1. It is a concentrated form of energy that can be found in living organism.

a. Carbohydrates

b. Fats

c. Proteins

d. Nucleic acid

2. It is the enzyme that unwinds DNA molecule during replication.

a. Helicase

b. RNA Polymerase I

c. DNA ligase

d. Primase

3. A weather disturbance in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean.

a. Typhoon

b. Cyclone

c. Blizzard

d. Hurricane

4. Which of the following is an example of artificial propagation?

a. Grafting

b. Pollen germination

c. External fertilization

d. Embryonic development

5. In the Central Dogma, the synthesis of mRNA based on a DNA template thru base pairing is known as _______.

a. Replication

b. Transcription

c. Protein synthesis

d. Translation

6. It is the site of electron transport chain (ETC).

a. Matrix

b. Cristae

c. Outer mitochondrial membrane

d. Cytoplasm

7. Which of the following differentiates aerobic respiration from fermentation?

a. The process uses up ATP

b. Glucose is used as a substrate

c. Substrate- level phosphorylation produces ATP

d. NADH goes through the electron transport chain

8. Which of the following classes belongs to the Division Angiospermophyta?

a. Magnoliopsida

b. Pinophyta

c. Gnetophyta

d. Cycadophyta

e. Ginkgophyta

9. It refers to the evolutionary relationships and sequences of group of organisms.

a. Speciation

b. Recombination

c. Phylogenetic

d. Genetic variation

10. He is a zoologist who contributed to the development of Cell Theory.

a. Rudolf Virchow

b. Theodor Schwann

c. Matthias Schleiden

d. Louis Pasteur

11. Under optimum conditions, how many ATPs per glucose molecule are produced in aerobic respiration?

a. 2 ATP

b. 4 ATP

c. 32-34 ATP

d. 36-38 ATP

12. During Krebs Cycle, how many ATP are being produced?

a. 2 ATP

b. 4-6 ATP

c. 18 ATP

d. 24 ATP

13. The final acceptor of hydrogen in cellular respiration is ________.

a. Oxygen, thus producing water

b. Pyruvic acid, thus forming lactic acid

c. Acetaldehyde, thus producing ethanol

d. All of the above

14. Which metabolic pathway occurs both in fermentation and aerobic respiration?

a. Glycolysis

b. Krebs Cycle

c. Electron Transport Chain

d. Acetyl coenzyme A formation

15. Which of the following statement differentiates dicot from a monocot?

a. Dicot has a fibrous root system while monocot has tap root system.

b. Dicot has a circular arrangement of vascular tissues while monocot has a scattered arrangement.

c. Dicot has a parallel veins while monocot has a netted or reticulate veins.

d. Dicot consists of a multiple of 3 floral arrangement while monocot has 4 or 5.

16. It serves as the standard of a comparison where no treatment was conducted.

a. Dependent variable

b. Independent variable

c. Control variable

d. Control group

17. What is the general shape of Vibrio cholera bacteria?

a. Coccus

b. Bacillus

c. Spiral

d. Colony

18. Steppes- Asia : _______-South America

a. Havannas

b. Savannas

c. Prairies

d. Pampas

19. These are areas where freshwater merge with the ocean.

a. Rivers

b. Streams

c. Estuaries

d. Wetlands

20. Coral reefs are made up of ______.

a. Calcium carbonate

b. Calcium bicarbonate

c. Calcium phosphate

d. Calcium silicate

21. It describes the role and space that an organism occupies in a certain ecosystem.

a. Niche

b. Habitat

c. Symbiosis

d. Predation

22. It is a stage of death where the dead body becomes pale due to lack of blood circulation.

a. Pallor mortis

b. Algor mortis

c. Rigor mortis

d. Livor mortis

23. Which of the following genetic disorders is an X-linked recessive?

a. Hemophilia A

b. Vitamin D- resistant rickets

c. Sickle cell anemia

d. Marfan syndrome

24. Which of the following genetic disorders is a result of trisomy 21?

a. Turner syndrome

b. Triple X syndrome

c. Down syndrome

d. Klinefelter’s syndrome

25. It refers to an evolutionary pattern wherein a body part of different organisms have the same origin and structure but differs in function.

a. Homologous structures

b. Analogous structures

c. Vestigial structures

d. Complementary structures

26. Which of the following organism is classified as monocot?

a. Bamboo

b. Carrot

c. Radish

d. Turnips

27. It connects muscles to bone.

a. Cartilage

b. Ligament

c. Tendon

d. Fibrous

28. Rhodophyta is also known as _______.

a. Green algae

b. Red algae

c. Brown algae

d. Golden algae

29. What is the complementary strand of DNA with a base sequence of GAC TTC?





30. It is where photosynthesis occurs.

a. Sclerenchyma

b. Collenchyma

c. Parenchyma

d. Meristem

31. A hypothesis becomes a theory if it is _____.

a. An improvement over a previous finding

b. A result of useful invention

c. Supported by repeated evidence

d. Tested in an experiment

32. Which of the following levels of biological organization is in a decreasing order of complexity?

a. Organism -> population -> biotic community -> ecosystem -> biosphere

b. Biosphere -> ecosystem -> population -> biotic community -> organism

c. Organism -> biotic community -> ecosystem -> population -> biosphere

d. Biosphere -> ecosystem -> biotic community -> population -> organism

33. According to this theory of evolution, “species evolve because the traits developed by organisms during their lifetime are passed to their offspring.”

a. Theory of Natural Selection

b. Theory of Acquired Traits

c. Survival of the Fittest

d. Theory of Superimposition

34. What is the probability that a colorblind female will have a colorblind son?

a. 1

b. ½

c. ¼

d. ¾

35. Which structure mainly function in intracellular transport?

a. Lysosome

b. Vacuole

c. Endoplasmic reticulum

d. Golgi bodies

36. Which of the following is the generic name for Vitamin B3?

a. Thiamine

b. Riboflavin

c. Niacin

d. Pyridoxine

37. How many ATP molecules are produced via oxidative phosphorylation when 1 mole of glucose is degraded into carbon dioxide and water?

a. 2

b. 4

c. 24

d. 34

38. Which of the following is NOT a product of the light-dependent reaction?

a. ATP

b. Oxygen


d. Sugar

39. Mendel’s law apply to every statement below except:

a. Many traits are determined by a pair of heredity units

b. Each formed gamete receives one of the paired alleles

c. There is random sorting of alleles into ova and sperm

d. Alleles at loci on the same chromosome may segregate together.

40. The chromosome mutation that occurs when a piece of one chromosome breaks off and joins to a nonhomologous chromosome is known as _____.

a. Deletion

b. Duplication

c. Translocation

d. Nondisjunction

41. A teacher will show the different integuments of animals to his students. Which will be the best visual aid?

a. Microtechniques

b. Herbarium

c. Taxidermy

d. Aquarium

42. What causes red tide?

a. Dinoflagellate

b. Green algae

c. Brown algae

d. Diatom

43. In a normal breathing process, inhalation happens when,

a. The diaphragm contracts and goes down as the ribcage goes upward and outward.

b. The diaphragm contracts and goes up as the rib cage goes downward and inward.

c. The diaphragm contracts and goes down as the rib cage goes downward and inward.

d. The diaphragm contracts and goes up as the rib cage goes upward and outward.

44. Osteoporosis can be prevented by ______.

a. Intake of calcium supplements

b. Proper diet

c. Regular exercise

d. All of the above

45. The blood vessels which carry deoxygenated blood coming from the pulmonary trunk to the pulmonary circulation are the ______.

a. Carotid arteries

b. Pulmonary arteries

c. Capillaries

d. Pulmonary veins

46. A 25-year old pregnant women is on her last month of pregnancy and has been experiencing uterine contractions every 20 minutes. The hormone responsible for having this contractions is called:

a. Prolactin

b. Cortisol

c. Vasopressin

d. Oxytocin

47. The technology that uses plants to breakdown or concentrate toxic wastes in the soil is called:

a. Bioaccumulation

b. Bioremediation

c. Genetic engineering

d. Phytoremediation

48. All of the following themes in biology except:

a. Evolution

b. Molecular inheritance

c. Integumentary system

d. Cellular organization

49. The breathing organs found in leaves are called stomata. The size of the stomata is regulated by the guard cells. Which condition of the guard cells can favor the opening of the stomata?

a. Cells become turgid due to the entrance of K+ ions followed by the osmotic entry of water.

b. Exit of water by passive transport

c. Increased CO2 in the air spaces

d. Lower turgor pressure

50. What is the 5th element in the periodic table?

a. Lithium

b. Beryllium

c. Boron

d. Carbon

It is the protective shell of the virus.

a. Nucleoid

b. Capsid

c. Plasmid

d. Viroid

52. Which of the following waves has the highest frequency?

a. Violet

b. Red

c. Green

d. Indigo

53. Which of these is not one of the basic characteristics of all living things?

a. Require energy

b. Reproduce sexually

c. Display organization

d. Homeostasis

54. Choose the incorrect association.

a. Occipital lobe- visual

b. Medulla- breathing

c. Cerebellum- memory

d. Hypothalamus- thermoregulation

55. What are the four kingdoms under domain Eukarya?

a. Plantae, archae, Animalia, protists

b. Animalia, mycetae, Protista, plantae

c. Monera, plantae, Animalia, Protista

d. Protista, mycetae, Animalia, Monera

56. What type of digestion occurs in mouth?

a. Mechanical

b. Physical and mechanical

c. Phytochemical and mechanical

d. Physical and chemical

57. Which of the following is produced during photosynthesis?

a. Oxygen and water

b. Oxygen and ATP

c. Oxygen and organic compound

d. Oxygen and inorganic compound

58. During the periods of increased global temperatures, which of the following is most likely to occur?

a. Decreased in typhoons

b. Increased in harvest

c. Decrease in atmospheric O2

d. Increase in atmospheric CO2

59. It refers to the development of an embryo within an egg outside the mother’s body.

a. Ovipary

b. Ovovipary

c. Vivipary

d. Ovovivipary

60. The formation of synapsis occurs in what sate of cell division?

a. Anaphase I

b. Anaphase II

c. Prophase I

d. Prophase II

61. These are soft bodies animals but most are protected with a hard shell.

a. Annelids

b. Mollusk

c. Nematodes

d. Arthropods

62. Fish kills is one of the major effect of this problem.

a. Acid precipitation

b. Water and air pollution

c. Eutrophication

d. Sediments formation

63. Cells spent most of their time in _____ stage.

a. Division stage

b. S phase

c. G1 phase

d. G0 phase

64. If two variables A and B are inversely proportional, which of these is NOT true?

a. When A is low, B is in high state.

b. As A increases, B also increases

c. When A increases, B decreases

d. A high A is associated with a low B.

65. Solution X has a pH of 3.0 while solution Y has 8.3 pH. What is TRUE?

a. X is basic while Y is acidic

b. Both are acidic.

c. Both are basic.

d. X is acidic while Y is basic

66. In this situation, one animal is benefited from the presence of the other animal while the other animal is not harmed nor benefited.

a. Commensalism

b. Mutualism

c. Neutralism

d. Parasitism

67. All of the following are effects of deforestation, EXCEPT:

a. Ozone layer depletion

b. Landslide

c. Flash flood

d. Global warming

68. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

a. Sieve tube: sugar transport

b. Mesophyll: photosynthesis

c. Vessel: water transport

d. Stoma: absorption of water

69. This is also known as ‘The Age of Reptiles’ that upon the extinction of dinosaurs, Cenozoic Era begins.

a. Devonian

b. Ordovician

c. Mesozoic

d. Permian

70. Birds belongs to this class.

a. Aves

b. Reptilian

c. Amphibian

d. Mammalia

71. It is the process of taking in O2 and CO2 out of the body.

a. Inspiration

b. External respiration

c. Expiration

d. Internal respiration

72. Its primary concerned is in the maintenance of balance.

a. Cerebrum

b. Pons

c. Cerebellum

d. Medulla oblongata

73. It is an epithelial tissue that is usually found on skin and esophagus.

a. Simple squamous

b. Stratified squamous

c. Simple cuboidal

d. Pseudostratified

74. The color of the leaves is green because plants _____ green light.

a. Reflect

b. Refract

c. Absorbed

d. Transmitted

75. The general equation of photosynthesis is (with the exception of light energy and chlorophyll).

a. 6CO2 + 4H20 -----à C6H1206 + 6O2

b. 6CO2 + 6H20 -----à C6H606 + 602

c. 6CO2 + 6H20 -----à C6H1206 + 602

d. 6CO2 + 4H2O -- --à C6H606 + 602

76. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Photosynthesis

b. Chemosynthesis

c. Autotroph

d. Heterotroph

77. What is the correct sequence of the scientific method?

I- Experimentation

II- Formulation of a hypothesis

III- Observation

IV- Defining a problem

V- Formulation a theory

a. I, II, III, IV, V

b. IV, III, II, I, V

c. III, IV, II, I, V

d. V, IV, III, II, I

78. It is involved in modifying, sorting, and packaging macromolecules.

a. Vacuoles

b. Golgi bodies

c. Ribosomes

d. Endoplasmic reticulum

79. Which of the following organelles does not belong to the cytomembrane system?

a. Mitochondria

b. Endoplasmic reticulum

c. Vacuoles

d. peroxisomes

80. It involves the spontaneous and random movement of molecules from one place to another.

a. Osmosis

b. Exocytosis

c. Diffusion

d. Passive transport

81. The ‘carrier molecules’ in the cell membrane which facilitate the transport of large molecules in the cell are actually _____.

a. Lipids

b. Carbohydrates

c. Proteins

d. Nucleic acids

82. The passage of materials into and out of cells by active transport requires _____.

a. Concentration gradient only

b. Carrier and cellular energy

c. Vacuole or vesicle formation

d. Carrier and concentration gradient

83. It is a close ecological relationship between individuals of two or more different species.

a. Symbiosis

b. Niche

c. Ecosystem

d. Biological habitat

84. In a food web, the producers are always _____.

a. Animals

b. Plants

c. Decomposers

d. Cabbage

85. What is the function of the light reactions of photosynthesis?

a. To obtain CO2

b. To make carbohydrates in a form of glucose

c. To make ATP and NADPH

d. To generate RuBP

86. What cells in leaves are specialized for photosynthesis?

a. Companion cells

b. Tracheid cells

c. Stomata

d. Mesophyll

87. It is the site of protein synthesis.

a. Mitochondria

b. Endoplasmic reticulum

c. Nucleus

d. Ribosomes

88. Mosses are plants that are small and cannot grow very large because _____.

a. They reproduce by spores

b. They tend to lose a lot of water

c. They do not have vascular tissues

d. They do not have true leaves for photosynthesis

89. Flowering plants are more successful and dominant than gymnosperms in dry terrestrial habitat because ______.

a. Their seeds are protected inside a fruit

b. Their seeds are dispersed by wind rather than water

c. Their cell walls are strengthened by lignin to support their tall heights

d. Their parts are protected by a waxy water-proof substance called cutin.

90. Which of the following statements about cellular components of blood is FALSE?

a. Some lymphocytes produce antibodies.

b. Red blood cells and some white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.

c. Lymphocytes are produced in the lymph nodes.

d. Blood platelets are cells produced by megakaryocytes in the bone marrow.

91. Suppose a type AB patient needs blood transfusion. Which blood donation should NOT be given to him?

a. Type AB

b. Type O

c. Type B

d. Type A

92. A husband with normal color vision has a pregnant color-blind wife. What is the probability of having a normal daughter?

a. ½

b. ¼

c. ¾

d. 1

93. Suppose the normal chromosome number in humans was 50, of which two were also sex chromosomes, which of these then would be a biological female?

a. 48 XXY

b. 48 XY

c. 48 XYY

d. 48 XO

94. All of the following bases are found in DNA EXCEPT:

a. Uracil

b. Adenine

c. Guanine

d. Cytosine

95. If both parents are heterozygous, the probability that a recessive trait will appear in the offspring is ____.

a. 75%

b. 50%

c. 25%

d. 0%

96. A women with a type AB blood is married to a type O man. What are the chances that their child will have blood type of A?

a. 100%

b. 75%

c. 50%

d. 25%

97. Which statement about human karyotype is NOT true?

a. Sex chromosomes are not included.

b. Chromosomes are organized into pairs.

c. Metaphase chromosomes are photographed.

d. Autosomes are arranged from longest to shortest.

98. Spermatogenesis occurs in ______.

a. Epididymis

b. Testes

c. Gonads

d. Seminiferous tubules

99. What lubricates food and protects the stomach from HCL?

a. Pepsin

b. Lipase

c. Mucus

d. Chemotrypsin

100. The following parts of a cell are common to all EXCEPT one:

a. DNA

b. Plasma membrane

c. Nucleus

d. Ribosome

101. The basic unit of classification is the _____.

a. Taxon

b. Phylum

c. Species

d. Genus

102. A biome is best defined as ______.

a. A feeding pattern of worldwide organisms

b. A major climatologic regions with consistent inhabiting populations

c. The plant and animals in the biosphere

d. A flourishing geographical area of a country.

103. Malaria is a disease caused by parasitic sporozoans known as ______.

a. Plasmodium

b. Amoeba

c. Trypanosoma

d. Dinoflagellate

104. The cell walls of fungi are made up of _____.

a. Cellulose

b. Carbohydrates

c. Glycogen

d. Chitin

105. Organisms that belong to the same genus are necessarily included in the same _______.

a. Kingdom

b. Family

c. Order

d. Class

106. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the five-kingdom scheme of biological classification?

a. Bacteria and algae are placed in Kingdom Monera

b. Kingdom Plantae includes all photosynthetic organisms.

c. The simplest members of Kingdom Animalia are the protozoa.

d. Heterotrophic organisms that secrete digestive enzymes to break down food before absorbing it are classified under Kingdom Fungi.

107. Which of the following pairs of substances forms a triglyceride?

a. Glycerol and 1 fatty acid

b. Glycerol and 2 fatty acids

c. Glycerol and 3 amino acids

d. Glycerol and 4 fatty acids

108. What part of the flower will later on become the pericarp of the fruit?

a. Ovary wall

b. Ovules

c. Pollens

d. Stamen

109. Which among the following areas of Taxonomy refers to the ordering and grouping of populations using the inductive method?

a. Classification

b. Identification

c. Nomenclature

d. Preservation

110. In what region of the root do you find most of the cells undergoing cell division?

a. Zone of elongation

b. Zone of maturation

c. Meristematic zone

d. Zone of Active Division

111. It is a phase in population growth where rate begins to slow down.

a. Lag phase

b. Log phase

c. Stable phase

d. S-phase

112. It is the maximum number of healthy organism that the resource of an ecosystem can support at a given time.

a. Population density

b. Carrying capacity

c. Maximum capacity

d. Density-dependent population

113. This area is dominated by broad-leaved trees that lose their leaves during winter.

a. Taiga

b. Tundra

c. Deciduous forest

d. Desert

114. The nonliving factors in an ecosystem are referred to as ________.

a. Adiabatic

b. Abomasum

c. Abiotic

d. Biotic

115. Which of the following is an example of a man-made ecosystem?

a. Forests

b. Grassland

c. Coastal zones

d. Natural park

116. What type of nucleic acid contains a deoxyribose 5-carbon sugar?

a. RNA

b. tRNA

c. DNA

d. mRNA

117. This macromolecule also serve as a source of energy. When the organism used this, the person is eventually reduced or shriveled into ‘skin and bones’ before the onset of death.

a. Protein

b. Carbohydrate

c. Lipid

d. Nucleic acid

118. It is an organic compound that contains C, H, O, N and P. They are formed out from nucleotides that serve as their building blocks.

a. Protein

b. Carbohydrate

c. Lipid

d. Nucleic acid

119. It refers to the extra chromosomal genetic structures of bacteria which are made of a circular piece of DNA.

a. Plasmids

b. Peptidoglycan

c. Pili

d. Capsule

120. These group of bacteria appears red in gram staining and most of them are pathogenic.

a. Gram positive

b. Gram negative

c. Gram neutral

d. None of the above

121. Which of the following describes the bacteria under Subkingdom Archaebacteria?

a. Do not have nuclear membrane

b. Are among the most primitive organisms

c. Can live in extremes of environmental conditions

d. All of the above

122. It refers to the protein- carbohydrate complex which make the bacterial cell walls very strong.

a. Plasmids

b. Chitin

c. Peptidoglycan

d. Cellulose

123. It is a symbiotic relationship formed by fungi and blue green algae.

a. Cyanobacteria

b. Lichens

c. Mosses

d. Mycorrhizae

124. Which of the following locomotory structures for protozoa are like streaming cytoplasmic extensions that facilitate creeping movement and feeding in sarcodines.

a. Pseudopodia

b. Cilia

c. Flagella

d. Sporozoa

125. They have no means of locomotion.

a. Rhizopoda

b. Foraminifera

c. Actinopoda

d. Apicomplexa

126. Penicillin comes from the green mold _______.

a. Penicillium flavus

b. Penicillium notatum

c. Penicillium clavatus

d. Peniccillium Streptomyces

127. In 1796, Edward Jenner invented the first vaccine for _______.

a. Smallpox vaccine

b. Polio vaccine

c. Herpes vaccine

d. Rabies vaccine

128. Which of the following does not belong to the Axial Skeleton division?

a. Pectoral girdle

b. Vertebral column

c. Sternum

d. Skull

129. The human adult body has a total of ______ bones.

a. 204

b. 205

c. 206

d. 207

130. Rennin is a proteinase in the stomach of infants. What substance performs the function of rennin in adults?

a. Bile

b. Pepsin

c. Steapsin

d. Trypsin

131. The female reproductive organ of a flower.

a. Stamen

b. Pistil

c. Filaments

d. Style

132. According to Lamarck, acquired traits can be _____.

a. Acted by natural selection.

b. Eliminated from the gene pool.

c. Passed on to offspring.

d. Influenced by changing times.

133. Which of the following is more of a behavioral than a structural adaptation?

a. Earthworm staying underground

b. Muscular body of a python

c. Ability of fish to breathe oxygen dissolved in water

d. Ability of blood to bring oxygen to the body cells

134. Ferns usually thrive in very moist habitats because _____.

a. They have a sporophyte that lacks vascular tissues for water transport.

b. They have flagellated sperm that need water to swim to the egg.

c. Their leaves have large surface areas for water loss.

d. They have a water-dependent sporophyte.

135. Human fertilization occurs in _____.

a. Ovary

b. Uterus

c. Fallopian tube

d. Vagina

136. This is also known as the Philippine Environment Code.

a. R.A. 1538

b. R.A. 428

c. P.D. 1152

d. P.D. 1058

For numbers 137-139, tell which of the following scientific traits is being described:

a. Decision making

b. Truthfulness

c. Critical thinking

d. Problem solving

137. Admitting errors in the experiment

138. Analyzing arguments

139. Analyzing courses of action

140. Which of the following does NOT contribute to the maintenance of ecological balance?

a. A complex food web

b. Conserving biodiversity

c. Keeping population within the carrying capacity

d. Spraying insecticides over a rice fiel

141. The following organelles are can be found in a plant cell EXCEPT:

a. Cell wall

b. Cell membrane

c. Lysosomes

d. Vacuoles

142. Which structure contains a prokaryotic cell’s genetic material?

a. Ribosome

b. DNA

c. RNA

d. Nucleoid

143. Mitochondria and nuclear membrane are NOT present in cells or organisms belonging to Kingdom _______.

a. Fungi

b. Monera

c. Protists

d. Archea

144. These events are associated with the production of nerve signals EXCEPT:

a. Exit of K+ from neuron

b. Entry of Na+ into neuron

c. Entry of Mg+ into neuron

d. None of the above

145. Which is the correct sequence of events in the sexual reproduction of flowering plants?

I- Development of gametes

II- Fertilization

III- Fruit development

IV- Pollination

V- Seed germination





For numbers 146-150, study the problem below then answer the succeeding questions.

Pedro was asked to design an experiment. The task was to test the effect of artificial fertilizer to the growing plants. He came up with this experimental design. He had Brand A, B, and C for fertilizers. On the other hand, he had mongo plant, corn plant and rice plant. To the mongo plant, he put 1 tbsp of Brand A fertilizer. To the corn plant, he put 2 tbsp of Brand B fertilizer and 3 tbsp of Brand C fertilizer.

146. What is the control group?

a. The mongo plant with 1 tbsp Brand A fertilizer.

b. The corn plant with 2 tbsp Brand B fertilizer.

c. The rice plant with 3 tbsp Brand C fertilizer.

d. Not enough information.

147. What is the dependent variable?

a. The effect of fertilizers to the plants.

b. The amount of fertilizers administered to the plants.

c. The brand of fertilizers.

d. The type of plants.

148. Is there any defect in the design?

a. Yes, there is, but was compensated with the use of three types of fertilizers.

b. Yes, there is, there are many defects in the design.

c. No, the design answers the problem about the effect of fertilizers.

d. No, the design is crafted in a simple manner.

149. What is defective with Pedro’s design?

a. There was no problem to be solve.

b. The materials used are measured inconsistently.

c. There are many independent variables.

d. There is no testable hypothesis.

150. How can the experimental design be improved?

I- Focus on one independent variable for a single problem.

II- Use the same brand of fertilizer.

III- Make sure that the administration of fertilizer be measured accurately according to the design.

a. I only

b. I and II

c. I and III

d. I, II and III

Answer Key for Mock Drill Examination for Biological Sciences Set A:


2. A

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. D

8. A

9. C


11. D

12. D

13. D

14. A

15. B

16. C

17. B

18. D

19. C


21. A

22. A

23. A

24. C

25. A

26. A

27. C

28. B

29. D


31. C

32. D


34. B

35. B

36. C

37. D

38. D

39. D

40. C

41. C

42. A

43. A

44. D

45. B

46. D

47. D

48. C

49. A


51. B

52. A

53. B

54. C

55. B

56. D

57. A

58. D

59. A


61. B

62. C

63. B

64. B

65. D

66. A

67. A

68. D

69. C



72. C


74. A

75. C

76. D

77. C

78. B

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