c. 15

b. 60                            d. 100


95. In a math class of 14 students, 9 students had an average of 76, while the other 5 students had an average of 90.  What is the average of the whole class?

a. 79                            c. 81

b. 88                            d. 85


96. If a car travels 48 miles on 4 liters of gas, How far can the car travel on a dull tank of gas that holds 20 liters?

a. 235 miles                             c. 230 miles

b. 245 miles                            d. 240 miles


97. How much top soil is needed to cover a garden 25 ft. by 40 ft. to a depth of 6 inches?

a. 480 cu. ft.                            c. 500 cu. ft. 

b. 440 cu. ft.                            d. 460 cu. ft. 


98. How many gallons of water will fill a fish tank that is 13 inches by 12 inches by 48 inches if there are 231 cubic inches per gallon? Round your answer to your nearest gallon.

a. 45 gallons                            c. 32 gallons

b. 40 gallons                            d. 47 gallons


99. Find the GCF of 18 and 36?

a.2                                           c. 18

b. 6                                          d.9


100. What is the value of a in the statement 3ab=15 if b=5?

a. 2                                          c. 1

b. o                                          d. 5


101. If a baseball player hits 10 home runs in the 45 games, at the same rate how many homeruns can he expect to hit during 162game season?

a. 38                                        c. 42

b. 40                                        d. 36


102. How many 6 seconds are there in a day?

a. 85, 400                                c. 86,400

b. 14,400                                 d. 15,400


103. Write in simple form (6xy) 3

a. 6x4y4                         c. 6x3y

b. 36x3y3                                                                     d. 216x3y3

104. A motion was passed by a vote of 6 is to 4. What if parts of votes cast were in favor of the motion? 

a. 6/4                           c. 6/10

b. 4/6                           d. 4/10


105. What is the costs of refrigerator if it entails a down payment of Php1,400 and 15 monthly installments of Php900?

a. Php14, 400                          c. Php15, 800

b. Php13, 000                          d. Php14, 900


106. A certain organization has 36 men and 15 women. Find the ratio of men to women?

a. 10:5                         c. 15:5

b. 12:5                         d. 9:5


107. 40% of 200 is how much?

a. 80                            c. 50

b. 90                            d. 85


108. Php200 is increased by 10% is how much?

a. Php120                    c. Php250

b. Php220                    d. Php180


109. How many feet of continuous paper will you need to print an 81 page report in duplicate. One page is 8 inches in length. How many feet you need of the continuous paper?

a. 54 ft.                        c. 152 ft.

b. 172 ft.                     d. 108 ft.


110. Find the missing term 42: x=7:10?

a. 50                            c.49

b. 60                            d. 59


111. A paint mixer told a buyer that he could obtain the shades of orange paint he wanted by mixing yellow paint in ratio of 4:3. How many yellow paint should the costumer buy to mix 12 quarts of red paint?

a. 12                            c. 16

b. 25                            d.15


112. What is the missing term of the series? 2, 5, 11, 23, 47, __.

a.115                           c. 105

b. 95                            d. 125


113. Change each of the following fractions to decimals: 1/2

a. 0.1                           c. 0.5

b. 0.6                           d. 0.4


114. 3/5

a. 0.1                           c. 0.2

b. 0.6                           d. 0.5


115. 7/8

a. 0.875                       c. 0.874

b. 0.872                       d. 0.871


116. Kyla can type 25 words per minute. How long will it take to type a short story of 375 words?

a. 16 min                     c. 14 min

b. 10 min                     d. 15 min

117. A tailor sew 6 pants in a day. How many days will it take him to sew 2 dozen of pants?

a. 4 days                      c. 2 days 

b. 6 days                      d. 3 days 


118. Leg-leg receive his grades in PEHM for the fourth grading period, the grades were 83, 86, 80, and 88. What was his average grade?

a. 85.25                       c. 85

b. 84.25                       d. 84


119. Solve for the value of n. 3/6 +1/6 =n

a. 4/6                           c. 3/4

b. 5/2                           d. 2/3


120. 1/4 + 3/4+ 3/4= n

a. 1 3/4                        c. 1 1/4

b. 1 1/2                                    d. 1 1/8


121. ₱8,000 is invested at 12% simple interest. What is the amount at the end of 2 years?

a. ₱ 8,960                    c. ₱ 9,600

b. ₱ 8,240                    d. ₱ 9,920


122. Anthony has 5 action figures. In how many ways can he arrange the figures in his shelf?

a. 20                            c. 100

b. 25                            d. 120


123. If 5% of x is 20, what is 30% 0f x?

A. 30                           c. 20

b. 12                            d. 16


124. A 737-model plane has 29 rows with 5 seats per row, except for the last 3 rows which had 3 seats each, what is the seating capacity of the plane?

a. 144                          c. 140

b. 145                          d. 139


125. In a certain school, the ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 7. If there are 150 boys and girls in the school, how many boys are there?

a. 45                            c. 75

b. 105                          d. 90


126. What is 3m + 28dm when converted to centimeters?

a. 480 cm                     c. 4800 cm

b. 540 cm                    d. 5800 cm


127. If 25% of 50% of 80 is 10, then 1/4 of 5/10 of 80 is_____?

a. 40                            c. 15

b. 20                            d. 10


128. What is -2+(-3.1)+(-0.02)?

a. -0.512                      c. 0.512

b. 5.012                       d. -5.12


129. What will be the resulting algebraic expression when (2v-3w) is multiplied by (4x+5)?

a. 8vx-12wx-15w+10v                        c. 8vx-7wx+8w-7v     

b. 6vx-wx-2w+7v                   d.8vx-12wx-10w+15w


130. What is the probability of getting a prime number when a die is tossed?

a. 1/6                           c. 1/3

b. 1/4                           d. 1/2


131. What percent is 3/4 of 5/6?

a. 65%                         c. 80%

b. 90%                         d. 75%


132. Which of these numbers is greater than ¼?

a. .04                           c. 1/8

b. (1/2)²                       d. 1/0.04

133. Kath’s grades in three math quizzes are 82, 76, 86. What grade should she get in her next quiz to raise her average to 85?

a. 94                            c. 88

b. 90                            d. 87


134. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 42 inches. Each of the two equal sides is 3x as long as the third side. What are the lengths of these sides?

a. 20, 20, 2                  c. 6, 6, 8

b. 19, 19, 4                  d. 18, 18, 6


135. What are the missing terms 15, 30, 60,__, 440,__?

a. 90, 820                    c. 110, 860

b. 100, 840                  d. 120, 880


136. What is the value of (12 1/6)-(2 3/8)-(7 2/3)+(19 3/4)?

a. 21                            c. 21 7/8

b. 21 1/8                      d. 22


137. Joel repacks a 60 kg sacks of sugar into small packs of 750g. How many small packs can be made?

a. 90                            c. 75

b. 45                            d. 80


138. A park has a triangular shape. It has a base of 12 m and a height of 9 m. What is its area?

a. 122 m²                     c. 42 m²

b. 108 m²                     d. 54 m²


139. If a certain job can be finished by 18 workers in 26 days, how many workers are needed to finish the job in 12 days?

a. 24 workers               c. 39 workers

b. 30 workers              d. 45 workers


140. A meter stick was cut into two pieces at the 64 mark. What is the ratio of the smaller piece to the largest piece?

a. 9:16                         c. 13:50

b. 16:25                       d. 9:26


141. The simplest expression of (240)/(420)?

a. 4                              c. (1/2)20

b. 1                              d. 220


142. If the price of round-trip fare to Malolos, Bulacan is ₱ 285.00, how much will it cost a family of four if the husband pays full fare, the wife pays 2/3 of full fare, and the two children each pay 1/2 of the regular price?

a. ₱ 475.00                  c. ₱ 760.00

b. ₱ 570.00                  d. ₱ 1,140.00


143. Jessica has 6 red t-shirts and 9 yellow t-shirts. If she picks one t-shirt at random, what is the probability that it will not be yellow?

a. 2/5                           c. 6/15

b. 9/15                         d. 2/3


144. The hypotenuse of right triangle is 25 feet. If one leg is 24 feet, what is the length of the other leg?

a. 6 ft.                          c. 20 ft.

b. 5 ft.                         d. 7 ft.


145. If x=-5, what is the value of (x²-9)/(x+3)?

a. -8                             c. 5

b. -6                             d. 7


146. Give the factors of 3x²+9x²+9x.

a.  x(2x-3)(x+3)           c. x(3x-2)(x+3)

b. x(2x+3)(x+3)           d. x(2x-3)(x-3)


147. How many ways can 4 students from a group of 15 be lined up for a photograph?

a. 32,760 lineups         c. 60 lineups

b. 3760 lineups            d. 37 lineups


148. A swimming pool has a cylindrical shape. Find the volume of the pool if its diameter is of 40 ft. and the depth is of 8 ft.

a. 3200 ft3                                        c. 100.48 ft3

b. 320 ft3                                           d. 10048 ft3


149. Which of these fractions has the greatest value?

a. 4/5                           c. 7/10

b. 9/16                         d. 5/8


150.  If a car travels 35 miles for every gallon, how many kilometers will it travel for every liter of gasoline?

a. 14 .9 km/                 c. 9.26 km/l

b. 86.9 km/l                 d. 21.8 km/l


151. The readings on water meter in April and May are 417.8 m3 and 430.4 m3. If there is a basic charge of 23 pesos and cost m3 is 20 pesos, how much is the billing for water consumption between the two months?

a. ₱ 2520.00                c. ₱ 275.00

b. ₱270.00                   d. ₱2,543.00


152. What is the length of the diagonal BD of the rectangle below?

            A                                 D




            B             40               C  


a. 50                            c. 30

b. 40                            d. 20


153. A rectangular lot is 5 meters wide and 12 meters long. How long is a path that cuts diagonally across the lot?

a. 15 m            c. 13 m

b. 17 m                        d. 7 m


154. In how many ways can 7 people seated around a circular table?

a. 49                            c. 5040

b. 720                          d. 14


155. In a candy jar, there are 15 lemons, 12 chocolates, and 3 mints.  If candy is picked at random, what is the probability of not getting a mint?

a. ½                             c. 1/6

b. 9/10                         d. 1/10


156. What is the value of (16(1/2))(16(1/3))(16(1/6))?

a. 16(1/36)                         c. 4

b. 2                              d. 16


157. Write the expression 4x3+x in factored form.

a. 4(x3+1)                     c. x(4x2+1)

b. 4x2(x+1)                   d. 4x(x2+1)


158. How many different 5-letter words can be formed from the word APPLE?

a. 75 words                 c. 80 words

b. 50 words                 d. 60 words


159. Find the volume of a sphere having a radius of 12.6 meters. 

a. 665.15 m3                                 c. 566.25 m3

b. 664.68 m3                                 d. 646.46 m3


160. Given a cone with the height of 10 cm and base radius of 9 cm. Find the volume of this cone.

a. 84.78 cm3                                  c. 847.8 cm3

b. 847.5 cm3                                 d. 84.75 cm3


161. A sales man sold twice as much pear in the afternoon than in the morning. If he sold 360 kilograms of pears that day, how many kilograms did she sell in the afternoon?

a. 120 kg                     c. 220 kg

b. 260 kg                     d. 240 kg


162. Mary, Peter, and Lucy were picking chestnuts, Mary picked twice as much chestnuts than peter. Lucy picked 2 kg more than Peter. Together the three of them picked 26 kg of chestnuts. How many kilograms did Lucy pick?

a. 4                              c. 8

b. 6                              d. 12


163. Based from item number 162, how many kilograms of chestnuts did Peter picked?

a. 4                              c. 8

b. 6                              d. 12


164. A pair of dice is drawn, what is the probability that the result will be one?

a. 1                              c. 3

b. 3                              d. 0


165. The denominator of a certain fraction is thrice as the numerator. If 6 is added to both the numerator and the denominator, the resulting fraction will be 3/5. What is the original fraction?

a. 3/5                           c. 1/3

b. 8/5                           d. ¾


166. A card is picked at random from an ordinary deck of cards. Find the probability of picking a black card.

 a. 1/4                          c. 1/3

b. ¾                             d. 1/2


167. Evaluate 100+99x100.

a. 19,900                     c. 199,000

b. 10,000                     d. 100,000


168. Simplify: 23 + 27 + 243.

a. 12√3                       c. 14√3

b. 8√3                         d. 16√3


169. Find the slope from given coordinate points:

 (-4,0), (-3,5)

a. 3                              c. 2

b. 4                              d. 5

170. Based from item number 169. Find the y-intercept.

a. 20                            c. 16

b. 24                            d. 18


171. In a basketball game, a team took 180 shots and scores 81 goals. What percent of its shots were successful?

a. 45%                         c. 40%

b. 30 %                        d. 35%


172. A college student who worked during summer breaks earned ₱ 9,000.00. Of this amount he saved ₱ 650.00. What percent of his earning is saved?

a. 7.21%                      c. 7.23%

b. 7.20%                      d. 7.22%


173. Convert to decimal 0.055%.

a. 0.005                       c. 5.5

b. 0.000055                 d. .055


174. Suppose you draw one card of random from a standard deck of cards. What is the probability that 7, 8, and 9 will come out.

a. 2/13                         c. 12/52

b. 3/13                         d. 8/52


175. From a deck of card, what is the probability that red or of black will come out?

a. 13/52                       c. 3/4

b. ½                             d. 1


176. If a coordinate point is located in 3rd quadrant. What is the sign of the points?

a. +,+                           c. -,+

b. +,-                            d. -,-


177. What is the measure of each base angle of an isosceles triangle if the vertex angle is 34?

a. 72                           c. 74

b.73                           d. 75


178.Mang Jose fenced his vegetable garden measuring 12.5m by 8.75 m. How many meters of fencing materials did he use?

a. 44.5m                      c. 44m

b.42.6m                       d. 42.5m


179. A parking lot is 14.5m x 8m. How many cars can park if each car is allotted 4m x 2m space?

a. 14                            c. 15

b. 14.5                         d.15.5


180. If x3 is odd, which of the following statement is true?

I. x is odd 

II. x2 is odd

III. x2 is even

a. I only                       c. II only

b. III only                    d. I and II only


181. If x and y is both odd numbers which of the following must be even?

a. xy                b. x+y              c. xy+2                        d. 2x +y


182. If the measure of a central angle of a circle is 75o what is the measurement of its intercepted arc?

a. 75o                            c. 90o

b. 150 o            d. 80o


183. Which of the statement is not true?

a. A square has four right angles

b. A straight angle measures 180o

c. vertical angles are always different

d. the complementary angle of an angle is always acute.


184. What is the measurement of angle BED?

a. 160o                          c. 170o

b. 79o                           d. 120o



185. If the height of o triangle is 5 inches less than its base, and if the area of the triangle is 52 square inches. Find the base.

 a. 13 inches                c. 6 inches

b. 8 inches                   d. 7 inches


186. A book store made 11, 000 dollars selling 3000 math books and 1000 physics books. A costumer 1 math book and 1 physics book and paid 7 dollars. What is the price of math books?

a. 7 dollars                   c. 2 dollars

b. 5 dollars                  d. 8 dollars


187. A room whose area is 24ft2 has a length that is 2 feet longer than the width. What is the width of the room?

a. 6 feet                       c. 3 feet

b. 8 feet                       d. 4 feet


188. What is the measurement of an inscribe angle of a circle if its intercepted arc measures 88o.

a. 44o                            c. 80o

b. 88o                           d. 40o


189. Two lines intersect and form angles. If one angle measures 48o. What is the measurement of its vertical angle?

a. 42o                            c.60o

b. 120o                         d.48o


190. Base from item no. 170, what is the measurement of adjacent angle of 48

 a. 132o             c. 42o

 b. 60o                                                     d. 120o


191. Base from the illustration what is the measurement of angle x?

a. 25o                                                               c. 40o

b. 30o                                 d. 60o                


192. A garden is shaped of a trapezoid. Its shorter base is 10 m the other base is 2 m longer. If its height is half of the shorter base, find the area of the garden?

a. 55 sq. m                   c. 50 sq. m

b. 44 sq. m                   d. 60 sq. m


193. Amanda, Henry and Scott have total amount of 89 pesos in their wallets. Amanda has 6 pesos less than Scott. Henry has 3 times what Scott has. How much money does Amanda have?

a. 19                                        c. 13

c. 57                                        d. 15

194. How many does Henry have?

a. 19                                        c. 13

c. 57                                        d. 15


195. A small square is located inside a bigger one. The length of one side of smaller square is 3 inches and the bigger is 4 inches more than the smaller. What is the area of the region located outside the smaller square but inside the big square?

a. 30 inches2                                                         c. 35 inches2

b. 45 inches2                            d. 40 inches2


196. A classroom has a length of 20 ft. and a width of 30 ft. The headmaster decided that tiles will look good in their classroom. If each tile has a length of 24 inches and a width of 36 inches, how many tile are needed to fill the classroom?

a. 120                                      c. 110

b. 100                                      d. 90


197. A room whose area is 24ft.2 has a length that is 2 feet longer than the width. What is the measurement of the length?

a. 6 ft.                                      c. 4 ft.

b. 3 ft.                                     d. 8 ft.


198. The sum of the measures of an angle of a plane figure is 23400. How many sides does the plane figure have?

a. 17                                        c. 15

b. 16                                        d. 14


199. A piece of 16-guage cooper wire 42 cm long is bent into a shape of rectangle whose width is twice its length. Find the width of the rectangle?

a. 6                                          c. 7

c.14                                         d. 12


200. A wood frame for pouring concrete has an interior perimeter of 14 meters. Its length is one meter greater than its width. The frame is to be braced with twelve gauge steel cross wires. Assuming an extra half-meter of wire is used at either end of a cross wire. What length of the wire should be cut for each brace?

a. 5 m                                      c. 3 m  

b. 6 m                                      d. 4 m


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