1. What was the First Philippine Republic? 

A. The Republic proclaimed in Malolos
B. The Republic proclaimed under the 1935 Constitution.
C. The Republic of the Philippines proclaimed in 1946
D. The Republic proclaimed under the Japanese sponsored Constitution


2. Which type of government did Aguinaldo establish? 

A. Unitary 

B. Republican 
C. Revolutionary 
D. Oligarchic 

 3. Which right is violated by wiretapping? 

A. The right to private property 

B. The right to privacy of communication 

C. The right to information on matters of public concern 

D. Freedom of expression 


4. Can religious instruction be made compulsory for all children in public schools? 

I. Yes. If given free 

II. Yes. If given outside class hours. 

III. Yes, only to those children whose parents give their consent in writing. 

A. II and III 

B. II only 

C. I and III 

D. I, II and III 

5. Ours is a government of _____ and not of _____. 

A. laws men 

B. men laws 

C. lawyer’s laws 

D. laws citizens 

6. In 1989, it became the very first country to sanction homosexual marriage and to give homosexuals most of the legal rights accorded to heterosexuals. 

A. Germany 

B. Finland 

C. Netherland 

D. Denmark 

7. This literally means "Opposite the Arctic". This is the 5th largest landmass and the least

A. Africa 

B. North Pole 

C. South Pacific 

D. Antarctica


8. This is the only Portuguese – speaking country in a Hispanic Latin region. A. Mexico B. Aruba 

C. Nicaragua 

D. Brazil 

9. This is one of the world’s leading oil producers. The country has the highest per capital income in Latin America, though its national wealth is very unevenly distributed. This country helped in the founding of OPEC. 

A. Mexico  

B. Brazil 

C. Venezuela 

D. Ecuador 

10. This is the second most populated country in the world. This nation still practices caste determination, child bride, dowry system and girl child infanticide especially in the rural areas.  A. China 

B. India 

C. Canada 

D. Pakistan 

11. Rainbow Warrior", the flagship of the Greenpeace Organization was bombed and sunk in Auckland by French secret agents due to the former’s nuclear testing. Where is Auckland? A. Australia 

B. New Zealand 

C. Guam 

D. Japan 

12. This country assumed full sovereignty over a strategic canal from the United States on December 31, 1999. 

A. Solomon Island  

B. Panama  

C. Egypt  

D. Colombia 

13. The Prime Meridian passes through  

A. London  

B. Rome  

C. Berlin  

D. Warsaw 

14. The April 1986 Chernobyl explosion is the world’s worst nuclear disaster wherein 3 people were killed in the initial explosion. Chernobyl is located in  

A. Ukraine  

B. Russia  

C. Latvia  

D. Lithuania 

15. The name of "Far East" is a misnomer being coined by western geographers and European mariners. This region refers to  

A. India, Pakistan  

B. Russia, Kazakhstan 

C. Saudi Arabia, Jordan  

D. China, Korea, Japan 


16. This is popularly called as "Empty Quarter". This is one of the largest true deserts in the world which has no settlement and no vegetation at all.  

A. Rub Al Khali 

B. Sahara  

C. Nubian  

D. Libyan 

17. This is the second largest continent, home of the largest desert and was also believed to be the birthplace of humanity.  

A. Africa  

B. North America  

C. South America  

D. Asia 

18. Why is Africa often called "Dark Continent" until the 19th century?  

A. It is a land of mystery and paradox  

B Its peoples are all black and dark  

C. Its forest is impenetrable  

D. Its notorious for disease 

19. What does the Suez Canal connect?  

A. Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean  

B. Atlantic Ocean with the Black Sea  

C. Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea  

D. Mediterranean Sea with the Black Sea 

20. From which country do we buy Ceylon tea?  

A. India  

B. Maldives  

C. Bhutan  

D. Sri Lanka 

21. Which place in China are said to be cradles of ancient civilization?  

A. Huang Ho and Yangtze Valleys  

B. Nile Valley  

C. Tigris Euphrates Valley  

D. Indus Valley 

22. Hitler's move to eliminate the Jews was an act of _______.  

A. genocide  

B. ethnocide  

C. suicide  

D. infanticide 

23. This is the philosophical study of the universe and everything in it  

A. Cosmology  

B. Ethics 

C. Metaphysics  

D. Axiology  

24. How do countries register dislike or disagreement of another country’s discussion through diplomatic means?  

A. Declare war immediately  

B. Recall all its nations  

C. File a diplomatic protest  

D. Retaliate by arresting nationals of the country 

25. What is the term for the unpleasant sensation or frustration when a traditional-bound Filipino goes to the U.S. and observes the open display of love and emotions?  

A. culture relativism  

B. culture shock  

C. culture cosmopolitanism  

D. culture phobia  

26. What was the first term given by Marcelo H. Del Pilar to the hidden control and domination by Spanish religious priests over the colonial government?  

A. las suerte partidas  

B. fray botod  

C. pase region  

D. frailocracia  

27. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform & cooperatives are meant to __________.

A. improve on the country’s literacy rate  

B. make all citizens equal 

C. bridge the gap between the rich & the poor  

D. eradicate poverty in the country 

28. What kind of cooperative system sells farmers’ agricultural produce? 

A. service cooperative  

B. producers cooperative  

C. marketing cooperative  

D. multi-purpose cooperative 

29. Which of the following demonstrates ethnocentric behavior?  

A. UN volunteers participate in literacy programs in Mindanao.  

B. A student tutors an immigrant in English  

C. A Hispanic community group demands that public forms also be published in Spanish

D. A tourist lectures his foreign hosts on the uncivilized natural customs. 

30. Which religious missionary order first arrived in the Philippines?  

A. Augustinian  

B. Dominican 

C. Jesuit 

D. Franciscan 

31. The fundamental right invoked by filing the “writ of amparo” is ___________. 

A. the right to self-defense 

B. the right to due process  

C. the right to life, liberty, and security  

D. the right to be defended by public attorney  

32. Which is TRUE of the Philippines?  

A. It has been colonized by 2 European colonial powers.  

B. There have been attempts to change its government to a parliamentary form. 

C. It is the only Christian country in Asia.  

D. It has never been united as a nation.  

33. Rizal focused the “La Liga Filipina” to _____________.  

I. unite the whole country  

II. fight violence & injustice  

III. revolt against Spaniards  

A. I, III C. I, II 

B. II, III D. II only 

34. Nelson Mandela sacrificed so much in his life – family, friends and a big chunk of his life for  things he believed in a democratic South Africa, with equal rights and a beacon of hope for the  rest of the world. Nelson Mandela’s dream for South Africa, which was realized, was  __________.  

A. cooperation C. democracy 

B. unity D. supremacy  

35. He established the tobacco monopoly during the Spanish era.  

A. Jose Basco  

B. Rafael Izquierdo  

C. Basilio Agustin  

D. Francisco Rizzo 

36. Political idealists advocate ideals in politics such as justice, and fairness. Political realist have a more realist viewpoint of politics, aptly stated by “Might is right”. Who among the following is more of a political realist rather than political idealist?  

A. Julius Caesar  

B. Mohatma Ghandi 

C. Martin Luther King  

D. Benigno Jr. Aquino  

37. The Philippine Legislature has two houses: senate and House of Representatives. What term best describes this setup?  

A. Bicameralism 


B. Bipartisanship


C. Unicameralism 


D. Co-legislative power 

38. How do you call the tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals? 

A. Income Tax  

B. Real estate tax  

C. Community Tax  

D. Inheritance Tax

39. This field with the study of how human beings behave.  

A. Philosophy  

B. Morality  

C. Psychology  

D. Ethics 

40. Reason must be used in understanding the existence of God. Who advocated this philosophy?  

A. St. Benedict  

B. St. Peter  

C. St. John 

D. St. Thomas Aquinas 

41. If the principles and theories of human behavior were to be applied to teaching and learning.  The field will be called ______.  

A. Educational Theory  

B. Educational Philosophy  

C. Educational Psychology  

D. Educational Sociology 

42. In July 1901, Isabelo delos Reyes founded the first labor union in the country. What was its name?  

A. Association of the Philippine Labor  

B. Union Obrera Democratica 


C. Union Trabajadores de Filipinos 


D. Association De Compania Tabacalera 

43. The Philippine lies in the _____, an area where volcanoes are active. 

A.Archipelagic fault line  

B. Ring of fire 


C. Wheel of fire 


D. Volcanic Rim  

44. During the June 12, 1898 Declaration of Independence, a band played the Marcha Nacional  Filipino What band was this?  

A. Pangkatkawayang ng Pateros  

B. Kawit Cavite Band  

C. Malabon Band  

D. San Francisco de Malabon 

45. Which power of the state enables it to impose charge of burden upon persons, property or property rights for the use and support of the government expenditures for social services and a way of revenue collection?  

A. Eminent domain  

B. Expropriation 


C. Value added tax  

D. Taxation  

46. What does a professional code of conduct prescribe?  

A. Civic conduct for all  

B. Professional traditions and mores 

C. Moral and ethical standards  

D. Stricter implementation of laws 

47. It features the exchange of goods, money and services:  

A. Gesellschaft  

B. Gemeinchaft  

C. Enculturation  

D. Acculturation 

48. Article IV of the 1987 Constitution, who has the power to declare the existence of the State War?  

A. Senate President  

B. President  

C. Chief justice  

D. Congress 

49. Section 3, Article XIV states that “All educational institutions shall include the study of  ________ as part of the curriculum.  

A. History  

B. Science & Technology 


C. Sports  

D. Constitution 

50. Violation of Human Rights is a violation of the_______ of the person  

A. Dignity  

B. Intelligence  

C. Emotions  

D. Freedom 

51. The state recognizes the Filipino_________ as the foundation of the nation. Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total development. 

A. Family  

B. Barangay  

C. Church  

D. School 

52. The basic principle of taxation where the sources of funds/ revenues should be efficient to meet the needs of public expenditure.  

A. Fiscal adequacy  

B. Equality  

C. Equity  

D. Administrative feasibility 

53. One of the advantages of presidential system of government is:  

A. The principle of the separation of powers and checks and balances is observed 

B. Unity of authority  

C. It cuts costs and redundancy in lawmaking  

D. It promotes strong political party 

54. An International convention where the Philippine can validate its claim to the Spratlys and other territories in the west Philippine Sea  

A. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 

B. Rio de Janiero Convention  

C. Geneva convention 

D. Kyoto Protocol 

55. What values is being promoted by the Philippine government when it launched the “Juan Time” project in 2011?  

A. Punctuality  

B. Austerity  

C. Palabra de Honor  

D. Close family ties 

56. What famous literary work did Rizal voice out to the convection that women should think for themselves, should be educated, and should be more active in public office? 

A. To the Virgin Mary  

B. Letter to the Young Women of Malolos  

C. My first inspiration  

D. To the Flowers of Heidelberg 

57. What was the title of Rizal’s poem from which the following lines were taken? “Whoever  knows not how to love his native tongue is worse than any beast or evil smelling fish. To make  our language richer ought to be our wish the same as any mother loves to feel the young.’’ 

A. Huling Paalam  

B. Sa mga Kabataang Pinoy/ To the Filipino Youth/ A La Juventud Filipina 

C. Sa aking mga Kababata/ Our Mother Tongue  

D. Sa mga kababaihan ng Malolos/ To the Women of Malolos 

58. It is characterized by shared experiences and mutual responsibilities 

A. Gesellschaft  

B. Acculturation  

C. Gemeinchaft  

D. Enculturation 

59. The Commander of the American and Filipino forces in Bataan  

A. Gen. Edward King  

B. Gen. Jonathan Wainwright  

C. Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur  

D. Gen. Arthur Mac Arthur 

60. When a combination of independent business organizations formed to regulate production,  pricing, and marketing of goods by the members, which term applies?  

A. Inflation  

B. Cartel  

C. Depression  

D. Monopoly 

61. Martial law reminded in force until 1981 under Proclamation number: 

A. 1081  

B. 1425  

C. 9994  

D. 7610


62. This is the longest river in the country, which originates from the mountains of Quirino and  Nueva Viscaya and drains the whole Cagayan Valley existing through the town of Aparri and  Cagayan  

A. Rio Grande de Cagayan  

B. Agno river  

C. Abra River  

D. Pampanga River 

63. One of the advantages of Presidential system of government  

A. It promotes strong political party  

B. Unity of authority  

C. The principle of the separation of powers and checks and balance is observed. 

D. It cuts cost and redundancy in lawmaking 

64. During the Spanish period, it refers to the privilege of the provincial governor to engage in trade  

A. Corregimientos 

B. Alcaldia  

C. Alcalde mayor  

D. Indulto de comercio 


65. The longest revolt in Philippine History  

A. Palaris revolt  

B. Dagohoy revolt  

C. Diego Silang revolt  

D. Gabrielle Silang revolt 

66. What form of government did we have when President Aguinaldo proclaimed the Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898  

A. Revolutionary  

B. Dictatorial  

C. Democratic 

D. Presidential 

67. A sociological research method that approaches social phenomena through quantifiable evidence, and often relies on statistical analysis of many cases (or across intentionally designed treatments in an experiment) to create valid and reliable general claims:  

A. Qualitative design  

B. Quantitative design  

C. Normative  

D. Formative 

68.This is the determination of the government to relate what is perceived as beneficial to public interests and acts to implement its decision on such in order to achieve a better future for its citizens  

A. Political will  

B. Common good  

C. Public interest  

D. Justice


69. The fulfillment of the collective needs to the human species, including global society 

A. Political will  

B. Common good  

C. Public interest  

D. Justice 

70. One of the types of positive economics that collects and presents data that can describe the phenomena  

A. Growth  

B. Descriptive economics  

C. Stability  

D. Economic theory 

71. In whose presidency was the famous MIRACLE RICE produced?  

A. Sergio Osmena  

B. Erap Estrada  

C. Ferdinand Marcos  

D. Fidel Ramos 

72. An international convention where the Philippines can validate its claim to the Spratly and other territories in the West Philippine Sea  

A. Kyoto Protocol  

B. Geneva Convention  

C. United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)  


73. What is the very foundation of genuine peace and reconciliation?  

A. Happiness  

B. Dignity  

C. Social justice  

D. Confrontation 

74. What values are being promoted by the Philippine Government when it launched the “Juan Time” project in 2011?  

A. Punctuality  

B. Austerity  

C. Palabra de Honor  

D. Close family ties 

75. Known as the ‘’Isla de Pintados’’ by the Spaniards  

A. Luzon  

B. Mindanao  

C. Isla verde 

D. Visayas 

76. In economics, _________ is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.  

A. Mercantilism  

B. Inflation  

C. Free trade  

D. Depression


77. It describes concentration in thinking as a constant, unbroken line of thought: 

A. Disturbance  

B. Vacillation  

C. Focus  

D. Diffusion 

78. Violation of human rights is a violation of the _____ of people  

A. Freedom  

B. Intelligence  

C. Dignity  

D. Emotions 

79. It is the fundamental basis for data gathered in the science of Sociology, Biology and Physics.  

A. Belief  

B. Logic  

C. Wisdom  

D. Observation 


80. The Act/Law that led to the granting of ten-year transition period.  

A. Hare –Hawes Cutting Bill  

B. Independence Law  

C. Tidings-McDuffie Law  

D. Parity Rights 

81. The author of ‘’Flora de Filipinas’’ circa 1837, the botanical illustrations of plant specimens that grow into the Philippines herbarium.  

A. Gov. Narciso Claveria 

B. Fr. Manuel Blanco  

C. Padre Emmanuel Gonzales  

D. Gov. Polavieja 

82. Legislation granting special privileges to senior citizens help to neutralize prejudice and discrimination toward a social category based on:  

A. Ethnicity  

B. Gender  

C. Race  

D. Age 

83. What shows the kind of thinking which likes to identify an idea or dilemma, wherein thinkers  may engage in such mental activities such as careful observation, recalling, imaging, inquiring,  interpreting, evaluating, classifying and judging?  

A. Doing without knowing  

B. Following orders  

C. Reflecting  

D. Act on impulse 

84. The earliest mode of economic life in human history according to Karl Marx. 

A. Agricultural  

B. Primitive communism  

C. Reciprocity  

D. Enlightened self- interest


85. The process by which a person learns the requirements of the culture by which he or she is surrounded, and acquires values and behaviors that are appropriate or necessary in that culture 

A. Assimilation  

B. Cultural relativism  

C. Acculturation  

D. Enculturation 

86. Cooperative can eventually put up banks of their own. What are the evidences of their successes?  

A. Opening of rural bank is allowed on a cooperative concept  

B. Many banks in Metro Manila and Central Luzon started out as cooperatives

C. Most of the rural banks started out as cooperatives 

D. Cooperatives are not heavily taxed 

87. What characterizes logical reasoning in the thought process?  

A. Clarity  

B. Morality  

C. Speed  

D. Reasonable 

88. It refers to the full and fair equivalent of the property taken from its owner by the expropriator and the gauge for computation is not the taker’s gain but the owner’s loss. In order for the payment to be ‘’just’’ it must be real, substantial, full, and ample; made within a reasonable time from the taking of the property  

A. Just compensation  

B. Property  

C. Eminent domain  

D. Public use 

89. The ‘’La Liga Filipina’’ was CONCRETE EVIDENCE of Rizal’s desire for 

I. Revolt against the Spaniards 

II. Unite the entire Philippine archipelago  

III. Fight violence and injustice 

A. I and II 

B. II and IV  

C. II and III  

D. I and IV 

90. If you keep seeing your ways of doing things as the right way and everybody else’s as the wrong way, you tend to have the attitude called: 

A. Cultural relativism  

B. Ethnocentrism  

C. Xenophobia  

D. Ethical relativism 

91. Which order of presidents correctly applies to Philippine history?  

I. Ferdinand Marcos  

II. Manuel Roxas  

III. Carlos P.Garcia 

IV. Diosdado Macapagal 





92. Thinking is a purposeful activity and the unconscious mind can join this thought process which will result with good ideas:  

A. Feelings  

B. Instincts  

C. Dreams  

D. Insights. 

93. What right and duty do Filipinos exercise when they participate in ratifying a proposed  constitution?  

A. Bill of Rights  

B. Suffrage  

C. Citizenship  

D. Habeas corpus 

94. What is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase our  understanding of the phenomena under study?  

A. Discover  

B. Research  

C. Data collection 

D. Experiment 

95. What is the branch of philosophy that studies the origin, evolution and structure of the  universe, especially such characteristics as space, time, causality and freedom?

A. Cynicism  

B. Consciencism  

C. Cosmology  

D. Conceptualism 

96. It is a principle that no one is above the law and the laws must be obeyed by all the  constituents:  

A. Social justice  

B. Rule of majority  

C. Egalitarian rule  

D. Rule of Law 

97. How do you find a competition in business?  

A. A person who leads and commands a business  

B. A rival of an entrepreneur to his/her venture  

C. A personal enemy of an entrepreneur 

D. A business who is innovative 

98. Every Filipino is a tax payer. Where does this happen?  

A. Paying grocery goods is paying taxes too  

B. Married couples file only one income tax return 

C. Ordinary housewives do not file income tax  

D. Big companies pay taxes 

99. The Philippine currency and its stability is protected and supervised by: 


B. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas  

C. Bureau of Treasury  

D. Boy scout of the Philippines 

100. Students and teachers stand at attention during flag ceremonies. School principals assign guard on the street to stop vehicles during ceremonies. How does the public take this practice? 

A. The flag is for all citizens; it is a symbol of the nation 

B. Stopping traffic is not the job of the school  

C. Only school children should be controlled in this ceremony  

D. Only military or policemen should stop and salute the flag 

101. Squatters according to law cannot be ejected for their present place of residence unless: 

A. They are given disturbance fees  

B. They are assured a place to go  

C. There is a livelihood in the relocation place  

D. They are paid for their old houses 

102. He coined the term “survival of the fittest.”  

A. August Comte  

B. Karl Marx  

C. Herbert Spencer  

D. Arnold Toynee 

103. The housing program for all these years did not succeed because:  

A. Squatters are spoiled by politicians  

B. Squatters sell their allotted houses to merchants  

C. Squatters return to squatter’s area  

D. Squatters is form of livelihood 


104. Values Education is Integrated in the curriculum of all levels. Which of the following support this statement?  

A. Additional classroom will be needed  

B. There is no need for training of teacher to teach  

C. Values education is stressed 

D. New teacher will be hired 

105. According to Confucius, what is the best way to rule a people to attain harmony? 

A. By allowing people to do as they please  

B. By consulting the government  

C. By moral example 

D. By force 

106. What kind of energy source has been explored from volcanic resources?

A. Solar energy 

B. Crude oil energy  

C. Natural gas energy 

D. Geothermal energy 

107. Whose values are most evident in children before they go to school? 

A. Peer value system  

B. Teacher-classmate value system  

C. Mother-father value system  

D. Maid or yaya-value system 

108. A rich candidate bought a big family by the thousand. On Election day, no one was allowed  to leave their homes. What right was deprived the members of the family? 

A. Right to life, liberty  

B. Right to due process  

C. Right to eminent domain  

D. Right to participate in democracy 

109. Local peace negotiations should be the primary concern of what office?

A. Local  municipal and provincial executives 

B. Church hierarchy  

C. Philippine national police  

D. Philippine marine SWAT force 

110. Families in the troubled Mindanao were:  

A. Scared so they left their homes  

B. Satisfied with the peace efforts  

C. Unmindful of the events so they stayed home  

D. Happy gunshots filled the air 

111. Of the following, which is not among the major good traits of cultural communities in  highland regions?  

A. Patience  

B. Frugality  

C. Extravagance  

D. Industry 

112. Which of the following causes global warming?  

A. An increase in the average sunlight hitting the Earth  

B. An increase in greenhouse gases  

C. An increase in the temperature at the Earth’s core  

D. All of the above 

113. Which of the following shows examples of physical change?  

A. Sawing a log, crushing a can, and fermenting of wine  

B. Boiling of water, bursting of balloon, and melting of an ice cube  

C. Freezing of water, evaporation of gasoline, and rusting of nail  

D. Burning of gasoline, rotting of an egg, and exploding of fireworks 

114. What is manifested by the practice of a group of people of different lifestyles, ways of living 

together, value system, traditions and beliefs?  

A. Confusion in mores  

B. Cultural diversity  

C. Condition in culture shock 

D. Problems in cultural experience 

115. One of the types of positive economics that collects and presents data that can describe  the phenomena is:  

A. Descriptive economics  

B. Economic theory  

C. Growth  

D. Stability 

116. In connection with government transaction involving public interest, which policy is adopted  by the constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency? 

A. Private enterprise and incentives to needed investment  

B. Full public disclosure  

C. Rural development and agrarian reform  

D. Balanced and healthful ecology 

117. With the Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and executive powers in the Marcos  regime, which form of government was Implemented?

A. Dictatorial  

B. Parliamentary  

C. Monarchial  

D. Presidential 

118. Why is the price tag law important?  

A. To show the product is or high quality  

B. To show the price and ask for more  

C. To show the price and to attract buyers  

D. To discourage and minimize price haggling 

119. Why is the Filipino trait of “pakikisama ‘’ said to be ambivalent?  

A. It makes people shoe their concern for others  

B. It can be used for or against the person who values it  

C. It encourages a person to do wrong  

D. It helps person develop good values 

120. Which statement on alcoholic Anonymous is correct?  

A. It is an association of alcoholics who remain unknown to each other  

B. It helps alcoholics to avoid alcohol use and rebuild their lives  

C. It is the group of business men bent on stopping the manufacturer of alcohol drinks 

D. It is a group of alcoholic parents who has made its mission to help alcoholic parent 

121. In order to use an on-line database service, which of the following are needed?  A. Computer, tele-computing software, printer 

B. Computer, phone line, printer, CD-ROM drive  

C. Phone line, tele-computing software, modem, computer  

D. Tele-computing software, modem, phone line


122 . What does a simple machine do?  

A. Decreases the amount of work required to perform a task  

B. Reduces the force or effort required to do a task  

C. Increases the amount of work required to perform a task  

D. Requires the same amount of work to complete a task but is automated so that it does the work for you. 

123. The 1986 Constitution contains this number of articles including the transitory provisions 

A. 20 

B. 18 

C. 16 

D. 19 

124. Which of the following is recognized as the foundation of the nation? 

A. Barangay  

B. Church  

C. Municipality  

D. Family 

125. Who shall exercise suffrage? 

A. All citizens of the Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law  

B. Citizens who are at least twenty-one years of age  

C. Those who have resided in the Philippines for at least two years  

D. All of the above 

126.Abortion is depriving life of an unborn child. The latest decisions on personal freedom cities that  

A. Held the right to abortion to ensure safety of mother  

B. Abortion is prohibited by law and the declaration of human rights 

C. Christian practices prohibit abortion  

D. Abortion is a sin 

127. The policy of the government to conduct teachers and professionals examination abroad to  Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) is a step towards  

A. Reconciliation of dissidents  

B. Strengthening of dissidents  

C. Repatriate Filipinos abroad  

D. Attracting workers abroad to deposit income in the Philippines 

128. Every Filipino is a tax payer. Where does this happen?  

A. A non- resident citizen whose income is derived in his/her country 

B. Married couples file only one income tax return  

C. Ordinary housewives do not file income tax  

D. Big companies pay taxes 

129. In terms of education, the State shall  

A. Establish, maintain, and support a complete education  

B. Establish , maintain, and support a complete and integrated system of education 

C. Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of  education  

D. Establish, maintain, a complete, adequate and integrated system of education


130. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at this level. 

A. Elementary  

B. Tertiary  

C. Secondary  

D. All levels 

131. The office that shall have jurisdiction to investigate on its own any act or mission of any  public official when such act or omission appear to be illegal , unjust , improper or inefficient. 

A. Municipal court  

B. Ombudsman  

C. Sandiganbayan  

D. Court of Appeals 

132. An accused person is granted several rights. Which of the following is provided for in the  Constitution?  

A. He is entitled to a speedy disposition of his case 

B. He has the right against double jeopardy  

C. He is presumed innocent until the contrary is proved.  

D. All of the above 

133. After World II, the United States paid this amount to the Philippine government , through  the Philippine War Damage Commission, for war damages and rehabilitation. 

A. $620 M  

B. $120 M  

C. $250 M  

D. None of the above 

134. He was the Philippine President who proposed the rigorous program, “land for the  Landless’’.  

A. Carlos Garcia  

B. Diosdado Macapagal  

C. Ramon Magsaysay  

D. Ferdinand Marcos 

135. In 1956 agreement between the United States and the Philippines extended American  rights in the Philippines not only in the exploitation of natural resources but in all economic  activities.  

A. Parity Agreement  

B. Laurel – Langley Agreement  

C. Quirino – Foster Agreement  

D. None of the above 

136. This act of the United States Congress provided for the establishment of the Philippine  Assembly and the first elective positions in the Philippine Government  

A. Tidings –McDuffie Act  

B. Philippine Bill of 1902  

C. Philippine Autonomy Act  

D. None of the above 

137. “The Philippines is for the Filipinos in the same manner that America is for the America is 

for the Americans’’ is a statement attributed to:  

A. Apolinario Mabini  

B. Gen. Miguel Malvar  

C. Emilio Aguinaldo  

D. Pedro Paterno 

138. Which of the following is a provision of the Pact of Biak – na- Bato between the rebels and  the Spanish authorities in the Philippines?  

A. A central government would be established  

B. The Filipinos would enjoy religious tolerance  

C. Aguinaldo would go into exile voluntarily  

D. All arms except those of the rebel officers would be laid down 

139. The voyage of Ferdinand Magellan is considered the greatest single achievement in the  history of sea exploration and discovery because it 

A. Made Spain the mistress of the sea  

B. Proved that the world is not flat  

C. Marked the discovery of westward route to the East  

D. Marked the first circumnavigation of the globe 

140. The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two faction—the Magdiwang and the Magdalo.  While the Magdiwang in Cavite was led by Mariano Alvarez, who lead the Magdalo faction? 

A. Ciriaco Bonifacio  

B. Daniel Tirona  

C. Baldomero Aguinaldo  

D. Artemio Ricarte 

141. He was the founder and first editor of La Solidaridad in Barcelona, Spain and was  considered the greatest orator of the Filipino colony in Spain?  

A. Marciano Ponce  

B. Jaena Graciano Lopez  

C. Marcelo H. Del Pilar  

D. Gregorio H. Del Pilar 

142. Jose Rizal was very much travelled man. He wrote his novels when he was abroad. Where  did Rizal write his novels?  

A. Zurich  

B. Heidelberg  

C. Paris  

D. Berlin 

143. Conducting PRC examinations abroad to OFC in different countries are perceived as a: 

A. Service to earn dollars  

B. Propaganda of government  

C. A pleasure trip for PRC officers  

D. Service to overseas worker 

144. A child discovered a new formula for decreasing the population of ants. She submitted the  research to a teacher who claimed the research as hers. The teacher violated: 

A. Right to choose  

B. Human right 

C. Right to intellectual property  

D. Right to live within one’s means 

145. Philippine economy indices are closely related to the rise and fall of the: 

A. London Pounds  

B. German Mark  

C. US Dollars  

D. Japanese Yen 

146. Democracy refers to the involvement of all the citizens in the control of government, while  an oligarchy relegates control of government to:  

A. The mother country  

B. An autocrat  

C. A religious group  

D. A select few  

147. In the Philippine government ,the earliest and smallest service of governance is the:

A. Barrio  

B. Poblacion  

C. Barangay  

D. Municipality 

148. In moral life, responsibility depends on one’s knowingly and freely doing an act. In which  of the following situations would you attribute responsibility?

A. A person unknowingly passes  counterfeit money  

B. An insane person strikes someone’s head with a hammer  

C. A four – year –old fires a loaded gun killing his own father  

D. A nurse administers a medicine despite strong doubts about it 

149. Which type of justice implies the duty of one individual to give another what he is due? 

A. Social justice  

B. International justice  

C. Commutative justice  

D. Distributive justice 

150. Which of the following statements defines ethics?  

A. The study of being general  

B. The science of correct thinking  

C. The study of the nature of human knowledge  

D. The study of rightness or wrongness of human action 

151. Foreign students in Philippine International Schools are required courses in Philippine  culture and languages. This makes possible:  

A. Comparison of cultural differences  

B. Racial prejudices among foreigners  

C. International understanding  

D. Promotion of nationalism 

152. Maternity leaves are extended to women. What legal provision extends this? 

A. Article XIV Education  

B. Article XIII Sec 14 Women 

C. Article XII Bill of Rights  

D. Article XIII Role and Rights of People’s Organization 

153. Rizal based the characters in Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusteresmo on the people in his  life. To whom did he patterned the character of Paulita Gomez, Isagani’s true love, who later  married Juanito Pelaez?  

A. To his mother, Teodora A lonzo  

B. To his eldest sister, Saturnina  

C. To his love, Leonor Rivera  

D. To the Japanese girl, O-Sei-San 

154. El Filibusterismo is the sequel of Noli Me Tangere and like the first book it was written  in Spanish. To whom did he dedicate this second novel?

A. To his beloved parents

B. To the suffering Filipino people  

C. To the executed Filipino priest GOMBURZA  

D. To his love, Leonora Rivera 

155. On time that Rizal returned in the Philippines, his novel, Noli Me Tangere had already  caused disputes especially among the friars. Who is the Augustinian friar who published an  eight- series handout to attack to attack Noli Me Tangere?  

A. Padre Jose Rodriguez  

B. Padre Antonio Obach  

C. Padre Jose Bech  

D. Padre Federico Faura 

156. The first commercial bank in the Philippines and the Far East  

A. Allied Bank  

B. China Bank  

C. BDO  

D. Banco Islas de Filipinas 

157. In economics, _________ is a rise in a general level of prices of goods and services in an  economy over a period of time.  

A. Inflation  

B. Mercantilism  

C. Depression  

D. Free trade 

158. Year 2014 has been declared by Pope Francis as Year of the:  

A. Laity  

B. Hope  

C. Faith  

D. Righteousness  

159. If you keep seeing your ways doing things as the right way, you tend to have the  attitude called:  

A. Cultural relativism  

B. Ethical relativism  

C. Ethnocentricism  

D. Xenophobia


160. The employees of ABC Corporation want to associate, pool their savings and use the fund  as soon as possible to grant loans to members and capitalized and operate the canteen of ABC  Corp. What type of cooperative will they organize and register?  

A. Service Cooperative  

B. Consumer Cooperative  

C. Producer’s Cooperative  

D. Credit Cooperative 

161. The earliest mode of economic life in human history according to Karl Marx 

A. Enlightened self-interest  

B. Reciprocity  

C. Primitive communism  

D. Agricultural 

162. The complex set of relationships with the agricultural sector between tenure, structure,  production structure and the structure of supporting services.  

A. Land reform  

B. Agrarian structure  

C. Comprehensive Agrarian Land Reform Law  

D. Agrarian reforms measures 

163. ______ is a major land mass on the northern coast of the Black Sea that is almost  completely surrounded by water. The peninsula is located just south of the Ukrainian mainland  and west of the Russian region of Kuban. It is surrounded by two seas: the Black Sea and the  smaller Sea of Azov to the east.  

A. Gibraltar  

B. Cape of Good Hope  

C. Falkland  

D. Crimea  

164. Which order of presidents correctly applies to Philippine history?  

I. Carlos P. Garcia  

II. Diosdado Macapagal  

III. Manuel Roxas  

IV. Ferdinand Marcos  

A. III, I ,II, IV  

B. IV, II, I, III  

C. I, II, III, IV  

D. IV, III, II, I 

165. The date when the American dropped the first atomic bombed Pearl Harbor in Hiroshima.  A. August 9, 1945  

B. August 6, 1945  

C. August 14, 1945  

D. August 20, 1945 

166. The date when the Japanese forces attacked and bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. A. July 25, 1941  

B. January 23, 1942  

C. December 8, 1941 

D. December 7,1941 

167. What civilization took pride in the famous penthouse Hanging Gardens which was  identified as one of the “wonders of the world?” 

A. Assyria  

B. Persia  

C. Babylonia  

D. Sumerian 

168. Known as the Expanded Senior Citizen ACT 2010  

A. 1081  

B. 1425  

C. 9994  

D. 7610 

169. In the “Death March’’ prisoners were forced to march Bataan to this place. 

A. Sta. Maria, Bulacan  

B. Imus, Cavite  

C. Lipa, Batangas  

D. San Fernando, Pampanga  

170. Agreement between the U.S and the Philippines wherein the former would withdraw  and surrender all rights and possessions, supervision, jurisdiction, control or sovereignty over  the Philippines  

A. Treaty General Relations  

B. Treaty of Sovereignty  

C. Treaty of Withdrawal of Authority  

D. Treaty of Surrend 

171. A law passed on May 1939 which punished Filipinos who allowed themselves to be used  as front by alien businessman and investors:  

A. Immigration Law  

B. Economic Protection Law  

C. Indigenous Protection Law  

D. Anti-Dummy Law 

173. The American promise of granting Independence to the Filipinos after a transition period  was contained in the following legislation except:  

A. Jone’s Law  

B. Hare-Hawes Cutting Law  

C. Philippine Bill of 1902  

D. Tidings Mcduffie Law 

174. Which of the following describes the Battle of Manila Bay between the American and  Spanish naval base?  

A. The American ships outnumbered those of the Spaniards  

B. The Spaniards readily won the battle over the Americans  

C. It was a mock naval battle the Spaniards and the Americans  

D. The American won the Battle with great difficulty 

175. Which order of governments correctly applies during the American Regime? 

A. Civil, Military, Commonwealth  

B. Military, Civil, Commonwealth  

C. Civil, Commonwealth, Military  

D. Military, Commonwealth, Civil 

176. The form government established by Aguinaldo was changed from dictatorial to  A. Democratic  

B. Socialist  

C. Republic  

D. Revolutionary 

177. The fundamental objectives of Katipunan are  

A. Political, economic and civic  

B. Political, civic and moral  

C. Socio, political and civic  

D. Military, Commonwealth, Civic 

178. What event in history followed when the Katipunan movement was discovered?  A. Cry of Pugad Lawin  

B. Treaty of Paris 1898  

C. Execution of Rizal  

D. Capture of Aguinaldo 

179. The propaganda movement was example of the Filipinos expression of nationalism,  however most people today doubt the nationalistic intention of the Propaganda due to its non advocacy of  

A. Assimilation of the Philippines by Spain  

B. Reform in the administration of the Spaniards  

C. Generation of the Philippines from Spain  

D. Annexation of the Philippines 

180. The most devastating typhoon in 2009 Pacific typhoon season with a damage of Ps. 1.09  Billion and 747 fatalities  

A. Reming  

B. Milenyo  

C. Ondoy  

D. Habagat 

181. The university official who was empowered to remove, suspend or impose penalties upon  errant officials  

A. Visitador general  

B. Governor-general  

C. Gobernadorcillo  

D. Corregidor 

182. Acted as the Supreme Court and as advisory to the governor-general 

A. Residencia  

B. Visita  

C. Encomienda  

D. Royal Audencia


183. The emergence of Filipino nationalism came as the culmination of a long process in motion  by Spanish misrule hastened by political and economic development. Which of the following  does not belong to the contributing factors of Filipino nationalism?  

A. Personal Grievances  

B. Secularization Controversy  

C. Racial Prejudice  

D. Rise of the Middle Class 

184. In 1565 Legaspi concluded a blood compact with the Chief of Bohol named: 

A. Rajah Tupas  

B. Rajah Sulayman  

C. Sikatuna  

D. Lakandula 

185. The first Filipino who effectively repelled Spanish aggressor  

A. Humabon  

B. Sulayman  

C. Lapu-Lapu  

D. Lakandula 

186. Giving “abuloy’’ to a bereaved family, an act of hospitality and the “bayanihan spirit’’ prove  which Filipino trait?  

A. Adaptability  

B. Religiosity  

C. Hard work and perseverance  

D. Pakikipagkapwa Tao 

187. One of the advantages of Presidential system of government:  

A. The principle of the separation of powers and checks and balances is observed 

B. Unity of authority  

C. It cuts cost and redundancy in lawmaking  

D. It promotes strong political party 

188. The British Prime Minister who supported the European Union’s measures against Russia on the issue of Crimea is:  

A. Margaret Thatcher  

B. Winston Churchill  

C. David Cameron  

D. Tony Blair 

189. It is characterized by shared experience and mutual responsibility 

A. Gessellschaft  

B. Gemeinchaft  

C. Enculturation  

D. Acculturation 

190. The process by which a person learns the requirements of the culture by which he or she is surrounded , and acquires the values and behaviors that are appropriate or necessary  in that culture  

A. Assimilation  

B. Enculturation 

C. Cultural relativism  

D. Acculturation 

191. The culture of the Ilocano’s can easily be felt through their ants dance known as: 

A. Balitaw  

B. Dandansoy  

C. Mahinhin  

D. Kinnotan 

192. Northeast Luzon, the longest river in the country originates from the mountains of Quirino and Nueva Viscaya and drains the whole Cagayan Valley existing through the town of Aparri and Cagayan.  

A. Agno river  

B. Abra river  

C. Pampanga river  

D. Rio Grande de Cagayan 

193. The practice of having surnames was started during Spanish regime through the order of  

A. Governor Gen. Claveria  

B. Governor Gen. Polavieja  

C. Governor Gen. Dela Torre  

D. Governor Gen. Juadrone 

194. The public announcer of the barangay to announce the promulgation of the new rules and  regulations.  

A. Trial by Ordeal  

B. Judicial  

C. Umalohokan  

D. Succession 

195. Among the ancient Filipino’s the Visayan were the most tattooed people, compelling the early Spanish writer to call them:  

A. Kalumbigas  

B. Pintados  

C. Bigay-kaya  

D. Himyat 

196. This is the heart of Mayan Civilization. It is most populous country in Central America and  half of the populations are Mayan Indians. 

A. Honduras 

B. Costa Rica 

C. Guatemala 

D. Mexico 

197. Why is Africa called "Dark Continent" until 19th century? 

A. It is a land of mystery and paradox 

B. Its people are all black and dark 

C. Its forest are impenetrable 

D. Its notorius for diseases


198. This is often called as "land of emeralds" because it has 90% of the world's supply of  emeralds. This country is the only nation with coastlines washed by both the Caribbean Sea and  the Pacific Ocean. 

A. Colombia 

B. Brazil 

C. Ecuador 

D. Bolivia 

199. This is popularly called as "Empty Quarter". This is one of the largest true deserts in the  world which has no settlement and no vegetation at all. 

A. Rub Al Khali 

b. Sahara 

c. Nubian 

d. Libyan 

200. Paradise Lost, that's the story of this country which was rocked by 66 nuclear blast by the  US from 1946-1958. 

A. Nauru 

B. Vanuatu 

C. Marshall Is. 

D. Tonga 

201. This country assumed full sovereignty over a strategic canal from the US on December 31,  1999. 

A. Solomon Island 

B. Panama 

C. Egypt 

D. Colombia 

202. This often called a "heaven of peace" in Central America. This country had led the way in  forest conservation and demilitarization. 

A. Nicaragua 

B. Costa Rica 

C. El Salvador 

D. Honduras 


203. During the Vietnam war, wide areas of forest and mangroves were sprayed with this  herbicide which contains dioxin, a high toxic compound. This dioxin later was responsible for  fetal deformities. What do you call this dioxin? 

A. Agent Orange 

B. Uranium 

C. Formalin 

D. All of the above 

204. This is the only Portoguese-speaking country in Hispanic-Latin region A. Mexico 

B. Brazil 

C. Venezuela 

D. Ecuador 


205. In 1989, it became the very first country to sanction homosexual marriage and to give  homosexuals most of the legal rights accorded to heterosexuals. 

A. Germany

B. Finland 

C. Netherland 

D. Denmark 

206. The power to declare the existence of a state of war belongs to: 

A. Congress 

B. President 

C.sandigang bayan 

D. Supreme Court 


207. The regular election of the members of the Congress shall be held on the second Monday  of. 

A. April 


C. June 

D July 

208. The members of the commission on Appointment shall be composed of A. 24 

B. 26 

C. 25 

D. 27 

209. An enrolled bill may become a law after a lapse of 

A. 30 days 

B. 60 days 

C. 40 days 

D. 90 days 

210. It is also called a Tanodbayan. 

A. Court of appeals 

B. Ombudsman 

C. Sandiganbayan 

D. Supreme Court 

211. Which country is almost fully dependent on imported raw materials for its iron and steel  industries? 

A. Britain. 

B. Poland. 

C. Germany. 

D. Japan 


212. Who was the first person to use the name "Geography" in 267-194 ? A. Homer. 

B. Aristotle. 

C. Plato. 

D. Erasthosthenes 

213. What type of geographers study the natural environment? 

A. Temporal. 

B. Climatic. 

C. Floral. 

D. Physical


214. What is GIS? 

A. Geographic Information Structure 

B. Geometric Information System 

C. Geographic Information System 

D. Geological Informarion System 


215. What is Northern Philippines earned the title little Hongkong of the south?

a. Roxas 

b. Dipolog City 

c. Pagadian 

d. Zamboanga 

216. What is the strain in geography which is uses ideas from feminism in geographic context? A. A sexual Geography 

B. Gender Equality Geography 

C. Sex liberation Geography 

D. Feminist Geography 


217. The maritime dispute between philippines and china has made significant impact on the  relations of two states. The philippines maintain its position that spratly islands within the  exclusive Economic Zone of the country while china invoked 

A. Nine Dash Rule 

B. Eight-dashline rule 

C. Seven-dashline rule 

D. Six-dashline rule 


218. Which was dubbed as the unusual deadly pandemic which killed over 1% of the world  population ? 

A. Tuberculosis 

B. Meningitis 

C. Spanish Flu 

D. Hiv 

219. The Republic Act that requires the compulsory teaching of Rizal Course and the lives of  other Filipino patriots is ________. 

a. R.A. 7796 

b. R.A. 7784 

c. R.A. 1425 

d. R.A. 8049 

220. This Republic Act created the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority  (TESDA): 

a. R.A. 7796 

b. R.A. 7784 

c. R.A. 1425 

d. R.A. 8049 

221. An Act Stengthening Teacher Education in the Philippines by establishing Centers of  Excellence and creating a Teacher Education Council. 

a. R.A. 7796 

b. R.A. 7784 

c. R.A. 1425 

d. R.A. 8049


222. It prohibits hazing and other forms of initiation rites in fraternies, sororities, and other  illegitimate organizations. 

a. R.A. 7796 

b. R.A. 7784 

c. R.A. 1425 

d. R.A. 8049 

223. The US Commission that declare Jose P. Rizal as the National hero of the Philippines. A. Taft 



D. Quezon 

224. He was the chairman of the First Philippine Commission. 




D. Quezon 

225. The President behind the "Filipino First Policy" 

A. Carlos P. Garcia 

B.Diosdado Macapagal 

C.Ramon Magsaysay 

D. Ferdinand Marcos 

226. He promoted the national policy on "Austerity" during his term as Philippine President. A.Ramon Magsaysay 

B.Fidel Ramos 

C.Carlos P. Garcia 

D. Diosdado Macapagal 

227. The President behin 

d the "The Philippines 2000" 

A.Joseph Estrada 

B.Fidel Ramos 

C.Ramon Magsaysay 

D. Corazon Aquino 

228. Father of Bicol Literature 

A.Mariano Perfecto 

B.Crisostomo Sotto 

C.Pedro Bucaneg 

229. Father of Cebuano Literature 

A.Crisostomo Sotto 

B.Vicente Sotto 

C.Mariano Perfecto


230. Father of Kapampangan Literature 

A.Mariano Perfecto 

B.Crisostomo Sotto 

C.Pedro Bucaneg 

232. Father of Ilocano Literature 

A.Pedro Bucaneg 

B.Mariano Perfecto 

C.Vicente Sotto 

233. The chieftain of Bohol with whom Legaspi had a blood compact in 1565. A.Rajah Sulayman 


C.Rajah Humabon 

234. Mother of Biak na Bato by Gen.Emilio Aguinaldo. 

A.Teresa Magbanua 

B.Trinidad Tecson 

C.Liwayway Arceo 

235. Who is considered the most outstanding among Filipino playwrights in English? A.Wilfredo Ma. Guerrero 

B.Carlos P. Romulo 

C.Severino Reyes 

236. The Spanish expedition for naming the Archipelago Filipinas. 

A.Legaspi expedition 

B.Magellan's expedition 

C.Villalobos expedition 

237. Tinaguriang Prinsipe ng makatang Pilipino.Siya ang nagsalin sa tagalog na Biag na Lam ang. 

A.Cecilio Apostol 

B.Fautino Aguilar 

C.Gerardo Chanco 

238. May -akda ng pinaglahuan,busabos na palad at kalaigtasan. 

A.Faustino Aguilar 

B.Cecilio Apostol 

C.Gerardo Chanco 

239. Kauna-unahang nagsulat ng "Philippines First Lady's Biography" 

A.Nora Mercado 

B.Kerima Tuvera 

C.Aida Revira 

240. Tinaguriang kauna-unahan at nag-iisang Moro Beauty Queen na kumatawan sa Mindanao  sa kauna-unahan na National Beauty Queen Contest sa Maynila. 

A. Nora Mercado 

B.Aida Revira 

C.Kerima Tuvera


241. Itinanghal na hari ng balatagsan. 

A.Franciso Baltazar 

B.Jose Corazon de Jesus 

C.Jesus Balmori 

242. Which Katipunan member commuted from Cavite to Manila to buy materials used to make  communitions? 

A.Andres Bonifacio 

B.Agueda Esteban 

C Teodoro Alonso 

243. The third and last Governor of the Philippines was_____. 

A.Gen.Douglas MacArthur 

B.Gen.Arthur MacArthur 

C Gen.Wesley Merritt 

244.Siya ang may akda ng "Ninay" 


B.Isabelo delos Reyes 

C.Pedro Paterno 

245. Isang manunulat sa panahon ng Amerikano na naging tanyag sa kanyang tulang "Ang  Guryon" 

A.Amado Hernandez 

B.Ildefonso Santos 

C.Teodoro Gener 

246. Siya ang "Ama ng Maikling Kwento sa Pilipinas. 

A.Jose Garcia Villa 

B.Zulueta de Costa 

C.Deogracias Rosario 

247. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Filipino families today? a. Male authority has declined 

b. Division of labor has changed 

c. Separation has become more common 

d. Has cease to be socialization unit in society 

248. Which of the following is NOT an ethical issue that must be confronted when doing social  research? 

a. Are the subjects being paid enough? 

b. What degree of risk, pain or harm is involved? 

c. To what extent are the subjects being deceived? 

d. Will there be disclosure of confidential or personally harmful information? 

249. In most instances of participant observation the researchers: 

a. Hide their true identity 

b. Do not hide their true identity 

c. Pay their informants for information 

d. Acts as therapist to the subject


250. A research technique in which the investigators enter to the activities of the group at the  same time they study the groups behavior is 

a. Participants observation 

b. A semi-structured (open-ended) Interview 

c. A structured interview 

d. A data discussion 

251. Participant observation: 

a. A research tool used to follow-up on expected findings 

b. A research interview in which the investigators ash a list of questions, but is free to vary them  or make up new ones that become important during the course of the interview c. A research technique in which the investigators enter into activities of the group at the  same time they study the group’s behavior 

d. A research interview determined entirely in advance and followed rigidly 

252. A research interview determined entirely in advance and followed rigidly is: a. Participants observation 

b. A semi structured (open-ended) interview 

c. A structured interview 

d. A data discussion 

253. A research interview in which the investigators ask a list of questions, but is free to vary  them or make up new ones that become important during the course interview, that is a. Participant observation 

b. A semi structured (open-ended) interview 

c. Structured interview 

d. A data discussion 

254. A conversation between two or more individuals in which one party attempts to gain  information from others(s) by asking of questions is known as; 

a. A survey c. Participant observation 

b. An interview d. Hypothesis testing 

255. Sociological and anthropological be misused because it: 

a. Is hard to understand 

b. Is often used selectively by groups or individuals to support certain motives c. Is often ambiguous 

d. Has few applicants 

256. A survey by their nature usually 

a. Are cross-sectional 

b. Are longitudinal 

c. Involve secondary methodology 

d. Involve participants observation 

257. A cross-sectional study is 

a. A research technique in which investigators enter into activities of the group at the same time  they study the groups behavior 

b. Research examines a population at a given point in a time 

c. Research which examines a population, or portion thereof, is questioned in order to reveal  specific facts about itself

d. Research that investigates a population at several intervals over relatively a long period of  time 

258. Research that investigates a population at several intervals over a relatively long period of  time is called 

a. A cross-sectional study

b. A residual analysis

c. Secondary Analysis 

d. Longitudinal research 

259. Survey are used when: 

a. Other measure do not produce statistical significance 

b. The findings of the study must be repeatable 

c. It is desirable to discover he contribution and interrelations of certain variables among large number of people 

d. Procedures having cross-cultural applications needed 

260. A research method is which a population, or portion thereof, is questioned in order to  reveal specific facts itself is known as: 

a. A survey

b. Participant observation

c. Experiments 

d. Residual analysis 

261. Which of the following is NOT one of the three main methods of research used by  sociologists? 

a. A survey c. Experiments 

b. Participants observation

d. Residual analysis 

262. A statistical technique to make all significant groups in as society represented in a sample  proportion to their numbers in the large society is known as: 

a. Random sampling 

b. A stratified random sample 

c. Sampling 

d. Randomized response 

263. The goal in designing a research project should be: 

a. To prove a point 

b. To provide a collection for all necessary and sufficient data to test the stated  hypothesis 

c. To selectively isolate the variables in order to prove the hypotheses are either correct or incorrect 

d. To prove hypothesis false. If they cannot be proven as false, they must be true 

264. An independent variable is 

a. A testable statements about the relationship between two or more empirical variables b. Anything that can be change 

c. A variable that changes for reason that have nothing to do with another variable d. A variable that changes in response to changes in another variable 

265. Which of the following is not a sign? 

a. A clenched first

b. A knock on the door

c. A flag 

d. Yawning


266. The most important symbols are 

a. Action

b. Words

c. Actions 

 d. Behavior 

267. The principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to generation is a. Actions c. Language 

b. Diffusion d. Behaviors 

268. If apes can be taught to use language, it denies the views that: 

a. Only human can think 

b. Only human have culture 

c. Apes do not have history to pass on 

d. Apes are stupid 

269. Which of the following statements about culture is not true? 

a. Every social group must have a culture on its own in order to function 

b. Every individual participates in a number of different culture 

c. Meeting the social expectation of several cultures is often source of tree

d. Families do not have their own culture but instead reflect the culture of the larger  society 

270. Promised to “make this country great again.” Ruled for about twenty years a. Diosdado Macapagal c. Ramon Magsaysay 

b. Ferdinand Marcos d. Carlos Garcia 

271. The form of government established by Aguinaldo was change from dictatorial to: a. Democratic c. Republic 

b. Sociologist d. Revolutionary 

272. Which provides he Tagalog shall be the official language of the republic? a. Constitution of 1935 c. Biac na Bato 

b. Makabula d. Malolos 

273. Which of the following were the greatest naval battles in history during Japanese  occupation of the Philippines? 

a. Battle of Leyte gulf c. Claveria 

b. Surigao Strait d. Dela Torre 

274. The most cultured of the reformist, wrote a socio-historical novel based on facts he  gathered in the Philippines 

a. Marcelo H. Del Pilar c. Mariano Ponce 

b. Jose Rizal d. Jose Ma. Paganiban 

275. The editor of La Solaridad and a great orator, he initiated the reform movement a. Marcelo H. Del Pilar c. Emilio Jacinto 

b. Jose Rizal d. Graciano Lopez-Jaena 

276. The generation of the spirits was common among ancient Filipinos. Memories of their dead  relatives were kept alive through craved idol. This practice was called 

a. Cult of the dead c. Nature Worship 

b. Mass of the dead d. Divination


277. The practice of having surnames was started during Spanish regime through the order of a. Gov. Gen Jaudenes c. Gov. Gen Claveria b. Gov. Gen Dela Torre d. Gov. Gen Polavejia 

278. As promised by Gen. Mc Arthur- he would return to liberate the Filipinos after he could train  troops, in Australia. The Leyte landing signified the liberation of the Philippines, was well as the  return of the commonwealth government. Who was the commonwealth president who came  with Mc Arthur? 

a. Romulo c. Osmeňa 

b. Roxas d. Quezon 

279. Men and women of pre-colonial times had weakness for personal adornment. A side from  jewels, tattooing of the body was common. In the Visayas tattooed men were called a. Umalohokan c. Abi 

b. Pintados d. Plista 

280. Memories of brutality which was so in human during the Japanese regime were always  associated with a particular Japanese group called 

a. Kalibapi c. Kamikaze 

b. Kempetai d. Samurai 

281. Membership in the Katipunan come in grades: first (katipon’s); second (kawal); and third  (bayani). Each grade designed as well as password so they could maintain their secrecy of the  movement. The password for the kawal grade was? 

a. Rizal c. Kawal 

b. Gomburza d. Sundalo 

282. Pre-colonial trade in the Philippines was prosperous. Business transactions made use of: a. Money system c. Credit system 

b. Barter system d. Banking System 

283. The use of magic charms was very common among pre-Spanish Filipinos. One of these is  the anting-anting or agimat which is meant to: 

a. Insure a man against a weapon of every kind 

b. Made a man lovable to all ladies 

c. Made a man invisible 

d. Made him walk in storm or sea without getting wet 

284. Who was the FIRST U.S. PRESIDENT to visit the People’s Republic of China?  a. Ford c. Kennedy 

b. Nixon d. Eisenhower 

285. Which was the FIRST GOVERNMENT during the JAPANESE OCCUPATION? a. The Japanese sponsored Republic of the Philippines 

b. Military Government 

c. Japanese Military Administration 

d. The Philippine Executive Commission 

286. Which type of government did AGUINALDO establish? 

a. Unitary c. Revolutionary

b. Republican d. Oligarchic 

287. What CHARACTERISTIC/S of government is established by the 1987 Constitution? I. Presidential system of government with three branches 

II. Parliamentary system of government 

III. The three branches of government are separate and independent of each other IV. The three branches of government have a check and balance over each other a. I and IV c. I, III and IV 

b. II, III and IV d. II only 


a. It depends on the issue 

b. Yes 

c. No 

d. Yes, if the minority group is older than the majority group 

289. With the basic principle on the RULE OF THE MAJORITY, which one follows? a. The wishes of the majority prevail over those of the minority 

b. The right of the minority to express their opinion is suppressed 

c. The majority is always right 

d. The majority does not have the right to protest the acts of the majority 

290. Which democratic participation as POINT OF REFERENCE, which does NOT belong to  the group? 

a. people’s initiative c. referendum 

b. party-list system d. senate investigation 

291. Which policy is an INNOVATION OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION? 

a. To provide urban land reform and social housing program 

b. To establish a parliamentary form of government 

c. To give priority to education, science and technology, arts, culture and sports d. to give “grant” of lands of public domain to qualified citizens 

292.Which is a NEW MODE FOR PROPOSING AMENDMENTS to the Constitution as provided  for by the 1987 Constitution? 

a. citizen’s assemblies c. plebiscite 

b. referendum d. people’s initiative 

293. In which ways is PEOPLE POWER enshrined in the 1987 Constitution? I.Initiative 


III.Power of recall 

IV.Senate investigation in and of legislation 

a. I and II c. II and III 

b. I,II and III d. III and IV


294. Which article composed of 19 sections is said to be the “CENTERPIECE” of the 1987  Constitution? The article on ________ 

a. human resources c. decentralization 

b. education d. social justice 

295. Which does NOT properly describe a REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC state? a. existence of a bill of rights 

b.observance of the principle that ours is a government of men and not of laws d. presence of elections through popular will 

296. Which is NOT an exercise of academic freedom? 

a. arbitrary imposition of tuition fees 

b. determination of curriculum 

c. selection of teachers 

d. selective admission of students 

297. Is LAND GRABBING an act of deprivation of property without due process? a. Yes, if the land grabber is rich 

b. No 

c. Yes 

d. No, if the land grabber is landless 

298. Which constitutional right is VIOLATED WHEN WITHOUT VALID WARRANTS AND  AGAINST THE LAW, the LAW ENFORCES SEARCH YOUR HOUSE over your objections and  confiscate your personal belongings? 

a. right against unreasonable searches and seizures 

b. right to free speech and expression 

c. right of liberty of abode and changing the same 

d. right against self-incrimination 

299. Which right is violated by WIRE TAPPING? 

a. the right to private property 

b. the right to privacy of communication 

c. The right to information on matters of public concern 

d. freedom of expression 

300. Can religious instruction be made compulsory for all children in public schools? I.Yes, if given free 

II. Yes, if given outside class hours 

III. Yes, only to those children whose parents give their consent in writing a. II and III c. I and III 

b. III only d. I,II and III 

301. Ours is a GOVERNMENT OF ______ AND NOT OF _______ 

a. laws-men c. lawyers-laws 

b. men-laws d. laws-citizens 

302. Which is a LEGISLATIVE CHECK on the President? 

a. rejection of appointments by the President

b. prescription of the qualifications of the President 

c. Prescription of qualifications of judges of lower courts 

d. inquiry in the wisdom of any pardon given by the President 

303. Which is a JUDICIAL CHECK ON THE EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE branches of the  government? 

a. judges the constitutionality of executive orders 

b. determines the term of a member of the house of representatives 

c. prescribes the qualifications of the President 

d. prescribes the qualifications of a Senator 

304. In which instance is the INDEPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY shown? a. the Supreme Court is beyond criticism 

b. The Supreme Court is given authority to appoint all officials and employees of the  judiciary 

c. the qualifications of the justices of the Supreme Court can be changed by Congress d. The salaries of the members of the Supreme Court and of the lower courts can be decreased  during their continuance in office. 

305. Does CONGRESS have the sole power to declare the existence of war? a. Yes 

b. Yes, provided the President approves of it 

c. No, the House of Representatives has also the power provided vote is unanimous d. No, the senate has also the power on condition that no Senator objects 

306. To foster PATRIOTISM AND NATIONALISM accelerate social progress and promote total  human liberation the State shall give priority to 

a. education, science and technology 

b. health services 

c. balanced and healthful ecology 

d. role of youth in nation building 

307. Which is the FOURTH LARGEST ISLAND in the Philippines, often visited by typhoons and  with a very rugged interior? 

a. Negros c. Samar 

b. Bohol d. Leyte 

308. Far from the central government, which is the ONLY REGION that HAS OWN  GOVERNMENTas decided by its people? 


b. NCR d. ARMM 

309. How has the FRAGMENTED NATURE OF THE TOPOGRAPHY of the Philippines affected  the nation’s progress? 

a. No pattern in the state of economic progress can be drawn 

b. The state of the nation’s economic progress is more or less the same across regions

c. The state of economic progress differs across regions 

d. Regions in the northern part of the country are more economically progressive than those in the southern part.


310. Which region is in between the CORDILLERA and SIERRA MADRE mountain ranges that is dominantly AGRI-BASED? 

a. Ilocos Region c. Cordillera Administration Region 

b. Cagayan Valley d. Batanes Islands 

311. The Philippines is in the PACIFIC PLATE. As a consequence, it is prone to ________

a. flood c. typhoons 

b. volcanic eruptions d. earthquakes 

312. In its mountains you MINE GOLD. It also supplies most part of Luzon, with FRESH  FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES because of its climate. Which province is this? a. Apayao c. Mt. Province 

b. Benguet d. Ifugao 

313. In which region does the BIG PROCESSION OF THE LIFE-SIZED STATUE OF THE  BLACK NAZARENE who is carried by barefooted men, take place every 9th of January and  every Good Friday? 

a. Cebu c. Bicol 

b. NCR d. Bohol 

314.Cebu is to Sinulog as ______ is to DINAGYANG 

a. Panay c. Laguna 

b. Iloilo d. Bohol 

315. Where do devotees to Sto. Nino flock in January for its “ATI-ATIHAN”? a. Aklan c. Tagbilaran 

b. Tacloban d. Cebu 

316. Complete this analogy: Nile River: World-______:Philippines 

a. Amburayan River c. Cagayan River 

b. Rio Grande of Mindanao d. Agusan River 

317. Which place in CALABARZON was named “SPECIAL SCIENCE and NATURE CITY” of  the Philippines? 

a. Los Banos c. Pagsanjan 

b. Tagaytay d. Kawit 

318. What is the BUKIDNON PLATEAU known for? 

a. Strawberry plantation c. orchidarium 

b. banana plantation d. pineapple plantation 

319. Why is WALIN-WALING considered the “QUEEN OF PHILIPPINES ORCHIDS”? a. it blooms rarely and when it blooms, it lasts 

b. it is the most colorful orchid 

c. it is the most fragrant orchid 

d. it is the rarest and most expensive orchid 

320.Which one serves as the RICE GRANARY in NORTHEAST Philippines? a. Cagayan Valley c. Cordillera Admin Region 

b. Nueva Ecija d. Ilocos Region


321. Which CORRECTLY describes the Philippines? 

I. the topography of the Philippines is not monotonous in the sense that it is rugged II. The coastline is long and rugged 

III. The word “variety” applies to its flora and fauna 

IV. Its climate is warm but some elevated parts of the country are cool 


a. I, III and IV c. I,II,III and IV 

b. I, II and IV d. II, III and IV 

322. Which region is known for its “ABEL ULES”(WOVEN BLANKETS)?

a. Central Plain c. Cagayan  

b. Cordillera d. Ilocos 

323. Which characteristics are common to UNDERDEVELOPED REGIONS of the country?

I. Lack of infrastructure 

II. Preserved natural resources 

III. Lack of access to technologies, markets and credits 

a. I,II and III c. II and III 

b. I and III d. I and II 

324. Which province is identified with the TREACHEROUS MOUNTAIN TRAIL which is  OCCASIONALLY DAMAGED BY LANDSLIDES during the rainy season consequently  interrupting the delivery of FRESH VEGETABLE supply to the lowlands including Manila?

a. Mt. Province c. Benguet 

b. Kalinga d. Ifugao 

325. Which province is helped developed by the advent of LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL  TOURISTS WHO GO SURFING in SIARGAO Island? 

a. Misamis Oriental c. Surigao del Sur 

b. Agusan del Sur d. Surigao del Norte 

326.Which province in the CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION is KNOWN FOR ITS  RICH NATURAL RESOURCES but its development is somehow hampered by several factors  including TRIBAL WARS? 

a. Mt. Province c. Kalinga 

b. Abra d. Apayao 

327. What makes CENTRAL PLAIN, the RICE GRANARY OF THE COUNTRY? a. Rio Grande de Pampanga and Agno Grande 

b. Agno Grande 

c. Pantangan Dam 

d. Rio Grande de Pampanga 

328. AS PRESERVED IN BISAYAN TRADITION, which ISLAND WAS BOUGHT BY TEN  MALAY DATUS FROM BORNEO who left Borneo with their families due to discontentment  under the TYRANNICAL RULE OF SULTAN MAKATUNAW? 

a. Panay c. Cebu 

b. Masbate d. Bohol 

329. Which was REJECTED BY THE FILIPINOS under the Spanish rule?

a. introduction of democratic ways and liberal ideas 

b. free and compulsory instruction through the public school system

c. taxation without representation 

d. abolition of the tobacco monopoly 

330.Corazon Aquino is to Freedom Constitution as FERDINAND MARCOS is to  _____________ 

a. Subservience to America c. Ties with Asian Nations

b. New Society d. Filipino First Policy 

331. In whose term the celebration date of PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE DAY CHANGED  FROM JULY 4 TO JUNE 12? 

a. Diosdado Macapagal c. Carlos P. Garcia 

b. Ferdinand Marcos d. ElpidioQuirino 

332. Complete this analogy:  

Manuel Roxas : Loyalty to America 

Carlos P. Romulo: ________________ 

a. New Society c. Freedom Constitution 

b. Filipino First Policy d.Establishing ties w/ Asian  


a. Graciano Lopez Jaena c. Antonio Luna 

b. Jose Rizal d. Marcelo H. del Pilar 

334. In which ORDER did the following OCCUPY THE PHILIPPINES? 

a. Spaniards, Americans, Japanese, British 

b. Spaniards, Americans, British, Japanese 

c. British, Spaniards, Americans, Japanese 

d. Spaniards, British, Americans, Japanese 

335. Which of the following events in recent Philippine history was the LATEST? 

a. Declaration of Martial Law by presidential proclamation 

b. Ratification of Visiting Forces Agreement 

c. Termination of RP-US Military Bases Agreement 

d. End of martial rule through EDSA people power revolution 


a. Juan Luna c. Marcelo del Pilar 

b. Antonio Luna d. Gregorio del Pilar 

337. Who was the liberator who engage himself to Filipinos with the fulfillment of his famous words, “I SHALL RETURN”? 

a. President Roosevelt c. President Quezon 

b. General MacArthur d. General Yamashita 


a. Simeon Ola c. ArtemioRicarte 

b. Macario Sakay d. Miguel Malvar


339. The NEGRITOS OR AETAS are known to be the earliest inhabitants of our islands. After  them, WHO CAME FIRST AS PERMANENT SETTLERS? 

a. The Malays c. The Chinese 

b. The Indonesians d. The Spaniards 

340. In which SEQUENCE did the ff. EVENTS occur? EsPhilConJap 

I. Establishment of the First Philippine Republic 

II. Control of the Philippines was transferred to the U.S. by virtue of the Treaty of Paris III. Philippine revolution against Spain 

IV. Japanese occupation of the Philippine Islands 


a. I, III,II and IV c. III,I,IV and II 

b. II,I,IV and III d. II,I, III and IV 


a. Love for fast food 

b. Love for basketball 

c. Prevalence of noodles 

d. Prevalence of Spanish surnames among Filipinos 

342. Who among the Presidents of the Philippines was known for his LOVE FOR THE “LITTLE MAN” and OPENED MALACANANG PALACE TO ALL 

a. Ferdinand Marcos c. Ramon Magsaysay

b. Carlos P. Garcia d. Elpidio Quirino 


a. Carlos P. Garcia c. Claro M. Recto 

b. Pardo de Tavera -PATA d. Leon Ma. Guerrero Jr. 

344. Which statement is CORRECT? 

a. Gov. Howard Taft was the last governor of the civil government in 1901

b. Gen. Douglas MacArthur was the first governor of the civil government in 1901

c. Gov. Howard Taft was the predecessor of Gen. D. MacArthur 

d. Gen. Douglas MacArthur was the predecessor of Gov. Howard Taft 

345.If the ff. events are arranged according to occurrence, which should come LAST? a. arrest of opposition leaders like Benigno Aquino Jr 

b. suspension of the writ of habeas corpus 

c. declaration of martial law 

d. bomb explosion during the proclamation rally of the senatorial state of the Liberal Party at  Plaza Miranda 

346. Why is the Philippines described to have the LARGEST DIASPORA NETWORK IN THE  WORLD? 

a. OFWs dollar remittances prop the nation’s economy 

b. a number of Filipinas marry foreigners 

c. Its insular nature makes its people live


347.The FIRST EUROPEANS who arrived in the Philippine history? 

a. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi c. Marco Polo 

b. Roy Villalobos d. Ferdinand Magellan 

348.What message did Rizal want to put across in these words? “THERE ARE NO TYRANTS WHERE THERE ARE NO SLAVES” 

a. tyrants and slaves exist side by side 

b. the Filipinos could be free only if the Spaniards would set them free c. if there are no tyrants , then there will be no more slaves 

d. freedom from Spain was in the hands of the Filipino 

349. If you accept the ownership of productive lands which is LIMITED ONLY TO A FEW RICH  FILIPINOS as contributing factor to the ECONOMIC STAGNATION of the Philippines, you will  appreciate which literary work of Rizal? 

a. To theYoung Women of Malolos 

b. The Philippine a Century Hence 

c. Sobre la Indolencia de los Filipinos-SOLAINDEFIL 

d. To the Filipino Youth 

350. Which statement is TRUE of Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere? 

a. it was a direct attack on the Spanish authorities 

b. it is a socio-historical novel 

c. it is fiction 

d. it was openly read by Filipinos and Spaniards alike 

351. What did RIZAL BELIEVE IN? 

a. the futility of fighting against Spain 

b. Compromising need for reforms for the sake of peace 

c. bloody revolution as the only means of liberation from Spain 

d. Necessity for reform 

352. In his novel El Filibusterismo, why did he make the REVOLUTION FAIL? Because he  _______. 

a. wanted to cushion the impact of his novel on the Spaniards 

b. conceived of it only as a peaceful revolution 

c. was afraid he might incite rebellion 

d. wanted to instill in the Filipino minds their unpreparedness for an armed revolution 


a. Mi Retiro 

b. A la Juventud Filipina 

c. Las Flores del Heidelberg 

d. Mi Ultimo Adios 

354. With a Filipino NATIONALISM IN MIND, who does NOT belong to the group?

a. Jose P. Laurel c. Carlos P. Garcia 

b. Manuel Roxas d. Claro M. Recto



a. Apolinario Dela Cruz c. Teodoro Patino 

b. Jose del Rosario d. Daniel Tirona 

356. In what aspect/s were Rizal and Bonifacio a CONTRAST? 

I. Aspiration for their fellow Filipinos 

II. Manner of liberating the Filipinos from Spanish oppression 

III. Educational background 

a. II and III c. III only 

b. I,II, and III d. II only 

357. Even though women of Katipunan were exempted from the pact, who PARTICIPATED IN THE BLOOD COMPACT and FOUGHT FEARLESSLY IN TWELVE BLOODY BATTLES of the revolution in Bataan including the Battle of Biak na Bato? 

a. Agueda Esteban c. Trinidad Tecson 

b. Teresa Magbanua d. Gregoria de Jesus 

358. What are the FARMER-BENEFICIARY OBLIGATIONS as owner of the  land? MAKE,PAY,PAY 

I. Divide it among his heirs 

II. Make the land productive 

III. Pay his yearly amortization on the land 

IV. Pay taxes and other government fees required of an owner of the land


a. II,III and IV c. I,II and III 

b. I,III and IV d. II and III 

359. Read these observations regarding FARMER BENEFICIARIES of the agrarian reform program. Subsistence farmers could not meet the capacity-to-pay criteria of lending institutions.  Those who did, defaulted on their payments. Corporate farms displaced tenants while high yielding varieties of crops failed to increase productivity because of higher costs. SOME FARMERS WENT TO THE EXTENT OF SELLING THEIR CERTIFICATES OF LAND TRANSFER… 

What CONCLUSION can be drawn from this observation? 

a. The rich and the landed find it difficult to part with their land 

b. The farmers need not be given a piece of land. They sell it any ways

c. For the program to be effective, land distribution must go with a scheme of financial assistance 

d. The agrarian reform program cannot improve the life of farmers 

360. Is CAPITAL build-up a requirement for membership in a cooperative?

a. No, if you are salaried professional 

b. Yes 

c. No 

d. Yes, if you NOT a salaried professional 

361. On which assumption is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) anchored?

a. In a democracy, the rich become richer and the poor become poorer 

b. Filipinos’ independence on landlords is a cultural fact 

c. men always work harder when they work on that which is their own 

d. land as a natural resource should not be owned privately


362. In a cooperative, what is the MAXIMUM term of a BOARD OF DIRECTOR?

a. Three consecutive terms 

b. one term only 

c. two terms but not consecutive 

d. two consecutive terms 

363. One of the HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 8TH SONA was a call for the extension of the  Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law. Which are perceived to be blocks in the successful  implementation of the CARL? 

I. Failure of government to provide the infrastructure and farm support services 

II. Over dependence of tenants on government funds 

III. CARL was drawn up by lawmakers who mostly belonged to the landed class and made one  in their favor 

a. I, II and III c. I and II 

b. I and III d. II and III 


a. to empower people to help themselves 

b. to give them an opportunity to test their ideas 

c. to teach people the way to riches 

d. to bring people together to discuss matters that affect them 

365. For the organization and registration of a cooperative, what is the required MINIMUM  NUMBER OF PERSONS? 

a. 25 c. 30 

b.15 d. 20 

366. The Philippines has a favorable BALANCE OF TRADE when __________ a. its merchandise imports exceed its merchandise exports 

b. its merchandise exports exceed its merchandise imports 

c. it has huge reserve of gold 

d. its merchandise imports equal its merchandise exports 

367. A COUNTRY DOES NOT NEED TO SPECIALIZE IN EVERYTHING. She needs to concentrate on that thing which she is good at. This thought is in line with the economic principle of ____________ 

a. profit and loss c. supply and demand 

b. opportunity and cost d. comparative advantage 

368.Which policy does the government observed when IT PUMPS EXCESS RESERVES INTO THE BANKING SYSTEM? ____policy 

a. expasionary monetary  

b. fiscal 

c. contractionary monetary 


369. When economic system is based on FREE ENTERPISE? 

a. mixed economies c. capitalism 

b. communism d. globalism 

370. Which of the ff. is a DISADVANTAGE of organizing a BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP?

a. if one partner dies, the remaining partner/s is responsible for continuing the business

b. taxes are higher than on proprietorships 

c. each partner is responsible for business actions taken by the other partners

d. it is easier to raise investment capital when the business is a proprietorship 

371. Complete this analogy:  

Maximum price : Price ceiling 

Minimum price : ____________ 

a. consumer price c. price tax 

b. price floor d. trade floor 

372. Which phrase in economics embraces the ff. NATURAL RESOURCES, CAPITAL, LABOR  FORCE AND TECHNOLOGY? 

a. assets c. liabilities 

b. goods d. productive resources 

373. What is GNP in economics? 

a. General National Product, a way to detect a country’s economic growth b. Gross National Product, a way to determine a country’s productivity 

c. General National Product, a way to detect a country’s productivity 

d. Gross National Product, a way to determine a country’s economic growth rate 

374.With SOCIAL INTERACTION IN MIND, which does NOT belong to the group?

a. conflict c. competition 

b. accommodation d. projection 


a. relativity c. valuing process 

b. integration d. diversity 

376. Which is referred to when we claim that there is NO SINGLE UNIVERSAL STANDARD to  be used to judge any culture? 

a. cultural universalism c. cultural diversity 

b. cultural relativism d. ethnocentrism 

377. Which words goes with GEMEINSCHAFT?-----community (shared experiences) I. Intimate 

II. Secondary 

III. Personal 

a. I and II c. I and III 

b. I only d. III only 

378. Risking his life, a FILIPINO BOY DIVES INTO A POOL of water to save a drowning boy.  Which trait does he demonstrate? 

a. Bahala na c. flexibility 

b. Bahala na with pagmamalasakit


379. “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW”, says Principal. She imposes the penalty to all children  deserving of penalty but exempts the son of her COMARE from the same penalty that he  equally deserves. What Filipino trait is shown? 

a. Utang na Loob c. lack of discipline 

b. Extreme personalism d. colonial mentality 

380. A foreigner once remarked: “I ENVY FILIPINOS. THEY CAN SLEEP ANYWHERE”. What  Filipino trait is being praised? 

a. Faith in God c. Joy and humor 

b. Adaptability d. Creativity 

381.Which is the ULTIMATE AIM of the Constitutional mandate on SOCIAL JUSTICE?

a. to reduce the gap between the rich and poor 

b. to eradicate poverty 

c. to attain social equality 

d. to conscienticize the rich to share their wealth with the poor 

382. “ TRABAHO LANG WALANG PERSONALAN” is a reminder for every Filipino to counteract  his _______ 

a. lack of discipline 

b. extreme personalism 

c. tendency to be lazy 

d. tendency to overwork 


a. the tendency to regard a foreigner as someone who is superior 

b. the tendency to work under the sun all day 

c. the tendency to pull down one who has gained some status or prestige

d. the tendency to be careless and carefree 

384. “ SIR , AGKAKADUA TAYO” said a group in an audience of teachers whom Sir Allan is  address. To which Filipino trait does the group’s comment insinuate? 

a. family orientation c. religionalistic orientation 

b. adaptability d. passivity 

385. Which can work against MERITOCRACY? 

I. Nepotism 

II. Padrino System 

III. Accountability 

a. I, II and III c. II and III 

b. I and III d. I and II 

386. Santos-Cuyugan wrote “ The Filipino in the 1960’s has developed REVERSE  ETHNOCENTRISM”. Which one proves this?  

a. the Filipino hates things foreign 

b. in line with the bilingual policy. The Filipino prefers to speak in Filipino

c. The true, the good and the beautiful to the Filipino is what looks Caucasian. d. Street names and military training commands are in the vernacular 

387. Which is a proof that Philippine Laws have given WOMEN EQUALITY WITH MEN in terms  of rights? 

a. the husband’s prerogative to choose the family residence in now a joint decision with her  husband in consultation with their children 

b. the wife’s prerogative to choose the family residence in now a joint decision with her husband  in consultation with their children 

c. the husband’s prerogative to choose the family residence is now a matter for both  husband and wife to decide 

d. the husband’s prerogative to choose the family residence is now transferred to the wife. 

388. Which problem is created when FILIPINAS ARE LEGALLY OR ILLEGALLY SENT TO  OTHER COUNTRIES as mail order brides and end up in prostitution houses?

a. Piracy c. human trafficking 

b. Terrorism d. white slavery 

389. Which can work against MERITOCRACY? 

I. Nepotism 

II. Padrino System 

III. Accountability 

a. I, II and III c. II and III 

b. I and III d. I and II 

390. In which type ofBIOME are Southeast Asia, most of South AMERICA AND AFRICA  situated? 

a. Deciduous forest---DEFO c. Savannah 

b. Taiga d. Tropical rain forest 

391. Which is the COLDEST CONTINENT? 

a. Asia, its northern part c. America 

b. Europe d. Antartica 

392. Cagayan River is to the Philippines as ______ is to the UNITED STATES. 

a. Mississipi River c. Amazon River 

b. Williamite River d. Colorado River 

393. What are the EFFECTS OF THE SEAS AND THE OCEANS of the European continent on  world history? 

I. Europeans controlled vast majority of land in the world 

II. Europeans are known to be less carnivorous 

III. Traces of European culture are visible nearly everywhere in the world

a. I and II c. II and III 

b. I and III d. I,II and III


394. If ANTARTICA is land of ice that reaches thickness of about two kilometers, what  CONCLUSION can you draw? 

a. the oceans are full of fish 

b. residents in there have already adapted to the cold environment 

c. the land is full of vegetation that has adapted to the environment 

d. only scientists conducting research stay in Antartica 

395. Which statement on DESERTIFICATION is correct? 

a. it is man-made ecological degradation 

b. it is synonymous to drought 

c. it is a natural hazard 

d. it is caused by low rainfall climate 

396. For which MAIN REASON do some cities in the U.S. have an ordinance that PROHIBITS THE USE OF PLASTIC BAGS in shopping areas? 

a. people must be taught to recycle plastic materials 

b. American citizens must be taught to patronize their products 

c. government must work for the convenience of the people they serve 

d. plastic is non-biodegradable and adds to the problem of solid garbage disposal 

397. Which describes the ASIAN CONTINENT correctly? 

a. the 4 “cradles of civilization” are all in it 

b. it people has a longer life expectancy than any other continent 

c. it has more land and people and a higher population density than any other continent

d. it has two pronounced seasons, the dry and wet seasons 

398. if you want to see the impact of the MAJOR RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD in people’s way of life, in which continent must you travel? 

a. Asia c. North America  

b. Australia d. Europe 

399. With which are the KHMER ROUGE, POL POT, AND THE KILLING FIELDS associated? 

a. Vietnam War 

b. Liberation of the Philippines  

c. Cambodian Genocide 

d. France 

400. Which was an equivalent of the PHILIPPINE ENCOMIENDA SYSTEM during the medieval period? 

a. Caste System c. Slave-master 

b. Feudalism d. Christian-Jew relationship 

401. Why is this present era in the world named as INFORMATION AGE?

a. emphasis in schools is acquisition of information 

b. information is at its height as a result of its accumulation through the years

c. the shift in global economy is towards the manipulation of information 

d. this is the period of correcting all erroneous information from the past


402. Which description applies BEFORE THE ADVENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION? a. Power-driven machinery 

b. establishment of banks 

c. manual manufacturing of goods 

d. factory organization 


a. Ford c. Kennedy 

b. Nixon d. Eisenhower 

404. What was the PROTEST CENTER FOR THE CHINESE STUDENTS in their fight for  reform in 1980’s? 

a. Beijing University c. Tiananmen Square 

b. Shanghai Wd. Hefei 

405. Which statement on the ASEAN is correct? 

a. its members are Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand b. this is an association of five Southeast nations for nation building

c. its members are Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, and Thailand d. This is the same as the Association of Southeast Asia 

406. Does the Philippines consider itself as STAUNCH ALLY OF THE U.S.?

a. before, yes but now no more 

b. yes, only after US pulled out its bases from the Philippines 

c. Yes 

d. No 

407. With PRICE OF COMMODITY AS POINT OF REFERENCE, which does NOT belong to  the group? 

a. monopoly c. anti-trust laws 

b. high supply d. low demand 

408. if the price of TIDE DETERGENT IS HIGHER THAN SURF, the tendency is to buy Surf  instead of Tide. This illustrates __________ effect. 

a. substitution c. income 

b. utilization d. inflation 

409. Which does NOT go with FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM? 

a. private individuals risk their own resources 

b. competition is the regulator of economic activity 

c. motto is laissez faire 

d. the state interferes 

410. What is most likely to take place in a period of ECONOMIC BOOM? a. Total spending rises 

b. Production slows down 

c. cases of unemployment rise 

d. consumers refrain from spending


411. What does a nation experience if the SUPPLY OF GOODS AND SERVICES BECOMES  SMALLER than the demand for them? 

a. Recession c. Inflation 

b. Boom d. Depression 


412. Which was the FIRST HOMINID with marked expansion of the brain?

a. Homo Sapiens c. Homo Erectus 

b. Homo Habilis d. Neanderthal man 

413. What does an ANTHROPOLOGIST do when he studies society from an insider’s view? 

a. he interprets findings from the viewpoint of the society which he studies 

b. he uses other’s worldview to interpret findings 

c. he analyzes his findings against his own worldview 

d. he asks an insider to interpret research findings 

414. Which are characteristics of humans which other primates do NOT have? I. use language 

II. use fire 

III. manufacture and decoration of objects 

a. I and III c. I,II and III 

b. I and II d. II and III 


a. Old Stone Age 

b. Middle and New Stone Age 

c. Bronze Age 

d. Iron Age 

416. HITLER’S MOVE to ELIMINATE THE JEWS was an act of _________

a. genocide c. suicide 

b. ethnocide d. infanticide 

417. When a Filipino gets HURT AND DISORIENTED with the brutal frankness of a Western,  he experiences ______________ 

a. culture shock c. electric shock 

b. cardiogenic shock d. mental shock 

418. The FILIPINO IN AMERICA ARE NOW AMERICANIZED while the Americans who come  to the PHILIPPINES GET FILIPINIZED. This process is called ___________

a. assimilation c. integration 

b. enculturation d. acculturation 

419. For PEACE AND HARMONY, what did Gautama Buddha teach? 

a. love your self 

b. love thy self 

c. hatred ceases only by love 

d. do nothing and you accomplish everything


420. Alejandro Roces once said: YOU ADD ONE JAPANESE TO A FILIPINO, AND THE  RESULT IS LESS THAN ONE HALF. What Filipino trait is referred to? 

a. lack of teamwork among Filipinos 

b. inability to develop friendship with foreigners 

c. unforgiveness for past colonizers 

d. lack of trust in foreigners 

421. Is this argument in COURT valid? 

“Your honor, how can the prosecution dare try to send this poor, defenseless child to jail for the  murder of his father and mother? Have a heart! The boy is now an ORPHAN.”

a. No, this is faulty reasoning, appeal to force 

b. Yes, nobody can disagree 

c. No, this violates the rules of logic, an appeal to popular belief 

d. No, this is a fallacy an appeal to pity 

422. From whom did we learn the love for lavish FIESTAS OR CELEBRATIONS? a. The Americans c. the Japanese 

b. The Spaniards d. the Malays 

423. The TAOIST WAY to harmony in society is inaction. The ff. illustrate Lao-tsu’s inaction  EXCEPT 

a. let people be themselves 

b. subdue and conquer nature 

c. do not interfere in the life of others 

d. do nothing to disturb the course of nature 

424. COCKFIGHTING as a Filipino sport is an influence of the ___________

a. Japanese c. British 

b. Spaniards d. Chinese 

425. To attain PEACE AND HARMONY in society, what is Confucius advice?

a. love your enemies 

b. do nothing and you accomplish everything 

c. do not do to others what you do not like others do to you 

d. known thyself 

426. IT DID NOT RAIN, THE GROUND IS NOT WET. Is this a valid conclusion?

a. yes, because rain makes the ground wet 

b. no, because if there was rain, the ground should be wet 

c. yes, rain is associated with wet ground 

d. no, there are other ways by which the ground can get wet other than rain 

427. What is the ONE-CHINA POLICY? 

a. maintaining diplomatic relations with the Republic of China 

b. Acknowledging that mainland China is the Republic of China 

c. acknowledging that mainland China, Hongkong, Taiwan and Macao are governed by the  People’s Republic of China 

d. acknowledging that the peoples’ Republic of China consists of Macao, Taiwan and Hongkong 

428. Which place in CHINA are said to be CRADLES OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATION?

a. Huang Ho and Yangtze Valleys

b. Nile Valley 

c. Tigris-Euphrates Valley 

d. Indus Valley 

429. What do the JAPANESE people believe about themselves? 

a. they are a blending of the East and the West 

b. they are a superior race 

c. they are like the cherry blossoms every spring time 

d. they are descendants of the gods and goddesses. 

430. From which country do we buy CEYLON TEA? 

a. India c. Bhutan 

b. Maldives d. Sri Lanka 

431. Which statement is TRUE of MAHATMA GANDHI? He was the Asian nationalist who  advocated ________ 

a. non-violence as the way to change 

b. violence as the way to change 

c. education as the way to progress 

d. information technology as the way to progress 

432. With which country is her relationship with the Philippines strained as a result of the  COUNTRY’S CLAIM OVER SATAH? 

a. Borneo c. Indonesia 

b. Malaysia d. Brunei 

433. Which became the MAIN OBJECT OF EUROPIAN COLONIAL RIVALRY in the 16th and  17th centuries for its spices? 

a. Moluccas c. Malacca 

b. Macao d. Mexico 

434. Which is the statement is TRUE of MINDANAO? 

a. is the second biggest island in the country 

b. it is the third largest island in the country 

c. it is the biggest island in the country 

d. it is where the smallest deer is found 

435. What is the primary GOVERNING LAW on agrarian reform at present? a. Presidential Decree No. 27 

b. Agricultural Land Reform Code 

c. Agricultural Tenancy Act 

d. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform law 

436. Which terms refers to the PERIOD OF TRANSITION FORM the USE OF HUMAN AND  ANIMAL POWER to the USE OF MACHINE in producing and distributing goods? a. nuclear revolution c. industrial revolution 

b. agricultural revolution d. information revolution 

437. Which among the ff. are examples of MATERIAL CULTURE? 

a. mores c. sentiments 

b. clothing d. folkways


438. Who is the CAPITALIST THINKER who said the “ THE COMBINATION OF SELF INTEREST, PRIVATE PROPERTY, AND COMPETITION AMONG SELLERS in markets will  lead producers as by an “INVISIBLE HAND” to an end that they did NOT intend, namely, the  well-being of society”. 

a. Thomas Malthus c. Adam Smith 

b. Karl Marx d. Vladimir Lenin 

439.With which group are you if you for the RIVAL OF THE CLASSICS?

a. The rationalist c. The positivists 

b. The humanist d. The reformist 

440.Under what form of government does the COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT of the  Philippines fall? 

a. republican democracy in the form under the parliamentary type 

b. republican democracy in form under the presidential type 

c. direct democracy in form under the presidential type 

d. direct democracy in form under the parliamentary type 

441.Which event explains why sociologist F. Landa Jocano debunked the theory that the  MALAYS were the ancestors of the early Filipinos? 

a. the discovery of fossil relics in Pangasinan and Cagayan Valley 

b. The formation of land bridges during the Ice Age 

c. The ice melting submerging land bridges some 25,000 years ago 

d. The unearthing of the human fossils of the Tabon Man 

442. The Philippines is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation(ASEAN). Which  are the other members? 

a. Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, China 

b. Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan 

c. Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand (BIMST) 

443.Which is the statement about CARTEL is WRONG? 

a. cartels restrict available supply 

b. cartels bring down the selling price of the product 

c. cartels raise the selling price of their product 

d. cartels have a monopoly on their product 

444. Which is said to be the LARGEST PHILIPPINE BIRD? 

a. The Kalaw c. The Tipol 

b. The Owl d. The Katala 

445. The Philippines has abundant sunshine all year round. Because of this FILIPINO has the  tendency _______. 

a. to work very hard 

b. plan for his life 

c. to have prolonged rest from work 

d. to save for tomorrow



a. survival of the fittest c. functionalism 

b. social evolution d. biological evolution 


a. China c. India 

b. Thailand d. Burma 

448. WHEN YOU JUDGE BY RESULTS, regardless of your relation to the people involved, which Filipino trait do you counteract? 

a. particularism c. non-rationalism 

b. personalism d. supernaturalism 

449. According to Montesquieu, which continent is said to be “THE INTELLECTUAL CENTER OF THE WORLD”? 

a. North America c. Europe 

b. Australia d. Asia 

450. Napoleon Rama once wrote of FILIPINOS OVERSTAYING IN TAIPEI CHARGED AND  DEPORTED. It was fellow Filipinos who kept reporting to the Chinese police. To what Filipino  trait does this behavior point? 

a. Lack of unity c. heroism 

b. Apathy d. pride 

451. Which is the statement about Rizal is FALSE? 

a. In Spain, Rizal’s anti-clericalism increased 

b. his advice of no gambling to his countrymen in Spain fell on deaf ears 

c. writing to his brother Paciano, Rizal dared to criticize his mother’s religious devotions

d. despite his increasing anti-clericalism in Spain, he sticked to the external practices of his  childhood faith. 

452. FOUR MAIN ELEMENTS make it possible for a nation’s economy to grow. They are  natural resources, capital, labor force and __________. 

a. technology 

b. productive resources 

c. gross domestic product 

d. gross national product 

453. Who said “THERE ARE NO TYRANTS WHERE THERE ARE NO SLAVES”? a. Jose Rizal c. Andres Bonifacio 

b. ApolinarioMabini d. Marcelo del Pilar 

454. What powers were common to the DATU of the pre-Spaniards period and the  GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Spanish colonial era? 

a. executive, judicial, military 

b. executive, legislative, military 

c. executive, legislative, judicial 

d. executive, legislative


455. Under whose leadership was PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE proclaimed on June 12, 1898? 

a. Andres Bonifacio c. Jose Rizal 

b. Emilio Jacinto d. Emilio Aguinaldo 

456.Which refers to the POWER OF THE COURTS to INTERPRET THE CONSTITUTION AND  TO DECLARE ANY LEGISLATIVE OR EXECUTIVE ACT INVALID because it is in conflict with  the fundamental law? 

a. power of judicial review 

b. rule-making power 

c. power of administrative supervision 

d. quasi-judicial power 

457. The 1987 Constitution created a body with the power to CONFIRM MAJOR  APPOINTMENTS of the President. What is this body called? 

a. Commission on Appointment 

b. Blue Ribbon Committee 

c. Civil Service Commission 

d. Electoral Tribunal 

458. The FAMILY INTO WHICH ONE IS BORN is called the ____ 

a. family orientation c. nuclear family 

b. family of procreation d. extended family 

459. In classical Athens, who emphasized the individual’s attainment of EXCELLENCE  THROUGH RHETORIC, GRAMMAR, MUSIC AND MATHEMATICS? 

a. Plato c. The Sophists 

b. Socrates d. Aristotle 

460. Which statement on FILIPINO REVOLTS against Spain is CORRECT?

a. No revolt was suppressed by the Spaniards 

b. some revolts were cause by personal reasons 

c. there was only one reason for the revolts, that of oppressive taxation 

d. the Spaniards without assistance from the natives quelled these revolts 

461. Which one does NOT happen during a recession or a depression? 

a. production slows down 

b. total spending drops 

c. people lose their jobs 

d. business rake bigger profits 

462. Which Philippine forest resource is known as the “ REPUBLIC TREE”?

a. Narra c. Ipil-ipil 

b. Mahogany d. Yakal 

463. Which does NOT held true to Philippine society in Rizal’s time? 

a. The nation was drafted for manual labor 

b. elite class exploited the masses 

c. the indios earned the respect of the Spaniards 

d. Spaniards exacted all forms of taxes and tributes


464. In what way does the executive of the nation have a LEGISLATIVE POWER? a. global solidarity c. cultural relativism 

b. ethical relativism d. acculturation 

465. SOCIAL JUSTICE, the centerpiece of the 1986 Constitution, demands the reduction of the widening gap between the rich and the poor. This effort leads to the building of ________.

a. a modern society c. a classless society 

b. an egalitarian society d. a society of equals 

466. In what way does the executive of the nation have a LEGISLATIVE POWER? a. enforces the laws 

b. exercises general provision over all municipal, provincial, and city governments c. approves or vetoes the bill passed by Congress 

d. prepares annual budget of government 

467. Which river is claimed to be a commercially important ARTERY FLOWING THROUGH  MANILA? 

a. Apalit River c. Agno River 

b. Pasig River d. Marikina River 

468. What was Pres. Magsaysay’s “LIBERTY WELLS” campaign? 

a. the provision of wells to localities with local government counter part

b. the provision of uncontaminated water supply for a thousand localities through private  initiative 

c. the provision of wells for schools free of charge 

d. the provision of wells in schools with the assistance of parents 

469. Which term refers to LIFE ZONES- all plants, animals, other organisms, and the physical  environment in a particular area? 

a. Tundras c. Biomes 

b. Savannas d. Ecosystems 

470. What is CULTURALLY AND POLITICALLY FRAGMENTED REGION shaped by the collisions of stronger aggressive external powers? 

a. Southeast Asia c. Shatterbelt 

b. Spratlys d. Buffer Zone 


a. Japanese c. Spanish 

b. American d. Pre-Spanish 

472. On what ground was the election of ANDRES BONIFACIO AS DIRECTOR OF THE INTERIOR protested? 

a. Age c. Civil Status 

b. Lack of qualification d. Residence 

473. HOMO ERECTUS developed from the _________. 

a. Homo habilis c. Homo  

b. Homo Sapiens d. Austrolopithecine


474. Which of the ff. EVENTS WAS FIRST TO OCCUR? 

a. the execution of Rizal at Bagumbayan 

b. the Cry of Balintawak 

c. the trial and execution of Bonifacio 

d. the proclamation of Philippine Independence at Kawit, Cavite 

475. Which term refers to the REDUCTION OF THE SENTENCE imposed to a lesser punishment? 

a. Commutation c. Suspension 

b. Pardon d. Reprieve 

476. “ THERE ARE NO TYRANTS WHERE THERE ARE NO SLAVES”, said Rizal during the  Spanish period. What MESSAGES did Rizal want to put across? 

a. The Filipinos needed to reform themselves 

b. there will always be tyrants 

c. the slaves preferred slavery to freedom 

d. there will be slaves 

477. Which of the ff. taxes is imposed by LOCAL GOVERNMENTS? 

a. real property tax c. documentary stamp tax 

b. service cooperative d. Income tax 

478. Most of the parents in your school are FARMERS. For agricultural supplies they are  provided by a cooperative which SELLS THEIR FARM PRODUCE AT THE SAME TIME. Of  which type of a cooperative are they members? 

a. marketing cooperative c.multi-purpose cooperative 

b. service cooperative d. producers cooperative 

479. The TIME ORIENTATION of the Filipino is ________ rather than mathematical.

a. situational c. psychological 

b. personal d. natural 

480. In World War I, which was NOT among the Central Powers? 

a. Italy c. Germany 

b. Austria d. Hungary 

481. The state is likened to a HUMAN BODY which consist of three important parts: the head, seat of reason and wisdom; the chest, seat of the will and courage; and abdomen, seat of appetite and temperance. Just as the human body is healthy when its three parts function in harmony, so will a state be good if all its members function in accordance with the three components.- the rulers, auxillaries and workers. Whose teaching was this?

a. Jesus Christ c. Plato 

b. Socrates d. Aristotle 

482. Which assumption underlines the COMPREHENSIVE AGRARIAN REFORM PROGRAM? a. land ownership stimulates investments and greater productivity 

b. land as a natural resource should not be owned privately 

c. there are many idle lands in the country 

d. share tenancy contributes to high morale of farmers more than lease tenancy


483. The ff. describe membership in a cooperative EXCEPT________. 

a. open c. inclusive 

b. exclusive d. voluntary 

484. With which group of foreigners did our ancestors TRADE EXTENSIVELY BEFORE THE  COMING OF MAGELLAN? 

a. The Spaniards c. The Mexicans 

b. The Negritos d. The Chinese 

485. Which REFORM was introduced in the 1987 Constitution? 

a. the establishment of a parliamentary form of government 

b. the extension of the term of Senators to three 

c. the issuance of search warrants also by responsible officers as may be authorized by law d. the recognition of the right of government employees to form associations, unions or societies for purposes contrary to law 

486. Which describes the phenomenon of “ HURRIED CHILDREN”? 

a. retaining kids in kindergarten who are not ready to advance to first grade b. raising the age for enrolling in kindergarten 

c. too much pressure of excel at an early age 

d. enrolling children at Day Care Centers 

487. Though the GALLEON TRADE (1565-1815) the Philippines extended historical contracts  with ______ 

a. Portugal c. Mexico 

b. India d. China 

488. Which island was the scene of the FIRST LANDING OF US TROOPS when they  recaptured the Philippines from the Japanese? 

a. Cebu c. Leyte 

b. Samar d. Mindoro 

489. Social Justice is a mandate imposed by the 1987 Constitution. Which measure does NOT promote it? 

a. equitable distribution of wealth and political power 

b. development of a sense of dependency on dole outs of individual citizens c. creation of economic opportunities for all citizens 

d. elimination of cultural inequalities 

490. Which is the LONGEST FLOWING RIVER in the Philippines? 

a. Rio Grande de Bulacan 

b. Rio Grande de Nueva Ecija 

c. Rio Grande de Pampanga  

d. Cagayan River 

491. Which is the ROYAL AUDENCIA in our time? 

a. Supreme Court c. Court of Appeals 

b. Sandigan Bayan d. Regional Trial Court


492. Which are the basic principles that underlines the NEW CONSTITUTION? I. Sovereignty of the people 

II.Recognition of the aid of the Almighty God 

III. Union of Church and State 

a. II,III c. I,III 

b. III d. I,II 

493. The “PRESIDENT” during the pre-Spanish period is 

a. Gobernadorcillo c. Datu 

b. Alcalde d. Barangay Captain 

494. Who ORDAINED AND PROMULGATED THE 1986 CONSTITUTION as gleaned from the  Preamble? 

a. The Almighty God 

b. The Constitutional Convention delegates 

c. The Sovereign Filipino People 

d. The Philippine Government 

495.Which statement WRONGLY tells something about the history of Korea?

a. after Japan’s defeat in World War II Soviet troops occupied Northern Korea while U.S. military  occupied the South 

b. In 1948 two separate governments were found 

c. China annexed Korea for many centuries 

d. After several border clashes, North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950 

496. Other than Cordillerans, which group said to HAVE NOT BEEN SUBJUGATED BY THE  SPANIARDS. 

a. The Tagalogs c. The Ilocanos 

b. The Visayans d. The Muslims 

497. If Soliman heroically fought to death the Spaniards in Manila, who readily welcomed the  Spanish conquerors because HE THOUGHT IT WAS FUTILE TO RESIST A SUPERIOR FOE?

a. King Tupas c. DatuPuti 

b. DatuSumakwel d. Lakandula 

498.What happens to the PESO when there is INFLATION? 

I. The purchasing power of the peso decreases 

II. The purchasing power of the peso increases 

III. The peso get devalued 

a. I, II c. III 

b. II d. I 

499. Which types of resolution is RATIFIED IN THE SAME MANNER AS A BILL?

a. Simple c. Joint and Simple 

b. Concurrent d. Joint 

500. When compared with other countries in size in the PHILIPPINES is smaller than _____

a. Indonesia c. South Korea 

b.Vietnam d. Thailand


501. The COLLAPSE OF THE WORLD ECONOMY in the 1930’s is referred to as ________ a. The Cold War c. Black Death 

b. Great Depression d. Bubonic Plaque 

502. Where was the FIRST FILIPINO REPUBLIC inaugurated? 

a. Kawit c. Malolos 

b. Biak na Bato d. Tejeros 

503. Who was ALL TOGETHER THE LAWMAKER, chief executive and judge of pre-Hispanic barangays? 

a. Datu c. Teniente de barrio 

b. Bathala d. Maharlika 

504. a NEW INVENTION REPLACES MANY WORKERS. It takes time for these workers to  learn new skills and find other jobs. This referred to as 

a. cultural deprivation c. cultural revolution 

b. cultural lag d. diffusion 

505. The DATU is for the pre-Spanish as ______ is for the Spanish period. 

a. King c. Queen 

b. Royal Audiencia d. Governor-General 

506. Which constitute a QUORUM IN EACH HOUSE OF CONGRESS? 

a. one-third of the members of each house 

b. two-thirds of the members of each house 

c. a majority of each house 

d. three-fourths of the members of each house 

507. Because of its natural resources, the PHILIPPINES is basically an __________ country.

a. agricultural c. industrial 

b. commercial d. mining 

508. Which type of family is claimed to tend to encourage the development of  OVERDEPENDENCE ON OTHER? 

a. consanguinial c. conjugal 

b. nuclear d. extended 

509. He had the MEN OF MACABEBE who stood up against the whole Spanish army with their  bolos and spears against the long riffles of Spain. He was a admired by the Americans to be  real man. He DIED IN THE WATER AT BANKUSAY. Who is he? 

a. Rajah Sikatuna c. Lapu-Lapu 

b. Rajah Humabon d. Rajah Soliman 

510. The principle of CHECKS AND BALANCES is intended to maintain balance among  executive, legislative and judicial departments of the government. Which one is a CHECK ON  THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT BY THE JUDICIARY? 

a. determining the salaries of the President and Vice President 

b. declaring a legislative measure unconstitutional 

c. declaring an act of the president unconstitutional 

d. impeaching the President

511. The function by which schools HELP CHILDREN TO PARTICIPATE EFFECTIVELY IN  LARGER SOCIETY is called 

a. Socialization c. enculturation 

b. education d. acculturation 

512. Which work of Rizal is said to be AN ANGRY MAN’S PERSONAL DEBATE ON  WEATHER OR NOT A VIOLENT REVOLUTION would solve the Philippine crisis through the  Spanish period? 

a. Junto Al Pasig 

b. El Consejo de los Dioses 

c. El Filibusterismo 

d. Noli Me Tangere 

513. PRO-POOR PROGRAMS of the Philippines government are meant to a. eliminate poverty 

b. reduce the disparity between the rich and the poor 

c. make everyone equal 

d. make everyone live in a affluence 

514. After World War II, which country was OCCUPIED AND ADMINISTERED BY THE  UNITED STATES with the emperor assuming a primarily symbolic role as the head of the  monarchial state? 

a. Thailand c. Korea 

b. Cambodia d. Japan 

515. The ff. are cooperative principles EXCEPT_______ 

a. democratic control 

b. unlimited interest on capital 

c. cooperative education 

d. open and voluntary membership 

516. Which does NOT belong to Region XI? 

a. South Cotabato c. Agusandel Sur 

b. Davao City d. Surigao del Sur 

517. Some police officers WIRETAPPED some phones without lawful order of the court or for a  cause prescribed by law. What constitutional right may have been VIOLATED?

a. right against illegal search 

b. right to privacy of communication 

c. right to due process of law 

d. freedom of speech 

518. The CHINESE MINORITY GROUP in the Philippines ADOPTS THE LANGUAGE,  HISTORY AND MANNERS of man stream Filipino culture as its own. 

a. Acculturation c. amalgation 

b. Alienation d. accommodation 

519. SIQUIJOR was formerly a sub-province of  

a. Eastern Samar 

b. Guimaras 

c. Negros Oriental

d. Negros Occidental 

520. The SPANIARDS organized the many independent barangays under one government so  that they could impose their rule much more easily. For the Filipinos, this OPENED THE  OPPORTUNITY TO 

a. enjoy freedom under the Spaniards 

b. participate in running the government 

c. be united in thoughts and feelings as one nation 

d. become partners toward progress with the Spaniards 

521. In which instances are the exemptions of certain entitles and properties from taxation  CORRECTLY applied? 

a. a property leased by the owner to another who uses it exclusively for charitable purpose is  exempt from property tax 

b. a property owner uses his income for religious or charitable purpose and so is exempt from  income tax 

c. the owner of a property leased to another exclusively for charitable purpose is exempt from  income tax 

d. A and B 

522. Which is NOT a principle of cooperatives? 

a. exclusive membership c. democratic control 

b. cooperative education d. limited income on capital 

523. Which is given the SOLE POWER TO DECLARE EXISTENCE OF A STATE OF WAR? a. Senate c. House of Representative 

b. congress d. The President  

524. “WE ARE A SOCIETY OF LAWYERS BUT NOT OF LAW” claims one author. Which  Filipino trait is referred to? 

a. Small-group centeredness c. extreme personalism 

b. colonial mentality d. utangnaloob 

525. Which is the LEADING MINERAL EXPORT in the Philippines? 

a. Chromite c. Copper 

b.Iron d. Coal 


a. armaments are less expensive than desertification 

b. desertification is more expensive than armaments used in 2 days

c. if the world disarmed, we could prevent desertification 

d. armaments help a nation develop into a world power. 

527. Which islands in the Pacific did SPAIN CLAIM TO BE HERS AND LATER SOLD TO  PORTUGAL when she needed money for her various wars? 

a. Urdaneta c. Hawaii 

b. Moluccas d. Philippines


528.Where did the Spaniards establish their FIRST PERMANENT SETTLEMENT? a. Cebu c. Panay 

b. Vigan d. Manila 


a. 80% c.71% 

b.65% d. 75% 

530. Where were the FIRST SUNDIALS built in the Philippines? 

a. Tagudin, Ilocos Sur c. Naga City 

b. Baler, Quezon d. Zamboanga City 

531. WITH WHOM DID RIZAL DIFFER IN PERSONALITY AND OPINION? Their differences  led to the end of the propaganda movement in Spain? 

a. Graciano Lopez Jaena 

b. Gregorio del Pilar 

c. Andres Bonifacio 

d. Marcelo H. del Pilar 

532. In which AREA OF THE GLOBE IS THE SUN LOW in the sky with its rays slanted? a. North Pole c. Equator 

b. Middle latitude d. South pole 

533. Which assumption underlines the COMPREHENSIVE AGRARIAN REFORM PROGRAM? 

a. Filipinos dependence on landlords is a cultural fact 

b. land as a natural resource is a public property 

c. it is a sin to be rich and a virtue to be poor 

d. men always work harder when they work on that which is their own 

534. Which is TRUE to the members of the 1987 Constitutional Commission? They were

a. elected people 

b. appointed by the Commission on Appointment 

c. Nominated by the people and appointed by the President 

d. Appointed by the President Corazon Aquino 

535. Gleaned from the 1987 Constitution, what is the NEW DEVELOPMENT PHILOSOPHY?

a. development programs must be initiated from the top rather than from below

b. development is not an exclusive concern of government but more importantly of the  people 

c. development is an exclusive concern of government because it exist primarily for the people d. development programs must be initiated by the technocrats of government 

536. Which is one of the successful cartels that CONTROLS THE WORLD MARKET FOR OIL? a. World Trade Organization 

b. Organizing of Petroleum Exporting Countries 

c. Association of Southeast Asian Nations 

d. North Atlantic Treaty Organization 

537. Father Reuter wrote: “In a survey in Asia, they discovered that the happiest people in Asia  are the Filipinos. The most miserable are the Japanese. The Japanese have money. WE DON’T 


a. that the Filipinos are rich in the treasure of the spirit 

b. that the Filipinos are a healthy and happy people 

c. that the Filipinos don’t care about material wealth 

d. That the Filipinos are happy-go-lucky people 

538. Which statement is TRUE about Philippine relations? 

a. it is used to be a member of the U.N. organization, but now no more 

b. it is a temporary member of the UN organization 

c. it was admitted to the UN organization in 1971 

d. it is a charter member of the United Nations Organization 

539. Some floods are cause INDIRECTLY BY SEISMIC SEA WAVES also known as 

a. Flash floods c. Tropical cyclones  

b. Tsunamis d. Monsoons 


a. budget deficit c. inflation 

b. mercantilism d. favorable trade of balance 

541.Which basic principle was INTRODUCED BY SPAIN TO THE PHILIPPINES? 

a. Union of Church and state 

b. Separation of Church and state 

c. Separation of power 

d. slavery 


a. societies have to compete to survive 

b. societies inevitably progresses 

c. human individuals adapt but not human societies 

d. societies have to adopt to survive or else perish 


a. emissions from fossil fuels have increased almost 400% since 1950 

b. atmospheric warming increases 

c. the release of CFCs into the atmosphere 

d. industry continues to produce 2 ½ billion tons of toxic waste each year and disposes of it in the poorer countries 

544. Which is considered the MOST ACTIVE VOLCANO in the Philippines because it erupted  many times since 1915? 

a. Mayon Volcano c. Banahaw Volcano 

b. Hibok-hibok Volcano d. Taal Volcano 

544. King Tupas Brother offered himself as a captive of the king of Spain in place of his  daughter who was made captive. What does this show of CEBUANO PRE-HISPANIC  SOCIETY? 

a. Cebuano’s piety and religiosity

b. Cebuano’s longing for independence 

c. Strong personal and family ties 

d. Cebuano’s friendliness 

545. AFTER THE ICE AGE ENDED, THE CLIMATE IN NOW NEVADA AND UTAH BECAME  DRIER AND WARMER. Because large game became scarce, the Indians in those areas  became desertlike and the Indians began to roam in small bands in search for food. What does  this prove?  

a. any change in the environment of a group results in a change or changes in the group  culture 

b. a group of people’s behavior can change a fertile land into a desert 

c. a group of people when they live together will survive 

d. a group of people is so powerful that it can control changes in the environment 

546. Which may have contributed to the Filipino “KAMI-MENTALITY”? 

a. indolence 

b. our colonial history 

c. our rich natural resources 

d. island character of our geography 

547. In what FAMOUS SCARED RIVER INDIA do thousands of people gather every morning to take a bath? 

a. Indus c. Hindu 

b. Bengali d. Ganges 

548. With the VIOLATION OF THE PACK OF BIAK NA BATO and with Aguinaldo in Hong  Kong, who served as LEADER OF THE KATIPUNAN? 

a. Pio Valenzuela c. Francisco Makabulos 

b. Emilio Jacinto d. Andres Bonifacio 

549. Among the ff. local government positions during the SPANISH PERIOD, which is claimed  by historians to be the MOST CORRUPT IN THE HISTORY OF OFFICIAL CORRUPTION?

a. Alcalde Mayor c. Cabeza de barangay 

b. Corregidor d. Gobernadocillo 


a. his brother, Paciano 

b. his parents 

c. Father Gomez, Father Burgos and Father Zamora 

d. His sisters 

551. Which of the ff. statements is in accordance with the rules of logic? 

a. if all teachers are honest is true then, some teachers are honest is true

b. if all teachers are honest is false then, some teachers are liars is false

c. if all teachers are honest is true then, no teacher is honest is false 

d. if some teachers are honest is true then, some teachers are liars is false



a. the rate of tax increase as the income base or income bracket increases

b. the rate of tax increases as the income base decreases 

c. the rate of tax increase as the income base increase 

d. the tax is equal regardless of class and place 

553. The process by which DOMINANT SOCIETIES CAN SHAPED THE CULTURE of less  powerful societies is called_________ 

a. acculturation c. cultural hegemony 

b. enculturation d. multiculturalism 

554. Which part of Asia does the ARABIAN PENINSULA occupy? 

a. Southeast c. Northeast 

b. Northwest d. Southwest 

555. In the construct of “SMOOTH INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS” (SIR) proposed by Lynch  how is SIR acquired? 



III. Use of a go-between 

a. III c. I,II 

b. I,II,III d. II,III 

556. While Rizal was in exile he made his love for his countrymen visible. Which one did NOT  do? 

a. he devoted a part of his time at farming 

b. he built a clinic where he attended to his patients 

c. he built a school where he held academic sessions with his pupils 

d. he rendered free medical services to his poor and wealthy patients 

557. Which is form of MIXED ECONOMIES? 

a. Capitalism c. Communism 

b. Socialism d. Free enterprise 

558. The RIGHT TO FORM A FAMILY is an example of an 

a. imperfect right c. inalienable right 

b. alienable right d. perfect right 

559. Which region is considered THE CENTER OF CULTURAL AND COMMERCIAL LIFE in  the country? 

a. National Capital Region c. Mindanao Region 

b. Bicol Region d. Visayan Region 

560. Against which one has the WORLD DECLARED WAR, WITH U.S.A leading? a. against Ebola c. against terrorism 

b. against Aids d. against SA


561. Which is the OVERRIDING AIM of the constitutional mandate on SOCIAL JUSTICE? a. to work for social equality 

b. to authorize the taking of what is in excess  

c. to bridge the gap between rich and poor 

d. to protect a squatter in the possession 

562. According to a statistical STUDY OF TSUNAMIS, which area is most PRONE TO  TSUNAMI? 

a. the Manila Bay area 

b. The Babuyan islands area 

c. the Moro Gulf area 

d. the Lingayen Gulf area 

563. Which has ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION OVER ALL COURTS and the court  personnel? 

a.The Supreme Court 

b. the Judicial and Bar Council 

c. the department of justice 

d. the office of the President 

564. The PHILIPPINE DEEP is found in the east coasts of 

a. Panay c. Mindanao 

b. Negros d. Cebu 

565. Who among the ff. pioneered in the FIGHT FOR CLERICAL EQUALITY and the SECULARIZATION of the perishes during the Spanish period? 

a. Father Pedro Pelaez 

b. Father Mariano Gomez 

c. Father Jacinto Zamora 

d. Father Jose Burgos 

566. The “ LIGHTNING WAR” that Hitler introduced in World War II is called a. Blitzkrieg c. The Great War 

b. Scharnhorst d. Lebensraum 

567. To which factors did the Spaniards attribute the ECONOMIC STAGNATION OF THE  PHILIPPINES DURING THEIR REIGN? 

a. To the lack of unity among Filipinos and their of cooperation with Spanish officials b. To the corrupt Filipino officials and the collaboration of the Filipino elite

c. To the corrupt Spanish officials and the insubordination of the Filipino natives

d. to the indolence of the Filipinos and to their incapacity for learning 

568. Who was claimed to be the MOST LOVED GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF THE  PHILIPPINES who was known for his LIBERALISM? 

a. Jose Vargas c. Rafael Izquierdo 

b. Carlos M. dela Torre d. Simon Salazar 

569. Considering the Filipino values that were displayed in EDSA 1986, which does NOT belong to the group? 

a. Pagkakaisa c. pagkabayani 

b. Tayo-Tayo mentality d. Pagsasarili


570. What are the possible CONSEQUENCES OF WARMER TEMPERATURES? I. intense droughts in some regions 

II. destabilization of ecosystem 

III. decline or extinction of some species 

a. I,III c. I,II,III 

b. II,III d. I,II 


571. Like the DATU IN THE PRE-SPANISH TIME, the Governor-General exercised

a. executive, administrative, legislative, judicial and religious powers 

b. only executive and administrative powers 

c. executive, administrative and legislative powers 

d. executive, administrative, legislative and judicial powers 

572. Acts of TREASON, REBELLION, SEDITION, or similar acts show the actors’ disregard of  their duty and obligation as Filipino Citizen, most specifically 

a. to register and vote 

b. to defend the State 

c. be proud of the Strong Republic 

d. to be loyal to the Republic 

573. Which is the ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE OF THE Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program? a. the establishment of owner-cultivated farm 

b. the cultivation of all idle lands 

c. the abolition of shared tenancy in favor of lease tenancy 

d. the distribution of arable lands in the country 

574. In the passage of a bill, which takes place in the THIRD READING? a. only the title of the bill is read 

b. the authors’ names are read 

c. the number and title of the bill are read 

d. amendments are included 

575. Which is also known as the PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE ACT? 

a. Cooper Law 

b. Hare-Haws-Cutting Law 

c. Tydings-McDuffie Law 

d. Jones Law 


a. Labor Code c. Election Code 

b. Local Government Code d. Civil Service Law 


a. achievement is stimulated 

b. social inequalities exist 

c. cooperation is reduced 

d. personal stress is heightened


578. EMILE DURKHEIM believed that a major cause suicide in industrializing nations was the  situation where the NORMS OF SOCIETY ARE UNCLEAR OR NO LONGER APPLICABLE TO  CURRENT CONDITIONS. He called this situation 

a. Tecnicway c. Taboo 

b. Anomie d. Deviance 

579. MERITOCRACY is not yet fully operative in our systems. Which is a possible  consequence? 

a. Kami mentality 

b. pursuit of excellence 

c. adherence to “pwedena” mentality 

d. talangka mentality 

580. The Philippines adopts and pursues a policy of FREEDOM FROM NUCLEAR WEAPONS in its territory. Which is therefore is FORBIDDEN? 

a. welcoming the establishment of foreign bases 

b. the use of nuclear energy for medicine, agriculture and other beneficial services

c. the making, storing, manufacture and dumping of nuclear weapons or devices in the  country 

d. establishment of ties with nuclear countries 

581. Which of the ff. Rizal’s works was believed to the GERM OF NOLI ME TANGERE?

a. Revista del Circulo Hispano-Filipino 

b. A Filipino’s Thoughts 

c. Junto Al Pasig 

d. El Progreso 

582. Which is a Constitutional response to the WORSENING RURAL-URBAN DISPARITIES? 

a. local governments have a share in the national wealth taxes 

b. privatization of industry 

c. observance of Filipino-First policy 

d. Immigration to the cities 

583. When may stoppage and search of vehicles without warrant be valid? 

A. There is a report supplied by undercover agent 

B. Where accused is carrying bulging bags and was suspiciously quiet and nervous when asked  about its content 

C. Where the physical appearance of the accused fitted the description given in the confidential  report 

D. All of the above 

584. ESD involves topics on peace education, global citizenship and human rights in addition to  environmental education. What teaching-learning approach is recommended for ESD? A. Project Based 

B. Outcome Based 

C. Problem Based 

D. Concept Based


583. ESD involves topics on peace education, global citizenship and human rights in addition to  environmental education. What teaching-learning approach is recommended for ESD?

a. Project-based 

b. Outcome-based 

c. Problem-based 

d. Concept-based 

584. In teaching ESD what kills are considered essential for integrating effective participation in  both work and society? 

a. Assertiveness and mediation 

b. Social and emotional skills 

c. Negotiation and conflict management 

d. Stress and time management 

585. Which BEST describes the whole-school approach in teaching-learning social studies? a. It transforms the teaching and learning towards holistic life skills and values. b. It transmits changes in social institutions. 

c. It integrates goals and targets in the curriculum through projects. 

d. It demonstrates problem-based and project-based practices. 

586. Challenge-based learning builds on the practice of problem-based learning in which  students work on real world problems. What BEST describes the learning experiences of  teachers and learners? 

a. Global 

b. Integrative 

c. Collaborative 

d. Cultural 

587. In grade distribution of a class the is basic numerical data as the average of grades. a. median 

b. mode 

c. mean 

d. measure 

588. An IQ test given before admission which is used by schools to determine general  intelligence which has that measures specific attributes of students. 

a. predictive validity 

b. construct validity 

c. criterion validity 

d. aptitude validity 

588. Teacher A is analyzing income distribution which is symmetrical. Which measure/s of  central tendency will be most appropriate? 

a. Mean and median 

b. Mode 

c. Median 

d. Mean and mode


589. Schools provide pre-assessment test to determine fitness of students in college for some  courses or in high school for learning sections. This test is evaluation. 

a. formative 

b. diagnostic 

c. achievement 

d. placement 

590. In observing students as part of evaluation outside of tests, the teacher needs to be to be  fair and accurate in judging students. 

a. objective 

b. subjective 

c. partisan 

d. biased 

591. In the test-retest method for reliability if the ordering of the two tests is exactly the same  they the correlation co-efficient is 1.00 for reliability. 

a. doubtful 

b. imperfect 

c. perfect 

d. invalid 

592. It is natural for parents to want to get involved in their children's school work but teachers  need to be about skills and subjects for which students need to be assisted or reinforced. a. specific 

b. general 

c. extensive 

d. broad 

593. Which is the middle value in a set of grades representing the point of distribution where  one-half of 50% fall or are above the grade distribution of the whole class? a. Mean 

b. Median 

c. Mode 

d. Measure 

594. Which is a measure of central location computed by the greatest number of frequency in a  distribution of grades? 

a. Media 

b. Mean 

c. Mode 

d. Measure 

595. Teacher-made-test can help determine progress of student for remedial instruction if  needed. This test is for purposes. 

a. diagnostic 

b. placement 

c. formative 

d. summative


596. These are correct types of evaluation and tools used, EXCEPT . a. diagnostic :: observations, interviews 

b. formative :: teacher-made tests and checklists 

c. placement :: teacher made tests 

d. summative :: standardized tests and rating scales 

597. Which one is meant to measure the learner's awareness of values? 

a. Anecdotal record 

b. Moral dilemma 

c. Projective technique 

d. Likert scales 

598. Which assessment tools is MOST authentic? 

a. True-False test 

b. Essay test 

c. Portfolio 

d. Projects 

599. Standard deviation is to variability as mode is to . 

a. level of difficulty 

b. correlation 

c. tendency 

d. discrimination 

600. How is evaluation differentiated from assessment? 

a. Evaluation is value judgment of the quality of performance, assessment is the process  of collecting, synthesizing and interpreting information to aid in decision making. b. Evaluation is the weighing of assessment information against some standards to improve  instruction. 

c. Assessment uses scoring guide; evaluation has no scoring guide. 

d. Evaluation makes use of traditional tools, assessment uses authentic tools. 

601. What is the distinct feature of a rubric? 

a. It is a scoring guide using numerical score given to learners. 

b. It motivates learners to engage more an application and reasoning skills. c. It encourages learners' self-evaluation when they receive their report card grades. d. It has specific performance characteristics arranged in levels indicating the degree to  which a standard has been met. 

602. What skills are being recognized to prepare students for increasingly complex life and work  in the 21st century? 

a. Information literacy skills 

b. Learning and innovation skills 

c. Media literacy skills 

d. Global awareness and communication skills

603. Despite many successful reforms, President Obama wass described as a " lame- duck"  president because of by the Republican Party. 

a. ban control 

b. power politics 

c. veto power 

d. denial plot 

604. These were the effects of Thailand's 2014 National Council of Peace and Order military junta EXCEPT. 

a. ban on political gatherings 

b. nationwide curfew 

c. cessation of economic life 

d. arrest of politicians 

605. What can be done to temper the effects of massive employment of foreign Filipino labor overseas that endanger family integration? 

a. Limit overseas deployment 

b. Provide loans to OFW families 

c. Safeguard balikbayan boxes 

d. Assist OFWs in overseas work 

606. What is feasible move to stop the conflict that endangers lives in the Southern Philippines?

a. Peace talks 

b. Federal autonomy to regions 

c. Enlist Muslim fighters in the AFP 

d. Reconciliation among religions 

607. How can domestic violence best be minimized? 

a. Heavier tax on alcohol 

b. Stronger anti-illegal drugs drive 

c. Award for the Best Father and Mother 

d. Effective education on family life 


608. What initiative is needed to prevent exploitation of children workers? a. Scholarship 

b. Subsidy for children 

c. Socio-economic package 

d. Stricter law against child exploitation 

609. What can be done to prevent detention of juveniles with adult prisoners? a. Separate cells of juveniles and adults 

b. Lesson years of detention for juveniles 

c. Alternative learning system in prisons 

d. Upgrade juvenile penology program 

610. How should the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights received by RP government? 

a. Prevent intervention by the UN 

b. Support the covenant 

c. Reject criticism on human rights violations 

d. Downplay UN reports on human rights violations


611. How can Deng Xiaoping be described by advancing liberal industrialization in China as leader without holding president, premier or secretary general positions?

 a. Fascistic 

 b. Autocratic 

c. Democratic 

d. Authoritarian



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