1. Which of the languages according to the constitution shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis?

a. English and Filipino 

b. Mandarin and Bahasa

c. French and Spanish 

d. Arabic and Spanish ✔

2. Which is a level of thinking that gives emphasis on remembering information?

a. Comprehension b. Knowledge✔

c. Application d. Synthesis

3. This focuses on understanding and organizing previously learned information

a. Comprehension✔ b. Knowledge

c. Application d. Synthesis

4. This gives emphasis on using information in pertinent situations

a. Comprehension b. Knowledge

c. Application✔ d. Synthesis

5. This tackles on thinking critically about information by studying its parts

a. Comprehension b. Analysis✔

c. Evaluation d. Synthesis

6. Focuses on original thinking about the information by putting parts together into a new whole

a. Comprehension b. Analysis

c. Evaluation d. Synthesis✔

7. Emphasis is on making judgement about information based on identified standard

a. Comprehension b. Analysis

c. Evaluation✔ d. Synthesis

8. Concerned with early stages of learning a complex skill

a. Set b. Guided Practice✔

c. Mechanism d. Complex overt response

9. Concerned with the habitual responses that can be performed with some confidence and proficiency

a. Set b. Guided Practice

c. Mechanism✔ d. Complex overt response

10. This relates to the skilful performance of an act that requires complex movement patterns like highly coordinated motor activities.

a. Set b. Guided Practice

c. Mechanism 

d. Complex overt response✔

11. This involves organizing the values in relation to each other

a. Characterization b. Receiving

c. Valuing d. Organization✔

12. Gives emphasis on attaching worth to something from the environment

a. Characterization b. Receiving

c. Valuing✔ d. Organization

13. Acts in accordance with the accepted value and becomes part of personality

a. Characterization✔ b. Receiving

c. Valuing d. Organization

14. Gives emphasis on becoming aware of some communication or phenomenon from the environment

a. Characterization b. Receiving✔

c. Valuing d. Organization

15. This is committed in grading students’ performance when a rater avoids both extremes of scale and tends to rate everyone average. 

a. central tendency error✔ 

b. generosity error

c. severity error 

d. ceiling grade error 

16. The scores are low in a _________ distribution

a. leptokurtic 

b. negatively skewed 

c. platykurtic 

d. positively skewed✔

17. Which relates to a taller or more peaked than normal distribution?

a. leptokurtic✔ 

b. negatively skewed 

c. platykurtic 

d. positively skewed

18. The most famous Sophist who stated that man is the measure of all things

a. Martin Luther b. John Amos Comenius

c. Francis Bacon d. Protagoras✔

19. Who wrote the book ‘Orbis Pictus Sensualism’ which considered as the first textbook using visual aids in class?

a. Martin Luther 

b. John Amos Comenius✔

c. Francis Bacon 

d. Protagoras

20. He suggested the use of inductive method of teaching and believed that all scientific progress must be based on nature.

a. Martin Luther b. John Amos Comenius

c. Francis Bacon✔ d. Protagoras

21. He is considered as the father of reform

a. Martin Luther✔ b. John Amos Comenius

c. Francis Bacon d. Protagoras

22. Who wrote the ‘School Master’ which condemns brutal punishment in English schools?

a. Cicero b. Thomas Aquinas

c. Erasmus d. Ascham✔

23. He suggested that education should be in accordance of the need of society. He is a humanist and advocated the study of a child’s character

a. Cicero b. Thomas Aquinas

c. Erasmus✔ d. Ascham

24. He wrote the ‘Summa Theologies’.

a. Cicero b. Thomas Aquinas✔

c. Erasmus d. Ascham

25. He wrote the ‘ORATORE’

a. Cicero✔ b. Thomas Aquinas

c. Erasmus d. Ascham

26. Who said ‘Education is not a preparation for life, but life itself’?

a. Herbart b. Pastallozi

c. Mulcaster d. John Dewey✔

27. He conceived education as the development of morality and virtue.

a. Herbart✔ b. Pastallozi

c. Mulcaster d. John Dewey

28. He said that ‘Education should be in accordance with the nature of the child’.

a. Herbart b. Pastallozi

c. Mulcaster✔ d. John Dewey

29. He defined education as natural, symmetrical, and harmonious development of the faculties of the child.

a. Herbart b. Pestallozi✔

c. Mulcaster d. John Dewey

30. The one noted as the father of Scholasticism.

a. Socrates b. Plato

c. Anselm✔ d. Aristotle

31. He is regarded as the father of Modern Science

a. Socrates b. Plato

c. Anselm d. Aristotle✔

32. He is popular for his ‘know thy self’ quote.

a. Socrates✔ b. Plato

c. Anselm d. Aristotle

33. He wrote the ‘Republic’

a. Socrates b. Plato✔

c. Anselm d. Aristotle

34. Which applies when the distribution of scores is concentrated on the left side of the curve?

a. Bell Curve 

b. Positively Skewed✔

c. Negatively Skewed 

d. Leptokurtic 

35. In a positively skewed distribution, ______

a. the mode is always less than the mean and median✔

b. the mode is equal with the mean and median

c. the mode is greater than the mean but equal with median

d. the mean is usually less than the median

36. In a negatively skewed distribution, ______

a. the mode is always less than the mean and median

b. the mode is equal with the mean and median

c. the mode is greater than the mean but equal with median

d. the mean is usually less than the median✔

37. He is regarded as the ‘Father of Sociology’.

a. Edward de Bono 

b. Auguste Comte✔

c. Carlos Linnaeus 

d. William Kilpatrick

38. He is regarded as the ‘Father of modern Taxonomy’.

a. Edward de Bono 

b. Auguste Comte

c. Carlos Linnaeus✔ 

d. William Kilpatrick

39. He is noted for his ‘Six Thinking Hats’

a. Edward de Bono✔ 

b. Auguste Comte

c. Carlos Linnaeus 

d. William Kilpatrick

40. Which happens when a teacher changes activity to a new one and vice versa whenever he/she changes his/her mind?

a. Flip Flop✔ b. Overdwelling

c. Truncation d. Fragmentation

41. Which happens when a teacher fails to return to the activity after being interrupted?

a. Flip Flop b. Overdwelling

c. Truncation ✔ d. Fragmentation

42. Teacher chunks the lesson at the expense of time

a. Flip Flop b. Overdwelling

c. Truncation d. Fragmentation✔

43. The teacher focuses on a certain lesson too much which slows down progress of lesson development

a. Flip Flop b. Overdwelling✔

c. Truncation d. Fragmentation

44. Gestalt psychology most associated with _________

a. Max Wertheimer✔ 

b. Herman Ebbinghaus

c. Wilhelm Woundt 

d. Edwin Guthrie

45. He is noted for his concept of ‘temporal conguity’

a. Max Wertheimer 

b. Herman Ebbinghaus

c. Wilhelm Woundt 

d. Edwin Guthrie✔

46. He is a German Psychologist and founder of modern Psychology

a. Max Wertheimer 

b. Herman Ebbinghaus

c. Wilhelm Woundt✔ 

d. Edwin Guthrie

47. He is associated with Associationism Psychology

a. Max Wertheimer 

b. Herman Ebbinghaus✔

c. Wilhelm Woundt 

d. Edwin Guthrie

48. This type of test determines as to whether an individual is genius, superior, high average and others.

a. Intelligence✔ b. Personality

c. Aptitude d. Prognostic

49. This measures the ways in which an individual’s interest with other individuals or in terms of the roles an individual has assigned to himself and how he adopts in the society

a. Intelligence b. Personality✔

c. Aptitude d. Prognostic

50. The tests that forecast how well a person may do in a certain subject or work

a. Intelligence b. Personality

c. Aptitude d. Prognostic✔

51. This kind of test is a predictive measure of a person’s likelihood of benefit from instruction or experience in a given field such as clerical, arts, academic studies etc.

a. Intelligence b. Personality

c. Aptitude✔ d. Prognostic

52. This test measures how much the students attain the learning task. This is_____ test

a. Scale b. Power

c. Achievement✔ d. Speed

53. It is also called as ‘alertness test’.

a. Scale b. Power

c. Achievement d. Speed✔

54. This test is made up of series of items arranged from easy to difficult.

a. Scale b. Power✔

c. Achievement d. Speed

55. This test provides exact procedures in controlling the method of administration and scoring norms and data concerning reliability and validity of the test. This is ___test

a. Preference b. Teacher-made

c. Standardized✔ d. Placement

56. This test is a measure of vocational or academic interest of an individual or aesthetic decision by forcing the examinee to make force options between paired or group items.

a. Preference✔ b. Teacher-made

c. Standardized d. Placement

57. This philosophy believes that education aims to liberate man from the oppressive and demanding medieval institutions like the church to enable him to fully develop.

a. Realism b. Monasticism

c. Humanism✔ d. Reformation

58. Education is believed to be a religious discipline. It is characterized to be strict and rigid form of discipline having severe punishment as essential part.

a. Realism b. Monasticism✔

c. Humanism d. Reformation

59. The educational philosophy that believes that education should deal with the actualities of life.

a. Realism✔ b. Monasticism

c. Humanism d. Reformation

60. It is highlighted with protests of people who were dissatisfied with the policies of the Roman Catholic Church

a. Realism b. Monasticism

c. Humanism d. Reformation✔


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