1)  Which refers to the recorded observations and measurements in an experiment?

a.  Conclusion

b.  Data

c.  Graph

d.  Variables

2)  How is hypothesis tested?

a.  by gathering enough information about the problem

b.  by making inferences

c.  by conducting experiment

d.  by formulating conclusion

3)  Which summarizes a natural occurence that may be constantly observed given the same conditions which may be expressed in words or in mathematical form?

a.  Conclusion

b.  Hypothesis

c.  Law

d.  Theory

4)   Mark prepares a solution by putting a pinch of orange crystals to water in a beaker, then by consistent stirring, the crystals dissolve. Which of the statements above are likely to be observed by Mark?

I.  The water becomes orange.

II.  The color of the solution becomes darker.

III.  Crystals disappear from the bottom of the beaker.

IV.  The beaker and its contents become heavier as stirring continues.

a.  I and II

b.  III and IV

c.  I, II and III

d.  I, II and IV

5)  Which of the following is NOT true about scientific method?

a.  Conclusion is the last step.

b.  Scientific method may be applied in everyday life.

c.  Scientific method is a systematic way of solving problem.

d.  Scientific method is done by following a step-by-step procedure in a exact sequence.

6)  Which apparatus will you use to measure the mass of an irregular solid correctly?

a.  Empty beaker

b.  Erlenmeyer flask

c.  Graduated cyclinder with water

d.  Vernier caliper

7)  To graph the distance covered and velocity of a car, which is the dependent varaiable? Where should be it plotted on a line graph?

a.  Distance, x-axis

b.  Distance, y-axis

c.  Velocity, x-axis

d.  Velocity, y-axis

8)  A student found a piece of metal. What can the student do to quickly determine if the metal might contain iron?

a.  heat the metal

b.  weigh the metal

c.  place the metal in water

d.  place the metal near a magnet

9)  A student dipped a strip of aluminum and a strip of iron in water. The student then exposed the strips to air for one week. Which was most likely happen one week later?

a.  The iron strip formed rust.

b.  The aluminum strip formed rust.

c.  Both of the metal strips formed rust.

d.  Neither of the metal strips formed rust.

10)  Aubrey wants to track her summative tests scores over the course of grading period. Which of the following will BEST allow her to analyze her progress?

a.  Bar graph

b.  Line graph

c.  Pie graph

d.  Scatter graph

11)  What will most likely occur if global warming will not be addressed?

a.  Lower sea levels

b.  Melting of ice caps

c.  More pollution in water

d.  More reflected sunlight off the ice pack

12)  How is the relationship described when both quantities are increasing but one quantity increases faster than the other?

a.  Direct proportion

b.  Direct square proportion

c.  Inverse proportion

d.  Inverse square proportion

13)  In your attempt to determine which is denser - oil or water, you mixed 25mL of oil with 25mL of water. What helpful qualitative data can you derive from this setup?

a.  There are 50mL of liquid in the container.

b.  Oil did not mix with water.

c.  Oil is on top of the water.

d.  There are 25mL of water and 25mL of oil in the container.

14)  Which of the following is a compound?

a.  Cemented wall

b.  Dry ice

c.  Gold

d.  Tincture of iodine

15)  Which is most likely to change blue litmus paper to red?

a.  Ammonia in water

b.  Detergent solution

c.  Limewater

d.  Vinegar

16)  Which can be classified as homogeneous mixture?

I.  Buko pie

II.  Blood

III.  Virgin coconut oil

IV.  Mango juice

a.  III only

b.  I and II

c.  I, II and IV

d.  II, III and IV

17)  Which of the following is a physical property of non-metals?

a.  Malleability and ductility

b.  Low tensile strength

c.  High density

d.  High tensile strength

18)  The yellow color of a highlighter is a ________ property.

a.  chemical

b.  heterogeneous

c.  homogeneous

d.  physical

19)  An odorless and colorless matter boils at 100 degree Celsius and melts at 0 degree Celsius. What inference can be drawn from this observation?

a.  It is a metal

b.  It is a mixture

c.  It is a non-metal

d.  It is a pure substance

20)  You want to clean a tarnished silver. Which one will you use?

a.  Baking soda

b.  Salt solution

c.  Sugar solution

d.  Vinegar

21)  What will you add to your food to make it last longer?

a.  Baking soda

b.  Salt solution

c.  Tomato

d.  Vinegar

22)  Why is not advisable to drink softdrinks on an empty stomach?

a.  It could lessen your appetite.

b.  It could make you feel full faster.

c.  It increases the acidity of your stomach.

d.  It contains stimulant which causes dizziness.

23)  Almost the entire mass of an atom is concentrated in the ________.

a.  electron

b.  neutron

c.  nucleus

d.  proton

24)  How many protons are present if an atom has a mass number of 23 and atomic number of 11?

a.  11

b.  12

c.  23

d.  44

25)  Carbon-12 atom has ________.

a.  6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons

b.  6 electrons, 12 protons, 6 neutrons

c.  12 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons

d.  16 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons

26)  What happens to atomic number during a chemical reaction?

a.  changes

b.  remains the same

c.  changes alternately

d.  changes and then is restored

27)  Which of the following statements about isotopes of hydrogen is correct?

a.  They have different atomic numbers.

b.  They have the same number of neutrons.

c.  They have the same number of protons.

d.  The have different number of electrons.

28)  What happens when a metal reacts with a non-metal? Usually ________.

a.  a simple covalent bond is formed

b.  a coordinate covalent bond is formed

c.  positive and negative ions are formed

d.  there is a sharing of electrons in the outer shells of two elements

29)  What bond exists in a solid that does not conduct electricity but conduct electricity when dissolved in water?

a.  Coordinate covalent bond

b.  Covalent bond

c.  Ionic bond

d.  Metallic bond

30)  N, Y, and Z represent elements of atomic numbers 9, 11, and 16. What type of bond will be formed between Y and Z?

a.  Ionic bond👩‍🏫

b.  Metallic bond

c.  Nonpolar covalent bond

d.  Polar covalent bond

31)  A weak attraction between hydrogen atom in one molecule and an oxygen in another is called ________.

a.  Covalent bond

b.  Hydrogen bond👩‍🏫

c.  Ionic bond

d.  Metallic bond

32)  What is the element needed to bond with Na to create the most ionic bond?

a.  F👩‍🏫

b.  Cl

c.  Br

d.  I

33)  The boiling point of substance A is higher than that of substance B. What does this mean?

a.  Substance A is less viscious than substance B.

b.  Substance A evaporates faster than substance B.

c.  Substance B has greater surface tension than substance A.

d.  Substance B has weaker intermolecular forces than substance A.👩‍🏫

34)  What is the intermolecular force of attraction between the nucleus of one atom and the electrons of a nearby atom?

a.  Dipole-dipole force

b.  Ion-dipole force

c.  London dispersion force👩‍🏫

d.  Van der Waals force

35)  In oxidation-reduction, the oxidizing agent is reduced and gains electrons. The reducing agent is oxidized and loses electrons. Are the statements CORRECT?

a.  Both statements are correct👩‍🏫

b.  Both statements are false

c.  First statement is true; second statement is false

d.  Second statement is true; first statement is false

36)  How many moles of iron does 25g of Fe represent? (Fe=55.85g)

a.  0.448 mol👩‍🏫

b.  2.234 mol

c.  30.85 mol

d.  80.85 mol

37)  Which of the following is NOT a principal assumption of Kinetic Molecular Theory?

a.  Gas particles move rapidly.

b.  Gases consist of submicroscopic particles.

c.  There is very little empty space in a gas.👩‍🏫

d.  Gas particles have no attraction for one another.

38)  Which refers to the kinetic energy or motion of gas particles?

a.  Pressure

b.  Quantity of gas

c.  Temperature👩‍🏫

d.  Volume

39)  What is the BEST reason why the atmospheric pressure in Baguio City is lower than the atmospheric pressure at sea level?

a.  Because there are more gas particles at higher altitudes.

b.  Because there are less gas particles at higher altitudes.👩‍🏫

c.  Because there is greater temperature at higher altitudes.

d.  Because there is lesser temperature at higher altitudes.

40)  Which of the following correctly describes the process of exhalation (air going out of the lungs)?

a.  The lungs decrease in volume, causing the internal pressure to increase.👩‍🏫

b.  The lungs decrease in volume, causing the internal pressure to decrease.

c.  The lungs increase in volume, causing the internal pressure to increase.

d.  The lungs increase in volume, causing the internal pressure to decrease.

41)  How is food cooked faster using a pressure cooker?

a.  The accumulated steam increases the pressure and decreases the boiling point of the liquid.👩‍🏫

b.  The accumulated steam increases the pressure and increases the boiling point of the liquid.

c.  The accumulated steam decreases the pressure and decreases the boiling point of the liquid.

d.  The accumulated steam decreases the pressure and increases the boiling point of the liquid.

42)  Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a base?

a.  Bitter taste

b.  Slippery feeling

c.  Able to change litmus from red to blue

d.  Reacts with carbonates to produce carbon dioxide👩‍🏫

43)  Which factor affects the rate of dissolution when powdered sugar dissolves more rapidly than granulated sugar?

a.  Application of heat

b.  Nature of solute

c.  Particle size👩‍🏫

d.  Stirring

44)  In which factor is the description "like dissolves like" BEST used?

a.  Volume

b.  Pressure

c.  Temperature

d.  Nature of solute and solvent👩‍🏫

45)  When the production of hydrogen ions in the body is the same as their loss, you are in ________.

a.  acid-base balance

b.  electrolytic balance👩‍🏫

c.  water balance

d.  balanced diet

46)  When an egg yolk is added to oil and water with vinegar to make mayonnaise, the egg yolk serves as ________.

a.  coagulant

b.  emulsifying agent👩‍🏫

c.  solvent

d.  surfactant

47)  Which of the following involves adsorption?

a.  Plating of copper on a steel object

b.  Adherence of paint to wood surfaces

c.  Brown color of the eyes of Filipinos

d.  Removal of odor inside a refrigerator using charcoal👩‍🏫

48)  Which of the following BEST describes temperature?

a.  Temperature measures the total energy in something.

b.  Temperature measures the kinetics energy in substance.

c.  Temperature measures the total kinetic energy contained in an object.

d.  Temperature measures the average molecular kinetic energy in a substance.👩‍🏫

49)  The Earth receives tremendous heat coming from the sun which could be beneficial at one point and harmful to a large extent. Which of the following methods of transferring heat is being illustrated?

a.  Conduction

b.  Convection

c.  Radiation👩‍🏫

d.  Transduction

50)  A reaction takes place endothermically. Which of the following statements BEST describes endothermic reactions?

a.  The temperature of the system drops.

b.  The temperature of the surrounding rises.

c.  The temperature of the surrounding drops.👩‍🏫

d.  The temperature of the surrounding remains the same.


1.  B

2.  C

3.  C

4.  C

5.  D

6.  C

7.  B

8.  D

9.  A

10.  A

11.  B

12.  B

13.  C

14.  B

15.  D

16.  D

17.  B

18.  D

19.  D

20.  A

21.  D

22.  C

23.  C

24.  A

25.  A

26.  B

27.  C

28.  C

29.  C

30.  A

31.  B

32.  A

33.  D

34.  C

35.  A

36.  A

37.  C

38.  C

39.  B

40.  A

41.  A

42.  D

43.  C

44.  D

45.  B

46.  B

47.  D

48.  D

49.  C

50.  C


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