
Showing posts from October, 2021


Deep processing- This is focusing upon meaning. Elaboration- Connecting new info with old, to gain meaning. Generation- Things we produce are easier to remember than things we hear. Context-Remembering the situation helps recover information Personalization- making the information relevant to the individual Memory Methods Memorization (note the same as learning) Serial Position Effect (regency and primacy) you will remember the beginning and end of list most readily Part Learning - Break up the list to increase memorization Distributed Practice- Break up learning sessions, rather than cramming all the info in at once (Massed Practice) Mnemonics Aids Loci Method - Familiar place, associate list with items in place (i.e. living room) Peg-type - Standard list is a cue to the target list. Acronym – SCUBA Chain Mnemonics – EGBDF Key word Method - Association of new word/ concept with well know word/concept that sounds similar.    THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE Psychometric Theories have sought