Good Luck Educators!!!

Test Proper.
1. The inclusion of Music, Literature, Philosophy, Sciences, Mathematics and Humanities in Philippine Curriculum could be historically traced to
A. Greek-Athenian
B. Greek-Spartan
C. Romans
D. Arabs
2. The philosophical school by Plato was known as the
A. Lyceum
B. Academy
C. Kitharist
D. Paedotribe
3. Christ frequent use of proverbs or sayings such as "Whoever will losehis life my sake shall save it" is known as the
A. Conversational
B. Gnomic Method
C. Parable Method
D. Catechetical Method
4. In the midst of a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the reponsibility of the teacher?
I. Safe
II. Gender-biased
III. Secure
A. I and III
B. I, II, and III
C. I and II
D. II only
5. When enrollees cannot be accomodated in t.he public schools due to lack of teachers and classrooms, they are reffered to the private schools under the
A. Study-Now-Pay-Later Plan
B. Adopt-a-School Program
C. Educational service Contracting Scheme
D. Tutorial Program
6. Which is NOT characteristic of education during the pre-Spanish era?
A. Structed
B. Informal
C. Religion-oriented
D. Vocational training-oriented
7." The highest happiness is the contemplative use of mind", said Plato. Therefore, let us give more opportunies for our students to
A. Introspection
B. Cooperative learning
C. Social interaction
D. Role Playing
8. Mrs. Concepcion is a public school teacher for 35 yeasrs. Everytime, she was asked by her principal to attend a seminar, she refused and requested that the new teacher be the one to take her slot. Is this correct?
A. Yes, Mrs. Concepcion had enough or these seminars.
B. Yes, Mrs. Concepcion is about to retire and these seminars will have no longer use for her.
C. No, Mrs. Concepcion should take every opportunity to attend a seminar her own profeddional growth.
D. No, Mrs. Concepcion has the prerogative to what seminar, she will attend.
9. Which of the following is a mark of a good teacher?
A. Has the control of the class
B. Has the mastery of the lesson.
C. Has the capability to implement corporal punishment
D. Has the habit of preparing for visual aids.
10. If a teacher is an advocate of “banking concept in education”, he or she viewed student as?
A. Clear account to be filled up by the teacher.
B. Dormant account to be activated by the teacher.
C. Wobble account to be balanced by the teacher.
D. All of the above
11. Duting the distribution of the report card, which of the following must be foremost concern of the teacher?
A. Dicuss the projects of the school
B. Discuss the progress as well as the deficiences of the students
C. Discuss the unsettled bill of the students
D. Discuss the complaints of other teachers and classmates of the students.
12. When is a teacher or school administrator considered “a person in authority”
A. While inside the school
B. Anywhere, whether inside or outside the school
C. While in the lawful discharge of their duties and responsibilities
D. While within official time 8:00-5:00 pm
13. Availment of the Philippine Education Placement Test for adults and out of school youth is in support of the government's program towards ________________
A. equitable access
B. quality
C. quality and relevance
D. relevance
14. A sixth grade twelve year old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has beenabused and neglected. He has been to two orphanes and three different elementary schools. The student can decode on the second grade level, but he can comprehend orally material at the fourth or fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s of this student's reading problem is/are
A. emotional factors
B. poor teaching
C. neurological factors
D. immaturity
15. Hawk does not study at all but when the Licensure Examination for Teachers comes, before he takes the LET, he spends one hour or more praying for a miracle, i, e, to pass the exam. Which attitude towards religion or God is displayed?
A. Religion as fake
B. Religion as magic
C. Religion as authentic
D. Religion as real
16. It is not wise to laughat a two year old child when he utters bad word because in his stage he is learning to
A. consider other's views
B. distinguish sex differences
C. socialize
D. distinguish right from wrong
17. Which according to RA. 9155 is considered as the “heart of the formal education” system?
A. The pupil
B. The teacher
C. The classroom
D. The school
18. “The more the merrier” is the famous Filipino words to strengthen the bond of relationship of the family relatives. This predominant family pattern is called:
A. Bilocal
B. Nuclear
C. Egalitarian
D. Extended
19. What is the positive aspect of bahala na?
A. It leads to initiative and complacency
B it results in resignation to one's fate
C. It underlies one's courage and willingness to face danger
D. It develops an abiding faith int he supernatural
20. Upon prior consent of parents and school authorities, rewligion may be taught in Philipine schools
A. with regular class hours
B. after class
C. during vacant period
D. after recess
21. How do you know a program for teachers' professional development that meets high standard from one that does not? Quality professional development helps
teachers to
A. get promoted
B. get intrinsically motivated to grow continuously
C. earn MA units for ranking purposes
D. put themseleves far above their students
22. The official title of the Philippine National Anthem is ____________
A. Bayang Magaliw
B. Alab ng Puso
C. Lupang Hinirang
D. Pilipinas kong Mahal
23. Before the Thomasites arrived in the Philippines, who served as teachers to the colonials during tha American regime?
A. The Elementary Teacher's Certificate graduates of the normal school
B. The American soldiers
C. The selected Grade 7 graduates
D. The government officials
24. Which refers to the Filipino trait of practicing conflicting values in different venues and with different social groups?
A. Crab mentality
B. “Kanya-kanya” mentality
C. Procrastination
D. Existential intelligence
25. A student passes a book report poorly written but ornately presented in a folder to make up for the poor quality of the book report content. Which practice does this point to?
A. Substance over “porma”
B. Art over academics
C. Art over science
D. “Porma” over substance
26. Teacher helps the pupils remember that stalactite grows from the ceiling while stalagmite grows from the ground. Which deviice does the teacher use?
A. Drill device
B. Mnemonic device
C. Memory device
D. Coding device
27. A child who gets punished for stealing candy may not steal again immediately. But this does not mean that the child may not steal again. Based on Thorndike's theory on punishment and learning, this shows that
A. Punishment strenghtens a response
B. Punishment removes a response
C. Punishment does not remove a response
D. Punishment weakens a response
28. To come closer to the truth we need to “go back to the things themselves. ” This is the advice of the
A. behaviorists
B. phenomenologists
C. idealists
D. pragmatists
29. The cultivation of reflective and meditative skills in teaching is an influence of
A. Confucianism
B. Taoism
C. Shintoism
D. Zen Buddhism
30. When teachers are convinced that it is best to teach students the skill to adapt to change since change is the only thing permanent in this world, they subscribe to the philosophy of
A. Realism
B. Existentialism
C. Pragmatism
D. Idealism
31. A teachers summary of a lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT
A. It links the parts of the lesson
B. It brings together the information that has been discussed
C. It makes provisions for full participation of students
D. It clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.
32. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's social learning theory?
A. Lecturing
B. Modeling
C. Questioning
D. Inductive Reasoning
33. “A stitch on time saves nine”, so goes the adage. Apied to classroom management, this means that we
A. may not occupy ourselves with disruptions which are worth ignoring because they are minor
B. must be reactive in our approach to discipline
C. have to resolve minor disruptions before they are out of control
D. may apply 9 rules out of 10 consistently
34. When the focus of the student's reading is decode the authos ideas then, the approach is
A. Top-down
B. Bottom-up
C. Interactionist
D. Communicative
35. Which of the following statement is an example of an inference?
A. The airplane flies high.
B. The leaves of plant are wet-maybe it rained
C. The sun rose at 5:40 this morning
D. If there is no light in the bulb, the battery is dead.
36. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. method is synonymous with technique
B. a device is a teaching method
C. a method can be standardized
D. there is no single best method
37. Teacher X calls the attention of Ruben who is doing assignment for another subject. The rest of his classmates are also paying attention as their teacher starts discussing his lesson. What principle did this teacher use?
A. ripple effect
B. with-it-ness
C. pygmalion effect
D. overlapping
38. Which of the following counters the teacher's role as facilitator of learning?
A. Does more talk than learners
B. Does less talk compared to learners
C. Makes use of interactive teaching strategies
D. Caters to multiple intelligences in the classroom
39. Patrice is always fearful of freely roaming dogs but does not mind dogs in a pen or on a leash. What feature of classical conditioning is exhibited?
A. Discrimination
B. Extinction
C. Generalization
D. Practice
40. Why can the calculator do arithmetic? Because
A. a tv inside shows it
B. a typewriter inside does it
C. a computer inside the calculator tells it how
D. a watch inside directs it
41. To ensure that the lesson will go on smoothly, Teacher A listed down the steps she will undertake together with those of her students'. This practice relates to
A. Teaching style
B. Teaching method
C. Teaching strategy
D. Teaching technique
42. In the new given paradigm, the teacher is the
A. Sage or wise man
B. Explainer
C. Enabler
D. Director
43. What contructivist learning strategy is used when the teacher organizes different learning stations for the teams to hop from one station to another?
A. Devil's advocate
B. Rubric
C. Checklist
D. Carousel
44. Which instructional aid requires pupils to perform?
A. Mock-up
B. Film
C. Pantomime
D. Comic books
45. Under which generalization was the TV program Batibot developed?
A. Children learn by conditioning?
B. Children learn by discovery?
C. Children learn by trial and error?
D. Children learn by observing and imitating
46. Based on Dale's “Cone of Experience” , which is farthest from the real thing?
A. Watching demo
B. Attending exhibit
C. Video disc
D. Viewing images
47. I would like to use a model to emphasize particular part. Which of these would be MOST appropriate?
A. Realia
B. Audio Recording
C. Stimulation
D. Mock up
48. When a line gets too long and the extra words are moved automatically to the next line as you key, this is known as
A. Wordiness
B. Word wrap
C. Page format
D. Page layout
49. Ms. Delos Santos is a fresh graduate teacher who was hired to teach in an elementary school where there are enough resources for instruction. She wanted to start preparing her instructional materials. Which is the most systematic process in doing this?
A. Design-utilization-evaluation-development
B. Design-development-utilization-evaluation
C. Development-design-utilization-evaluation
D. Development-utilization-evaluation-design
50. Which concept/s of the learner will Principal Emilias as a constructivist NOT accept?
I. “Empty vessel”
II. “Tabula rasa”
III. Candle to be lighted
A. I only
B. I, II
C. II only
D. III only
51. Which of the following technologies provide iconic experience ro students/children?
A. Video and books
B. Pictures and videos
C. Radio and recordings
D. Modules and periodicals
52. Which of the following is an effective use of Presentation software?
A. Darken the room
B. Use appropriate pacing
C. Read directly from the slides
D. Allow interaction with the learner
53. To study marine plants and animals, the teacher should choose one of the following technology driven activity. What should it be?
A. Field trip
B. Viewing exhibits
C. Film viewing
D. View still pictures
54. What is the minimum lettering size of a power point presentation recommended?
A. 18
B. 24
C. 36
D. 44
55. What is the main purpose for an external storage device?
A. To sort information for later use
B. To print hard copies in readable form
C. To save time while working on the computer
D. To store programs and data until they are needed
56. After Ms. Rivas planned her lesson in English, she found out that the materials at hand do not match her objectives. Which is the best thing that she can do?
A. Modify the available materials
B. Teach the lesson the following day
C. Change the objectives to match with the avilable materials
D. Carry out the lesson as planned and use the materials at hand
57. Which of the following is NOT an example of a communicative tool?
A. Chat
B. Electronic mail
C. Teleconferencing
D. Multimedia encyclopedia
58. Internet consists of thousands of connected computer networks around the world. Which term does NOT refer to Internet?
B. On-line
C. “Cyberspace”
D. “Information Superhigway”
59. It refers to people who use and operate the computer system, write computer programs, and analyze and design the information system.
A. Peopleware
B. Hardware
C. Software
D. Software developer
60. Mr. Jay assigned his students to research about the Philippine history in the web. Which is the BEST search word, the students should choose?
A. Research history
B. History
C. Philippine
D. Philippine History
61. The phase of curriculum development invloves decisions, among other things, on grade placement and sequencing of content. Which phase is this?
A. Curriculum planning
B. Curriculum evaluation
C. Curriculum organization
D. Curriculum implementation
62. What refers to an individual or groupof individuals who have a direct and indirect influence in curriculum development?
A. Stockholders
B. Stakeholders
C. Promoters
D. Incorporators
63. Ms. Mateo, a history teacher considers the element of time in arranging the content of her lessons in World History. What way of establishinh sequence is given emphasis by Ms. Mateo?
A. Simple to complex
B. Part to whole
C. Concrete to abstract
D. Chronological
64. The Filipino learners envisioned by the Department of Education in the light of the K-12 Curriculum is
A. Technologically literate or logistically developed Filipino
B. Functionality literate or logistically developed Filipino
C. Scientifically Advanced and Values Oriented Filipino
D. National Oriented and Internationally Competitive Filipinos
65. Mrs. Manuel believes in the power of environmental print to develop the pupils sight word recognition, print orientation, and even comprehension in a meaningful way. Which of the following materials is NOT an example of environmental print?
A. Old boxes of powdered milk
B. Chocolate baw wrappers
C. Car stickers
D. Big books
66. Ms. Torres believes that her puplis need direct sensory contact and physical manipulation in the classroom so that they learn easily and recall input effortlessly. What is the grade level of Ms. Torres' class?
A. Pre-school
B. Primary
C. Intermediate
D. High School
67. To build a sense of pride among Filipino youth, which should be done in the curriculum?
A. Re-study our history and stress on our achievements as a people.
B. Re-study our history from the perspective of our colonizer.
C. Replace the study of folklore and myths with technical subjects.
D. Set aside the study of local history.
68. Who controls the subject centered curriculum?
A. Learner
B. Teacher
C. Parent
D. Teacher and parent
69. The K-12 Curriculum is otherwise called as
A. 2002 Basic Education Curriculum
B. Revitalized Basic Education Curriculum
C. Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum
D. Extended Basic Education Curriculum
70. The curriculum used during this period in Philippine history terminated the use of English as a medium of instruction. What period was this?
A. American
B. Spanish
C. Commonwealth
D. Japanese
71. Ms. Padilla is a Grade 1 Teacher who is concerned with building letters into words and words into sentences. She use flashcards so the pupils can sound out syllables and words correctly. What reading model is reflected in Ms. Padilla's instruction?
A. Bottom-Up model
B. Top-Down model
C. Interactive model
D. Schema model
72. Which objective in the psychomotor domain is in lowest level?
A. To relax the abdominal muscle
B. To increase speed as required
C. To dance waltz gracefully
D. To move in space while remaining in one place
73. Why is there a need to write lesson plans?
A. To comply with the requirements set by the school
B. To guide the teacher in the learning activities
C. To get a good rating in the performance of appraisal
D. To be able to show something during classroom observations
74. Which appeal/s to the most number of senses?
A. Pictures and video on the forest animals
B. Slides on forest animals
C. Video film on forest animals
D. Field trip to the zoo
75. To make materials highly engaging, what must teachers do?
A. Make the materials interactive
B. Prepare materials which are easy to make.
C. Create materials which are less costly.
D. Design materials similar to commercial ones.
76. Which of the following materials does NOT belong to the group?
A. LCD Projector
B. Laptop
C. Opaque Projector
D. Realia
77. What should be the first consideration of the teacher in the choice of instructional media?
A. Objectives of the lesson
B. Technique to be used
C. Choice of the pupils
D. Availability of the media
78. Why do teachers use varied materials in the class?
A. To promote higher oder thinking skills
B. To raise pupil's awareness
C. To sustain the interest of the learners
D. To cater the needs of multiple intelligence
79. What teaching method can best be taught by the use of computers?
A. Role playing
B. Debate
C. Panel Discussion
D. Individualized Instruction
80. According to research, persons learn best with what they
A. smell and taste
B. see and hear
C. hear and touch
D. touch and taste
81. What does it mean to have a clean desktop?
A. everything is turned off
B. there are no bits of paper on the floor
C. you have thoroughly dusted your area
D. there are no programs open on the desktop
82. Charts are graphical representations that can be used as a visual aid. What kind of chart will best teach historical events?
A. Outline chart
B. Process chart
C. Line chart
D. Flow chart
83. Teacher Cindy can exercise legitimate authority in the classroom by way of
A. Accepting her students the way they are
B. Acting "in loco parentis" towards all her students
C. Instilling the improtance of good grades
D. Making them realize that she knows her subject matter with full mastery
84. Kounin asserts that one of the characteristics of an effective manager is “With-it-ness”. Which principle serves as the basic of “with-it-ness”?
A. Have a mouth ready to speak at any time
B. Have minds packed with intellect and alertness
C. Have hands that write fast
D. Have eyes at the back of one's head
85. From the start to finish, lesson plans must possess this characteristic, which refers to logical organization and comprehensibility
A. conciseness
B. completeness
C. coherence
D. symmetry
86. Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience gives primary importance on
A. affective experience
B. psychomotor experience
C. sensory experience
D. cognitive experience
87. Based on the curriculum requirement provided by all countries sampled, the language which is seemingly universal is.
A. Spanish
B. Chinese
C. English
D. French
88. Whose model of curriculum development is called the “grassroots approach” which means that teachers who teach or implement in the curriculum should participate in developing it?
A. Hilda Taba
B. Benjamin Bloom
C. Ralph Tyler
D. Francis Hunkins
89. Kounin asserts that one of the characteristics of an effective manger is “With-it-ness.” Which principle serves as the basis of “with-it-ness”?
A. Have a mouth ready to speak at any time
B. Have minds packed with intellect and alertness
C. Have hands that write fast
D. Have eyes at the back of one's head
90. Teacher Irwin wants his dtudents to work together harmoniously. This technique may be used by him in his classes.
A. Independent study
B. Brainteasers
C. Lectures
D. Cooperative learning
91. Which is an application of Gardner's MI Theory?
A. Stick to one proven effective teaching strategy for learners with multi-intelligences
B. Present one model of a project for the class to imitate.
C. Make use of a variety of teaching strategies
D. Demonstrate the steps in doing an experiment completely
93. Which flows from Kohlberg's theory of moral development?
A. Teacher as model of values
B. Using the inculcation method of values education
C. Use of moral dilemmas
D. Teaching the unchanging values
94. How would you make tteaching-learning process effective from the point of view of Gestalt theories?
A. Ask your students to draw their insights from the lesson
B. Reward every performing child
C. Dwell on the development of critical thinking
D. Punish a child who does not do his/her assignment
95. If you apply the cognitive theories of learning with which do you agree?
A. Learning is strengthening the connection between stimulus and response
B. Learning involves a mind that is totally blank
C. Learning is an active process of organizing and integrating information
D. Learning is automatically responding to a stimulus
96. According to Freud, with which should one be concern if he/she has to develop in the students a correct sense of right and wrong?
I. Superego
II. Ego
A. I and II
C. I
97. When small children call animals “dog”, what process is illustrated on Piaget's cognitive development theory?
A. Reversion
B. Assimilation
C. Accomodation
D. Conservation
98. What is referred to as the “looking glass self of Colley”
A. It is how others look at myself
B. It is how I influence others
C. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others.
D. It is how others affect me.
99. If a child lives with criticism. He learns to condemn. If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to appreciate. What theory fits to the given line?
A. Psychosexual
B. Psychosocial
C. Moral
D. Cognitive
100. What do you call the learning diability in reading?
A. Dysgraphia
B. Dyslexia
C. Departhria
D. Agnosia
101. The mentally retarded group that is not educable in the field of academic achievement but have the potentials for learning self-help skills is
A. mild
B. profound
C. moderate
D. severe
102. To be an effective classroom manager, teacher must be friendly but must at the same time be
A. confident
B. businesslike
C. analytical
D. buddy-buddy
103. What is the correct sequence of prenatal stages of development?
A. Embryo, germinal, fetus
B. Germinal, fetus, embryo
C. Germinal, embryo, fetus
D. Embryo, fetus, germinal
104. What behavior proves that metacognition is at work?
A. A learner is occupied memorizing a line of a poem
B. A learner is mastering WORD processing
C. A learner talks to himself about what he is doing
D. Teacher asks a learner to master the table of multiplication
105. In the context of Bruner's theory of learning, if a teacher teaches int he iconic level, what do I use?
A. Realias
B. Symbols
C. Models
D. Words
106. Assessment must be authentic. If you want to know how well children read and write, which should you do?
A. Have them mark, circle and underline words after you have read them
B. Have them read and write
C. Allow children to select how they will be evaluated
D. Have them list the stories they read for one month
107. Which stage of the psychosexual theory does young boys experience rivalry with their father for their mother's attention and affection?
A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Latency
108. Alyssa is eight years old, and although she understands some logical principles, she still has troubles in understanding hypothetical concepts. According to Piaget, Alyssa belongs to what particular stage of cognitive development?
A. Sensorimotor
B. Preoperational
C. Concrete operational
D. Formal operational
109. According to Erikson, what is the primary task of adolescent?
A. To establish trust
B. To search for his identity
C. To be more intimate with others
D. To establish integrity
110. Miss Calma is an excellent Physical Education teacher. She started teaching volleyball to her grade 2 class. Despite all her efforts her class does not seem to learn how to play the game. What law of learning was disregarded?
A. Law of disuse
B. Law of effect
C. Law of exercise
D. Law of readiness
111. When the person made a choice even if a law is disobeyed because of the higher principle, his moral development level is in:
A. Pre-conventional
B. Conventional
C. Post-conventional
D. Constitutional
112. Brofenbrenner stresses that development takes place in a variety of contexts that extend from the immediate physical environment of the child. The system that includes family peers, school and neighborhood is
A. Microsystem
B. Mesosytem
C. Exosystem
D. Chronosystem
113. If you have a foreign visitor, what would be the best gift to buy?
A. Imported antiques
B. Expensive buddha figurines
C. Porcelain wares
D. Embroided product from Quezon province
114. Which of the following would be the most fitting action of a teacher who is having a relationship with his/her student?
A. Deny the relationship
B. Enjoy the relationship while it lasts
C. Defer the relationship until they are ready to admit
D. Continue the relationship and exercise utmost professional discretion about this
115. Which among the following pillars of learning aimed for the wholistic development and complete fulfillment of man?
A. Learning to Do
B. Learning to Live Together
C. Learning to Be
D. Learning to Know
116. Macky, an 8 year old child, immediately kisses the hand of his elders whenever he meets them. He learned this value by observing his elder sisters and parents. This pattern of acquiring values is based on this principle.
A. Values are intrinsically motivated
B. Values are taught not caught
C. Values are caught not taught
D. Values are innate
I17. In some cultures, women never experienced to be in school. School is no longer necessary for them since their essence is to serve their families and perform domestic responsibilities
Is this CORRECT?
A. Yes, women are domestic partners
B. No, there is gender equality in education
C. It depends on what kind of culture that a women is accustomed to
D. No, women are skilful just like men
118. The son of our neighbor has six fingers on his right hand. He has the crippling condition that is
A. Clubfoot
B. Clubhand
C. Polydactilism
D. Syndactylism
119. An “I-thou” relationship exists between teacher and students when there is
A. favoritism
B. pretension
C. respect
D. prejudice
120. What is a characteristic of a child with ADHD?
A. Inability to read
B. Inattention
C. Poor health
D. Inability to spell
121. In the context on the theory on multiple intelligences, what is one weakness of the paper-pencil test?
A. It is easy to administer
B. It puts the non-linguistically intelligent at a disdvantage
C. It utilizes so much time
D. It lacks reliability
122. In the parlance of test construction what does TOS mean?
A. Table of Specifics
B. Table of Specifications
C. Table of Specific Test Item
D. Team of Specification
123. Standard deviation is to variability as mean is to
A. discrimination
B. level of difficulty
C. correlation
D. central tendency
124. Which is implied by a positively skewed score distribution?
A. The mean,the median and the mode are equal
B. Most of the scores are high
C. The mode is high
D. Most of the scores are low
125. Median is the 50th percentile as Q3 is to
A. 45th percentile
B. 70th percentile
C. 75th percentile
D. 25th percentile
126. Adrian Vinci obtained a score of 95 in Chemistry multiple-choice tests. What does this imply?
A. He has a rating of 95.
B. He answered 95 items in the test correctly
C. He answered 95% of the test items correctly
D. His performance is 5% better than the group
127. What is the mode of the following scores.
90, 85, 96, 85, 93, 66, 85, 75, 90, 96, 93, 100
A. 85
B. 93
C. 93 & 85
D. 85 & 90
128. Who among the teachers described below is doing assessment?
A. Mrs. Bautista who is administering a test to her students.
B. Mr. Ferrer who is counting the scores obtained by the students in his test.
C. TMs Leyva who is computing the final grade of the students after completing all their requirements.
D. Prof. Cuevas who is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that students perform poorly in her test
129. Teacher Gray does NOT wait for the end of the term to find out how much the students learn. With which does Teacher Gray agree?
A. Formative evaluation
B. Authentic evaluation
C. Summative evaluation
D. Norm-reference evaluation
130. A test item has a difficulty index of 0.51 and a discrimination index of 0.25. What should the teacher do?
A. Revise the item
B. Retain the item
C. Make it a bonus item
D. Reject the item
131. The difficulty index of a test item is 1. This means that _____________.
A. The test item is a quality item
B. The test is very difficult
C. The test is very easy
D. Nobody got the item correctly
132. If the compound range is low, this means that _____________.
A. The students performed very well in the test
B. The difference between the highest and the lowest score is low
C. The difference between the highest and the lowest score is high
D. The students performed very poorly in the test
133. What is the mastery level of a school division in a 100-item test with a mean of 55?
A. 42%
B. 55%
C. 45%
D. 50%
134. A negative discrimination index means that ____________.
A. The test item has low reliability
B. More from the lower group answered the test item correctly
C. The test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper groups
D. More from the upper group got the item correctly
135. What does a percentile rank of 62 mean?
A. It is the student’s score in the test
B. The student answered sixty-two (62%) of the items correctly
C. The student’s score is higher than 62 percent of all students who took the test
D. Sixty-two percent (62%) of those who took the test scored higher than the individual
136. A wife who loves her husband dearly becomes so jealous that in a moment of savage rage, kills him. Is the wife morally responsible and why?
A. Not necessarily. Antecedent passion may completely destroy freedom and consequently moral responsibility
B. Yes, she killed her husband simply because of jealousy
C. It depends on the case of the wife’s jealousy
D. It depends on the mental health of the wife
137. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Man may understand all about the rotation of the earth but he may still miss the radiance of the sunset.” Which type of education should be emphasized as implied by Martin Luther King Jr.?
A. Science and education
B. Vocational education
C. Liberal education
D. Technical education
138. Computer-assisted instruction is an offshoot of the theory of _____.
A. J. Piaget
B. J. Brunner
C. B. F. Skinner
D. J. Watson
139. The use of varied teaching and testing strategies on account of students’ multiple intelligences is in line with the thoughts of ______.
A. Daniel Goleman
B. Jean Piaget
C. Howard Gardner
D. Benjamin Bloom
140. Teacher Vina feels offended by her supervisor’s unfavorable comments after a classroom supervision. She concludes that her supervisor does not like her. Which Filipino trait is demonstrated by Teacher Vina?
A. Extreme family-centeredness
B. Extreme personalism
C. “Kanya-kanya” syndrome
D. Superficial religiously
141. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic assessments such as:
A. De-contextualized drills
B. Unrealistic performances
C. Answering multiple choices test items
D. Real world application of lessons learne
142. What does the principle of individual difference require teachers to do?
A. Give less attention to gifted learners
B. Provide for a variety of learning activities
C. Treat all learners alike while teaching
D. Prepare modules for slow learners in class
143. The source of energy responsible for life on earth is the ______.
A. Moon
B. Wind
C. Star
D. Sun
144. Which quotation goes with a proactive approach to discipline?
A. “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.”
B. “Do not make a mountain out of a molehill.”
C. “Walk your talk.”
D. “Do not smile until Christmas.”
145. I’d like to test whether a student knows what a particular word means. What should I ask the student to do?
A. Give the word a tune then sing it
B. Define the word
C. Spell the word and identify its part of speech
D. Give the etymology of the word
146. Teacher H and teacher I are rivals for promotion. To again the favor of the promotion staff, teacher I offers her beach resort for free for members of he promotional staff before ranking. As one of the contenders for promotions, is this becoming of her to do
A. Yes. This will be professional growth for the promotional staff.
B. No. This may exert undue influence on the members of the promotional staff and so may fail to promote on the basis of merit.
C. Yes. The rare invitation will certainly be welcomed by an overworked promotional staff.
D. Yes. There’s nothing wrong with sharing one’s blessings.
147. Rights and duties are correlative. This means that
A. rights and duties regulate the relationship of men in society.
B. rights and duties arise from natural law.
C. each right carries with it one or several corresponding duties.
D. rights and duties ultimately come from God.
148. In the Preamble of Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, which is NOT said of teachers?
A. LET passer
B. Duly licensed professionals
C. Possess dignity and reputation
D. With high moral values as well as technical and professional competence
149. What should you do if a parent who is concerned about a grade his child received compared to another student’s grade, demands to see both students’ grades?
A. Refuse to show either record.
B. Show only his child’s record.
C. Refuse to show any record without expressing permission from principal.
D. Show both records to him.
150. To strengthen teacher education the Teacher Education Council created under R.A. No. 7764 will choose a private or public college engaged in pre – service, continuing, formal and non – formal education of teachers in strategic places in each region of the country, based on certain criteria. This will be called _________.
A. Department of Teacher Education
B. Teacher Education Commission
C. Teacher Education Center of Excellence
D. Commission on Teacher Education
Answer Key:


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