1. Based on Bandura's theory, which conditions must be present for a student to learn from a model?

I. Attention II. Retention III. Motor Reproduction IV. Motivation
a. I and II
b. I, II and III
c. I, II, III and IV
d. III and IV
Answer: C
2. Which of the following principles of learning applies to considering student's age in presenting certain content and cognitive processes?
a. Principle of readiness
b. Principle of learning by doing
c. Principle of presenting challenging tasks
d. Principle of learning aided by formulating and asking questions
Answer: A
3. In classical conditioning, which are paired together in order to elicit the desired response?
a. UCS and NS
b. CS and NS
c. UCS and CS
d. UCR and NS
Answer: A
4. According to Thorndike, what law states that the strength of a connection is influenced by the consequences of the response?
a. Law of disuse
b. Law of effect
c. Law of exercise
d. Law of readiness
Answer: B
5. A burglary occurred in Jason's neighborhood. Since then, Jason is very careful of locking their doors and closing windows. What theory best explains Jason's behavior?
a. Observational learning
b. Imitation learning
c. Self-regulated learning
d. Vicarious learning
Answer: D
6. In observation and imitation learning, what should be the learner's response when the teacher initially models the behavior?
a. Reproduce and match
b. Pay Attention
c. Imitate and practice
d. Shows satisfaction
Answer: B
7. What is the correct sequence of information processing?
a. Sensory register-STM-LTM
b. STM-sensory register-LTM
c. Sensory register-LTM-STM
d. LTM-sensory register- STM
Answer: A
8. What should be the hierarchy of the types of learning according to the cumulative learning theory?
1. Problem solving learning
2. Rule learning
3. Discrimination learning
4. Concept learning
a. 2-1-3-4
b. 2-1-4-3
c. 2-3-4-1
d. 2-4-3-1
Answer: D
9. Which is essential in meaningful reception learning?
a. Concepts are presented to learner and received by them.
b. Concepts are discovered by the learner
c. Concepts are related to one another
d. Concepts are solicited from the learners
Answer: C
10. Grace is bilingual. She speaks both English and Filipino fluently. She begins to study Spanish and immediately recognizes many similarities between the Spanish and Filipino languages and uses this information to acquire the new language faster. What kind of transfer was Grace able to use?
a. Lateral Transfer
b. General Transfer
c. Specific Transfer
d. Vertical Transfer
Answer: C
11. Cristina is almost asleep when she felt the need to go to the bathroom. She tried to sleep it off but after a while, she was forced to stand up and go to the bathroom. What theory of motivation explains Cristina's behavior?
a. Attribution Theory
b. Drive Theory
c. Expentancies and Values Theory
d. Solomon's Opponent Theory
Answer: C
12. Marko excels in adding numbers. He learned this skill in his Math class. He is now able to apply this skill in his Music class. What type of transfer was used?
a. Lateral transfer
b. General transfer
c. Specific transfer
d. Vertical transfer
Answer: B
13. Mr. Lorenzo would always give the chapter test on a Friday. What schedule of reinforcement is used by Mr. Lorenzo?
a. Fixed interval
b. Fixed ratio
c. Variable interval
d. Variable ratio
Answer: A
14. To remember the six digits, 8, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, the Math teacher grouped the numbers in two's 84, 39, 45 or in threes 843, 945. What control process of retaining information is referred to?
a. Chunking
b. Interfering
c. Rehearsing
d. Remembering
Answer: A
15. Rob regularly practice playing the guitar so he can finish Book I. His mother promised to buy him a Nintendo when he finishes Book I. How is Rob motivated?
a. Extrinsically
b. Intrinsically
c. with Self-Determination
d. with Self-Efficacy
Answer: C
16. Lara excels in dancing and in certain sports. According to Gardner what intelligence is dominant in Lara?
a. Bodily kinesthetic
b. Intrapersonal
c. Musical
d. Spatial
Answer: A
17. According to Bronfenbrenner, what system contains structures that has direct contact with the child?
a. Chronosystem
b. Exosystem
c. Mesosystem
d. Microsystem
Answer: D
18. Some learners like to find specific and concrete answers. What kind of learners are they?
a. Accomodators
b. Assimilators
c. Convergers
d. Divergers
Answer: C
19. Mrs. Mercado, the Home Economics teacher, constantly gives verbal guidance to her pupils while practicing a sewing skill. What is the value of giving verbal guidance in improving pupils learning behavior?
a. It promotes the growth of interest in the new learning tasks
b. It serves as informational feedback
c. It facilitates perfection of skills
d. It directs pupils' attention to more adequate and better techniques
Answer: B
20. Why should learning be aided by formulating and asking questions?
a. Students will have a grade in recitation
b. Students will develop their self-confidence
c. The teacher will know who among the students can communicate very well
d. The teacher will not always do the talking but the students will be given a chance to do the same thing.
Answer: B
21. Ms. Baquiran, the VE teacher, and her pupils, while working on the concept of honesty, agreed that no cabinets and book cases would be locked throughout the day. Which principle in affective learning is being implemented?
a. Provide exemplary models
b. Provide appropriate practice
c. Provide for pleasant emotional experience
d. Provide for independent attitude cultivation
Answer: B
22. Instead of asking her students to write about their reaction to a story, the teacher asked her students to interpret the story in dance form. What principle of learning is considered?
a. Concepts should be presented in varied and different ways
b. Effort if put forth when tasks are challenging
c. Learning by doing is more effective than just sitting and listening
d. Learning is aided by formulating and asking questions
Answer: B
23. In performing the minuet, first raise your heel, second make three steps forward, third step make a point. What kind of knowledge was exhibited?
a. Conditional Knowledge
b. Declarative Knowledge
c. Domain-Specific Knowledge
d. Procedural Knowledge
Answer: D
24. Why should teachers provide positive feedback and realistic praise?
a. To motivate the students to study
b. So the students will know what to do
c. To be liked and loved by the students
d. So the students will praise him/her
Answer: B
25. Which statement does not refer to cognitive theories?
a. Prefer to concentrate on analyzing cognitive process
b. Conclusions are based on observation of external manifestations on learning
c. Study of the structures and components of information processing
d. Believe in non-observable behavior
Answer: B



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