

 📚GENERAL EDUCATION-ENGLISH📚 100 Items with Answer Key 1. “Of man’s first disobedience and the fruit/of that forbidden tree” is the opening to:  a. Paradise Lost by John Milton  b. The Vision of Delight by Ben Jonson  c. The Fairie Quenne by Edmund Spenser  d. The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 2. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel by whose author?  a. Oscar Wilde c. John Steinbeck  b. Edgar Allan Poe d. Rudyard Kipling 3. Who was the captain of the Nautilus in “20 000 Leagues Under the Sea”?  a. Nemo c. Ahab  b. Boneville d. Smith 4. What canon of religious literature was finally, firmly fixed at the end of 4th century AD?  a. The Hebrew Bible c. The New Testament  b. The Mishnah d. The Koran 5. Who wrote the novel “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”?  a. William Golding c. D.H. Lawrence  b. Robert Louis Stevenson d. Herman Hesse 6. “No smoking during the cigarette break.” What kind of figure of speech was used?  a. Irony c. asyndeton  b. Oxymoron d. synecdoche 7. The


 📚GENERAL EDUCATION📚 1. Which of the languages according to the constitution shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis? a. English and Filipino  b. Mandarin and Bahasa c. French and Spanish  d. Arabic and Spanish ✔ 2. Which is a level of thinking that gives emphasis on remembering information? a. Comprehension b. Knowledge✔ c. Application d. Synthesis 3. This focuses on understanding and organizing previously learned information a. Comprehension✔ b. Knowledge c. Application d. Synthesis 4. This gives emphasis on using information in pertinent situations a. Comprehension b. Knowledge c. Application✔ d. Synthesis 5. This tackles on thinking critically about information by studying its parts a. Comprehension b. Analysis✔ c. Evaluation d. Synthesis 6. Focuses on original thinking about the information by putting parts together into a new whole a. Comprehension b. Analysis c. Evaluation d. Synthesis✔ 7. Emphasis is on making judgement about information based on identified standa


📚GENERAL EDUCATION📚  MATHEMATICS  1)  A politician wants to get his message to 2/3 of the population of 48,000 in Bulacan. However, his advertising campaign reaches only ¾ of the number he intended. How many people does he actually reach?  a.  16,000  b.  10,000  c.  24,000  d.  36,000  2)  A meter was cut at the 35-cm mark. What is the ratio of the smaller piece to the larger piece?  a.  7:13  b.  65:35  c.  35:100  d.  65:100  3)  The carat is a unit of measure used to weigh precious stones. It equals 3.086 grains. How many grains does a 2.8 carat diamond weigh?  a.  864.08  b.  86.408  c.  8.6408  d.  8640.8  4)  A carpenter wanted three pieces of wood each 1⅝ feet long. If he planned to cut them from a 6-foot piece of wood, how much of the piece would be left?  a.  4 ⅜ ft  b.  1 ⅛ ft  c.  4 ⅞ ft  d.  3 ft  5)  Four mangoes cost P29.00. At that price what will 2½ dozen mangoes cost?  a.  ₱217.50  b.  ₱188.50  c.  ₱348.50  d.  ₱870.00  6)  If ₱75.00 is shared among three children i


GENERAL EDUCATION LET REVIEW MATERIAL MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. “Of man’s first disobedience and the fruit/of that forbidden tree” is the opening to:  a. Paradise Lost by John Milton  b. The Vision of Delight by Ben Jonson  c. The Fairie Quenne by Edmund Spenser  d. The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 2. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel by whose author?  a. Oscar Wilde c. John Steinbeck  b. Edgar Allan Poe d. Rudyard Kipling 3. Who was the captain of the Nautilus in “20 000 Leagues Under the Sea”?  a. Nemo c. Ahab  b. Boneville d. Smith 4. What canon of religious literature was finally, firmly fixed at the end of 4th century AD?  a. The Hebrew Bible c. The New Testament  b. The Mishnah d. The Koran 5. Who wrote the novel “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”?  a. William Golding c. D.H. Lawrence  b. Robert Louis Stevenson d. Herman Hesse 6. “No smoking during the cigarette break.” What kind of figure of speech was used?  a. Irony c. asyndeton  b. Oxymoron d. synecdoche 7. The Gre


 📚PHYSICAL SCIENCE PRACTICE TESTS📚 1)  Which refers to the recorded observations and measurements in an experiment? a.  Conclusion b.  Data c.  Graph d.  Variables 2)  How is hypothesis tested? a.  by gathering enough information about the problem b.  by making inferences c.  by conducting experiment d.  by formulating conclusion 3)  Which summarizes a natural occurence that may be constantly observed given the same conditions which may be expressed in words or in mathematical form? a.  Conclusion b.  Hypothesis c.  Law d.  Theory 4)   Mark prepares a solution by putting a pinch of orange crystals to water in a beaker, then by consistent stirring, the crystals dissolve. Which of the statements above are likely to be observed by Mark? I.  The water becomes orange. II.  The color of the solution becomes darker. III.  Crystals disappear from the bottom of the beaker. IV.  The beaker and its contents become heavier as stirring continues. a.  I and II b.  III and IV c.  I, II and III d. 


📚PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION📚 1. The inclusion of Music, Literature, Philosophy, Sciences, Mathematics and Humanities in Philippine Curriculum could be historically traced to A. Greek-Athenian B. Greek-Spartan C. Romans D. Arabs 2. The philosophical school by Plato was known as the A. Lyceum B. Academy C. Kitharist D. Paedotribe 3. Christ frequent use of proverbs or sayings such as "Whoever will losehis life my sake shall save it" is known as the A. Conversational B. Gnomic Method C. Parable Method D. Catechetical Method 4. In the midst of a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the reponsibility of the teacher?  I. Safe II. Gender-biased III. Secure A. I and III B. I, II, and III C. I and II D. II only 5. When enrollees cannot be accomodated in t.he public schools due to lack of teachers and classrooms, they are reffered to the private schools under the A. Study-Now-Pay-Later Plan B. Adopt-a-School Program C. Educational service Contracting Scheme D.